The Mirror

Ep1 Why Loving Your Marketing Is The Key To Making It Magnetic

Emma Season 1 Episode 1

The secret to magnetic marketing isn't reliant on strategy alone; the energy you put into it matters. In this episode, I dive into how to fall in love with marketing so it becomes magnetic to the clients that are aligned with your service. 

As I mentioned, Mirrored Marketing is designed to ensure you love marketing! You can find all the details for that below. 

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  Hi, and welcome to The Mirror,  the podcast where conscious business owners learn how to practice marketing that is conscious, enjoyable, and a true mirror of the brilliance of their service.  This isn't another generic marketing podcast. This is where you learn the deep psychological principles that create effective marketing, where you can quiet the noise of the business world and tune into how to do things that are a true reflection of you. 

Where you can learn how to finally have the impact you know you are capable and worthy of having.  I'm your host Emma, a marketing expert of over a decade. I truly love what I do and I'm bursting with knowledge to share with you all. So sit back, relax and let's dive in.  Hi and welcome back to another episode. 

I realised I did my classic generator  air sign thing. And decided to create this podcast. And then just jump straight in. With recording all of the episodes. And I went straight into the deep end.  You may have heard me describe this podcast as something that should probably be a paid course because it's just contains so much knowledge. 

And I very much went in through the lens of, I love this stuff. I love marketing. I could talk about it all day. I'm always lost in papers, reading about it, expanding my knowledge, practicing it.  And I think I just kind of assumed that  everybody else will feel this way. How could you not love marketing, right? 

And then I was sitting down having my matcha, I'd just finished my meditation, a little journal, and then I was like, hold on a minute.  What is the one thing I hear more than anything?  People don't enjoy marketing.  In fact, I'd go one step further and say they dread marketing.  I was just having a cup of tea with a friend the other day and she was like, Oh, the idea of marketing the service that I want to create puts me off creating it. 

And I hear this all of the time. So often I hear people say, I love the service. I can't wait to deliver it. But that little thing in between,  That's gonna piece it all together. The marketing.  I don't want to do it. I dread doing it. I'm not good at it. I don't know how. I find it overwhelming.  And let me tell you,  loving your marketing is key to not only making your business even more enjoyable,  but to actually making it successful. 

Because if you don't love  marketing your offering with that same energy that you enjoy delivering the service itself,  That is going to be felt by potential clients. And I'd go as far as saying it is going to repel potential clients.  If you're listening to this podcast, I'm sure you are a conscious business owner of some sort, and you'll know how important energy is. 

You'll know how energy transmutes through things. If it is felt with that reluctance, that resistance, that dread, that out of alignment,  that is how it's going to be received. And that is going to have a ripple effect.  In people coming into your service.  so  Let's start by touching on Why we don't like marketing and I said we there I don't know why we said we because I do love marketing I guess because there have been times Where I have fallen out of love with it  Or I have felt frustrated about what I have seen in the marketing world.

And maybe even I've had times where I've kind of questioned my own knowledge or my own expertise and been like, wait, should I be doing that?  So I really want to paint this clear picture of why you might not be loving sharing about your service reframe as to how you can love it. Again, not just so that you enjoy it, but so that you are having more of an impact in your business. 

Now, if you watched my free class, Reconnect to Creation,  I spoke about how a lot of the marketing that we see and experience and have been taught to practice is rooted in convincing energy.  Now, when you think of the word convincing, for me, words that come to mind are force,  manipulation, and power. 

Disempowering.  And then if you think conscious business owner,  you can instantly start to see how that may cause a little bit of a contradiction.  Because I know the majority of people that come and work with me very much want to create safe spaces. They want to empower people.  They want to create invitations.

Of course, they want to have bookings in their business,  but they want to do it in a way where it feels aligned for the client,  and this isn't just a nice thing to want to do.  Research actually shows that this is essential  in increasing  brand loyalty,  brand satisfaction, brand retention.  And what this essentially means is these methods of convincing, of manipulation, you know, the general icky marketing that you witness and maybe have even practiced, I know I have as well,  that can get people through the door. 

And I had a really, really good example of this with a friend of mine recently.  I voice noted her and I was like, do you still have access to this online platform? Because I have just seen an ad for it and it was very overselling. It was making these wild promises, like really sucked me in with this, just like expectation of what this service could give.

It was really shiny marketing  and I voice noted her and I didn't give detail. I just said I'd seen an ad  and she was like, that's so funny. I saw that exact same ad and that's what made, like I bought it. I bought the course.  And I just wanted to hear how she was getting on with it, so if it was worth me buying. 

But it was super interesting because in that moment I realised something that I didn't necessarily want to admit, and that is that these marketing methods work. This ad was entirely rooted in convincing energy. It was so over the top in the convincing.  And it worked, right? There was someone who practices conscious marketing and is teaching that and embodying it. 

I was like, damn it, it  works. And I found that annoying.  So obviously I opened up all the studies and I did some research and I started to understand. And then  I realised that it works in getting people through the door.  But I am only interested in that  when it is met with satisfied customers  People that want to come back  and feel like they've done something good.

They feel aligned with what they've done.  I never want my marketing  to have got people through the door only for them to regret it.  Think poorly of the service.  Never want to come back and would never recommend.  And of course, you know, that may happen.  We're not in control of what happens with customers once they hit buy. 

But what is important to consider is that our marketing is really setting the tone.  And if people feel convinced or coerced into making a purchase,  it's gonna leave this sour feeling  that is then going to ripple through the service.  Subconsciously they're going to be looking for things wrong with it.

Looking for reasons why it doesn't work.  Versus someone who feels so aligned, who goes in with this optimistic, positive mindset.  They still may be disappointed by the service, like I said, we can't control that.  But it's these very different energies and they're also going to want to come back for more, they're going to want to purchase again, they're going to want to recommend, and they're going to have these good associations. 

And a lot of marketing is very much just,  how can we get more purchases through? Thank you.  And I have brands that have come to me that have very much done this. They've, they've had this strategy of like, right, how can we get customers? And maybe they've gone viral or they've spent lots of money on ads or these different things just to get customers through the door. 

And then they've realized something that I've always known, that the most valuable thing to a business is customers that want to recommend and return.  It's not just about getting people through the door. It's about creating communities.  Deep connections, loyalty,  and our marketing sets the precedent of that.

When people have a good feeling about entering into our service, when it feels aligned, when they feel that they've used their own inaural authority to make an aligned decision, an empowered one,  it sets a very different tone. to convincing energy, where it feels like they were like, Oh my God, I just, I feel like I just bought that.

And I don't even know if I want it or wow. Okay. These are some huge claims. I'm going to go in with these crazy high expectations or something just feels off about this. Even though I've bought it, I just have this like funny feeling. And maybe it's not like these conscious thoughts, like I said, but it's more on this subconscious level. 

And so when we're thinking about why we might not like marketing.  If we actually stop and think for a moment, it's because a lot of what we see is rooted in this convincing energy. And like I said, if you're a conscious business owner, there's a huge mismatch there between that energy and the energy of your service. 

This is the whole reason I created Mirrored Marketing, which is my signature plug and grow program that shows you how to market your business, not just in a way.  that gets people through the door.  But in a way that is such a true reflection, that's why it's called mirrored, such a true reflection of you and your service, that there is this cohesion between  the marketing and the delivery.

And when people feel that cohesion, when they feel like they are getting what they expected, they feel like they're getting more value, they feel more aligned. They feel a stronger resonance, they feel that loyalty, and that's what we want. 

So if you haven't been marketing in that way, that feels like a true mirror  of the service that you are providing, you can start to get this ickiness, this disconnect.  And I always say, you are the best marketing expert.  for your business. No one knows your service, your why, your passion, the energy, the transformation you create better than you. 

And this leads me on to the second reason of why a lot of people don't like marketing is that so much of the noise that we see in the marketing world leads us to forget that we are the best marketing expert of our business.  It creates these generic moulds, these formulas, these strategies, and we're trying to fit our service in those, and we just don't fully feel like it has been captured, or  we don't feel like it aligns to us, it feels really hard to follow because it doesn't come naturally,  and then marketing can very quickly feel unenjoyable, and also like it's not fully doing the brilliance of your service, the justice that it deserves. 

I hear all the time from clients that they feel overwhelmed with all the ways to market their business. And I hear that.  I've been practicing marketing for a decade and I feel that as well. Like I, I really, really get that.  And this is where I think that the online world is noisy.  And a lot of what we see on marketing, and I mean this with so much love, it is a slight call out, but I do feel like it's a necessary one,  is not true marketing. 

It's either been oversimplified in this just like, create this A point of where people are versus this B point of where they want to be and then position your service as what takes them there. Yes, that is marketing. That's very surface level.  We need to consider so many elements beneath that surface that we can only really do when we have a true, deep, embodied understanding of marketing.

And that is what mirrored marketing is designed to equip you with so that you have that too.  And so then we're like, okay, well, I'm doing that. You know, I'm speaking to this where people are, where they want to be. And it's not working  because it's too oversimplified.  Or it's so overcomplicated where it feels like this huge strategy to implement that is overwhelming, exhausting, and to be honest, probably doesn't end up being effective anyway. 

Now as I've already hinted at, I truly believe that for you to love marketing and for it to be effective in inviting clients into your business, you need to learn how to mirror the service you are delivering.  Within the marketing you are sharing.  I was recently asked on a podcast  about this topic of like, why do so many people struggle with marketing? 

And for me, it's very clear. It's that you're in your service, you're delivering it or you're planning your service and you feel lit up. You love it. You feel the passion. You know why you're doing it. You feel this deep connection. You know how genuinely impactful it can be or maybe you're seeing how impactful it is. 

And then you step out of that energy.  Maybe you get lost, lost in the noise. Maybe you're just like so ingrained in these convincing ways of doing things.  That there's instantly this disconnect between the two. 

What we want to do to love marketing and for it to be effective is to create this synergy  where all of those sensations you feel within the offering itself  are very much replicated within the way you're sharing about it. 

That, to me,  is simplifying marketing,  but it does also require us to just take a pause for a minute  and to stop focusing so much on just getting more out there, sharing more and more and more about the service,  and to instead really form that deep connection  with it,  and then to create that ripple of sharing that with the world. 

Because for people to want to buy your service, they need to feel it, they need to feel what it's like to be in the service. They need for you to speak to them in a way that they can resonate with now.  A lot of marketing speaks through the lens of practitioner. It needs to speak through the lens of potential client.

And I have a free activation called sit in the seat of your client that I will share with you below that helps you do that. Helps you really get in that seat of the client.  And when we can start to share through that lens, people can really feel the service in a way that makes them want to be in it. 

And I often say to clients, you know, someone says to you, this is so much better than I was expecting. Someone actually said this to me. They were like, I got way more than I could have ever expected or imagined from this. And I was like, you know what? That's a lovely compliment to receive.  But also, my marketing needs to be better then. 

Because I want my marketing to be the most true reflection of what the service is.  So that it's not a surprise when you walk through the doors. You're like, okay, I was expecting this.  And this is also really important for, like I said, people being able to make aligned decisions. The more we can truly mirror a service within the marketing, the more people can lean on their own inner authority  to make a decision that is an aligned and empowered one. 

People need to be equipped with information.  If we want people to be making ethical purchases, we need to be showcasing our service clearly.  And this is what exactly what mirrored marketing. guides you in being able to do, in being able to capture your service, reflect it  as best you can. Obviously there's so many deep intangible elements that, and you know, we can't predict, we can't predict exactly what's going to happen, exactly what's going to unfold, what people are going to experience, but capturing it truly to the best of our ability.

So people can A, feel it enough to want to be in it and B, feel like they're making, an aligned decision that isn't in this convincing energy, that isn't in these kind of like false promises and expectations, but is through an energy that directly replicates your service.  I often say that if people could just feel  what it was like to be in your service, if they could just have a little taster of that transformation before they hit buy,  then they're going to want to hit buy.

And I've had a client say this to me recently, they were like, do you know what? I just need people to come and experience it, and I know that they'll love it and they'll want more.  And I said to them, that means you need to make sure your marketing is as close to experiencing the real thing of your service as possible. 

That is when people will hit buy,  and it will be an aligned purchase, because they're not hitting buy through this, like, misleading false promise. They're hitting buy because they felt like it. What it's like to be in it already.  And so if you love what you do, if you are someone that's like, I know my service is good, I love delivering it,  then not only  are you so capable of loving marketing as well, but also at being really, really good at it. 

And as I said, that is really my intention here with this podcast, with everything that I create and do, is to empower you to really see yourself as the best marketing expert of your business and just to use the knowledge and the experience and the passion that you already have  to channel into marketing so that you love it and so that it's effective. 

And so I hope from this episode, you're feeling a little bit like, okay,  I'm ready to learn more about marketing. I'm ready to love sharing about my service. And this podcast is going to be sharing so much goodness on how to do that. And if you want to take a look at mirrored marketing, all the information is below as is the free activation.

Sit in the seat of your client. I would love to know if you've had any little light bulb moments through this episode or if you have any questions. I could always say DMs are open, come and have a chat. Thank you so much for listening to this episode.  I really hope that it was helpful for you and if it has made you want to find out more of the ways you can work with me, all of the information about one to one, my resources, my programs are all listed below in the show notes. 

If you found this helpful, I would really appreciate if you could take a moment just to write a review. This helps other creators just like yourselves find this podcast and have an even greater impact from their services.  I would really, really love to hear from you. Please feel free to get in touch with me over on Instagram or via email, both of which again, you can find below. 

Thank you so much for being here and until next time.