The Mirror

Why Interest In Your Service Isn't Turning Into Sales – And How to Turn That Around

Emma Season 1 Episode 3

Ever have clients that seem like a "hell yes" only to never hear from then again? Or is everyone tapping "I need this" and then crickets when you open up the sales doors? This episode is deep dive into the subconscious mind to explain why that's happening and how to turn it around so interest turns into sales.

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Hi and welcome to The Mirror, the podcast where conscious business owners learn how to practice marketing that is conscious, enjoyable and a true mirror of the brilliance of their service. This isn't another generic marketing podcast. This is where you learn the deep psychological principles that create effective marketing, where you can quiet the noise of the business world and tune in to how to do things that are a true reflection of you, where you can learn how to finally have the impact you know you are capable and worthy of having. I'm your host, Emma, a marketing expert of over a decade. I truly love what I do and I'm bursting with knowledge to share with you all. So sit back, relax, and let's dive in. Hi and welcome back to another episode. Today is going to be a deep dive into the subconscious mind. Which sounds a lot more dramatic than it is, but this is such an interesting topic that I am just forever learning more about and wanting to dive deeper and deeper into. And the reason that it is relevant to you, and one that you should also want to dive into, is because the subconscious beliefs that we have, combined with the conscious beliefs that we have, are ultimately what drives our actions. And more importantly, in regards to this marketing podcast, our purchasing decisions too. So if you aren't understanding what is going on for people in terms of their belief system and what that means for your service and the likelihood of them booking it, then you're essentially missing this huge opportunity for connection to aligned clients and for being able to inspire action in the form of purchasing. Now, there are two ways that we can kind of look at this knowledge. Quite often what we're seeing is marketers use this in a manipulative way. So really tapping into people's belief systems, the subconscious mind, and encouraging unaligned action. Or as you know, I'm for this option. We can look at it in a conscious way, and we can see how we can tap into people's beliefs to bring them into closer alignment to themselves, to help them make positive change, to create empowerment, and to also have impact through our services. Before I dive into this, I want to share that I studied this a decade ago now when I studied marketing psychology, and I've also spent so much of my time diving into the subconscious mind how our beliefs govern our actions. You know, in general life and in regards to marketing. But I have just uncovered a huge blind spot that I am experiencing currently in my personal life in regards to this, and I want to share it because I think it paints a very clear picture of actually what is going on for people during this process. So the other day I saw an offer advertised for a coaching session. Now, I've not had coaching in maybe two years. I've been having therapy that has kind of an element of coaching woven into it, but not like a specific coaching session designed to take you from A to B. I kind of had a wall where like that just didn't really resonate with me, but I'm actually a bit of a crossroads at the moment where that is very much what is playing out. I'm at this place. I know where I want to be, I know where I'm going, but I'm struggling with the execution of that. Things are feeling a little bit stuck, a little bit stagnant. So I was really feeling into support there. And in this coaching session, I was saying about this vision that I have what I am moving towards. How I feel very sure on it. Like I have all the evidence that I need, that this is what I can do, this is what I can achieve. And yet I keep getting stuck in these procrastination cycles, in this avoidance, in this very paralyzing fear. Now it turns out that over the past year and a half, I have been going through my Saturn Return and going through it until 2026, apparently, which is crazy. And I really thought I was prepared for it. I was like my whole 20s have been like this constant crumbling, this constant starting over. Yeah. I was like, this can't touch me, you know, like I'm used to this. Wow, was I wrong? I really feel like over the past year and a half, everything I've known to be true has come under the microscope. What made up my identity no longer exists. What I used to believe. I don't really believe anymore. And I feel like I've gone through this huge transformation. And when I think about this vision that I'm moving towards, I feel like I've got one foot in that vision and moving towards it. And the other just kind of like in how old Emma used to relate and move through things and what was aligned for her. And the way that I describe this is that analogy of like one door closes, another one opens. I really believe that. I really believe in it. But what I don't think is conveyed within that is that sometimes there's space in between those two actions. It's very much portrayed that it's like a door closes, another one immediately opens. But for me, what it's been like is one door has closed. And then I've spent quite a while staring at this door shut in my face with no idea of what is behind it. And that looks like me not having a strong vision, I mean not knowing what I want to do. Me feeling just completely still and like I've got nowhere to go. And now what's happened is that door has opened. So it's like I can see what's through the door. And I'm like, wow, this looks amazing. You know, like Narnia. It's like, I want to go there. Like I want to step through this threshold and go into that vision. But something is holding me back from it. I'll, like, take a step in and then go, oh, no. And of course, like I said, I've done a lot of research on the subconscious mind. But what actually transpires is that whilst I have the vision, I know what I want to be doing. The belief system that I have on a subconscious level is basically telling me that I can't do it, that I don't believe it's possible, that I'm not good enough, that the opportunities just aren't there. And this is where it can feel like that push pull energy of like one part of you is like, I want to step forward into this. This is what I want to do. This feels right. This feels aligned. And then the other parts, like, I don't think so. And essentially what's happening here is the subconscious is doing a really good job. It is goal is to protect you. And it can't think rationally in regards to that. It's just like you are unsafe. And through the lens of the subconscious mind, it is unsafe because it's different. It's out of my comfort zone. It's change. It's being vulnerable. So what it's essentially saying is you're not safe. Then you need to stay right where you are, even though that's not really serving you and it's not really what you want to be doing. This is where you need to be, and you may already be starting to see how this is really relevant to purchasing. And if you have ever thought something was really right for you, thought like, I really want to do this, I really want to buy this service or engage with this offering like it feels aligned. I know that it's gonna like, meet my needs. I know it's going to be good for me, but you just can't quite follow through with the hitting by. This is because your subconscious mind is in play, and your subconscious mind actually governs 95% of your decisions. So when we think about marketing our offerings, what we need to consider is that the conscious mind, the rational mind is actually only 5% in control. 95% of this purchasing decision is coming from a subconscious mind. So what is the difference and what does this look like within marketing? Essentially the conscious mind is the rational mind. So this is the kind of things that you can realize that you're thinking you can articulate. You're basically taking action and making decisions in a rational way. So here what you might be doing is consuming things like the description of the offering, the sales graphic, the price, the testimonials. And you're basically saying to yourself, is this what I need? Does this align with what I value? Is this going to be of service to me right now? What is my rational mind feel about how it works? What do I feel about the price? And then when we're thinking about marketing ourselves, this is, like I said, the sales graphics that will share the logistics, the kind of how it works, how much it costs, how people book, what's going to be included. Now I want to add something here because. When I am auditing people's marketing, this is something I see over and over again in regards to people's services. All they are doing is sharing the logistics of that service. So they are saying this is what it is, this is what it includes. This is how you book. This is how much it costs. Now that is speaking directly to the conscious, rational mind, which, as we've just said, governs only 5% of the decision making process. So if you feel like you are always sharing about your offering through this lens and nobody's hitting buy on it, it's because it is not considering the subconscious mind, which speaks to 95% of the decision making process. So if you actually want people to hit buy, you have to learn how to tap into this. So by contrast, the subconscious is not making rational decisions. These beliefs are beyond the surface. And what I mean by that is you may not even be aware that you have them. Your customers may not be aware that they have them. And these are often formed through past experiences, through deep, deep beliefs that have been ingrained through emotional associations that we have with things. And so this is a whole different ballgame because this is where we aren't speaking in logistics. We aren't speaking on that. Clear. This is what it is. We are speaking far, far deeper. And the way that this is so impactful is it can lead to people making decisions, like I said, that they may not be fully conscious of. And a great example of this is you go into the supermarket, you're like, I need ketchup. You automatically just go to Heinz and pick it up. The subconscious beliefs have such a huge part to play in brand loyalty. And you just automatically going to that same place. Now, when we're thinking about tapping into this, what we're actually looking at is creating a deeper emotional connection because the subconscious is very much driven emotionally. It's not rational, it's emotional. And so we need to be thinking about here how we are connecting on that level. And there's a few different ways that we can do this. And I'm going to break some of those down now. But mirrored marketing, which is my signature marketing, I can't even call it a program because it's so much more than that. It has educational videos, guided meditations and visualizations, a plug and go system, but it's all designed for you to be able to tap into your own product and service and marketing in a way that is a true mirror of it. And to be able to do this, you first need to understand people on a deep, deep level. And that is why there's a whole section that actually teaches you how to do market research. And not in like the stuffy, generic way in a way that is like deeply rooted in understanding your service. And the reason this is so important is because to be able to tap into people's subconscious beliefs in a way that is ethical and aligned. Essentially, you need to be able to understand what they are experiencing, what they believe on a deeper level. The reason a lot of marketing isn't effective is because it's based on guesswork. You're just guessing what these beliefs might be. But you need to be able to find those within conversations, within experiences, within what you observe, and the marketing research that is present in word marketing. It shows you all the questions to ask, all the conversations to have, how to kind of understand this on a deeper level. So if you're sitting here thinking, I actually don't know what my potential clients would be feeling on a subconscious level, I highly recommend having a look below. Everything is in the show notes. But essentially what we want to be doing here within marketing is firstly thinking, as I said, on the emotional appeal and the way that we do that is build resonance. And this is the first step of mirrored marketing. It is forming that connection with people. It is making people feel seen on a deeper level beneath the surface, and it is triggering these emotions within of connection. Now, what actually is happening here on a hormonal level, and I have a whole other podcast on this, is we're triggering the release of oxytocin. When oxytocin is released, trust is stronger and people are not as focused on risks. They're not kind of weighing up all of the like, oh, what about this? What about this? What about that? They are in that space of connection. The way we do this is we can tell stories. Stories speak to the subconscious far more effectively because instead of, like using your rational mind, it very much encourages you to switch off, go with the story, soak up all of the subconscious elements without our conscious mind in the driving seat. Very, very powerful. I'll be recording a whole episode on storytelling. It's just my favorite thing to do. And there's some other ways that we consider is things like the visual elements. So when we use visual elements like colors, fonts, textures, imagery, what we're actually doing is creating a sensation that speaks to people on a subconscious level. We may not be realizing what's happening here, but even just looking at color as an example, I highly recommend googling Color Psychology Wheel because you will realize how much is conveyed within a color that your conscious mind is not aware of. I love looking at ads because I will always be like, wow, that color is enticing. This emotion, this association, this connotation, without people even being aware of it. And this is really, really the power of diving into the subconscious. Things like music, music that evokes nostalgia forms and emotional connection. The subconscious mind is then on board, and all of a sudden you have this 95% purchasing power behind something. Again, remember what I said at the start here about how this can actually be used in a manipulative way as well? Like this is powerful, powerful work here. I was just speaking to a friend the other day and we were saying that, you know, like a subliminal track. So I listen to subliminal a lot. I actually record my own because it freaks me out doing ones on like YouTube, where I actually don't know what the person is saying. For those of you that don't know, a subliminal track is like you'll listen to a song. And you'll hear, maybe it's a frequency and that's all you're here is the sound of the frequency. And it sounds really lovely. But there are words, usually affirmations, recorded and then set to a pitch or frequency that your subconscious mind can only hear, so your conscious mind cannot hear it at all. It just thinks that a normal song is playing, but the subliminal is speaking to the subconscious. Now these can be really, really powerful. And this is the point of this podcast. Speaking to subconscious belief can serve people. If we look at my example that I shared at the start, those subconscious beliefs that I was having were massively bringing me out of alignment. They were completely stopping me from stepping forward to something that would really, really serve me. So being able to tap into that subconscious mind to create behavioural change is amazing. And if we can do this through things like subliminal and other subconscious methods, we can really, really be helping people on a deeper level. But of course, that means we can also be manipulating on a deeper level. And I'm not saying this to freak you out, because sometimes it does really freak me out. The fact that, like, we're absorbing so many subliminal messages and we don't know, like we see over 10,000 ads every single day, there is so much we are absorbing that we're not aware of. Right. And like that, that is quite scary. But the key here also as well is that the subconscious mind really needs repetition. So it's not enough for you to just say, okay, I'm going to believe this. It needs to be repeated daily or often. And that's why they say you need to see marketing messages over and over and over and over again before you actually hit buy. It's the same with if, you know, if you want to rewire a belief that needs to be something you repeat, you can't just sit in meditation and go, I believe this. And then for the rest of the day very much act not in accordance with that belief. It's something that you have to deeply ingrained and do over and over and over again. And so these, these real elements of creating that emotional connection, building resonance, telling stories, considering the visual elements, the sounds, the imagery, repeating those creating these same messages, these same speaking to the subconscious beliefs over and over again. Actually then starts to bring that subconscious mind on board. So when people are making purchases, they are making it from this place of like 5% conscious because people are still going to go, okay, well, what's the price? How does it work? But also with that 95% conscious as well, so that, you know, that's 100%. We've got people engaged and on board 100%. All marketing can only truly speak to these subconscious beliefs when we understand them. Though, as I just said, like we need to be doing this work to understand people and not just guessing. And so really that first step to this is understanding that and going deeper, right. We see a lot of surface level within marketing. So for example with what I was experiencing I was like, you know I'm just holding myself back. Okay. Well what's actually going on beneath the surface there. And one like really simple technique we can use here is just keep asking why I'm holding myself back from the kind of success I'm capable of. Okay. Why? Well, a part of me fears the growth. Like I actually fear growing my business. Okay. Why? Well, I don't want to be vulnerable. I don't want to be in the spotlight. I don't want to be seen too much. Okay? Why? Well, then, you know, people might criticize me. People might judge me. I don't think I'm good enough for that, you know? And the deeper we go. The clearer things become and the deeper we go, the more we can build that resonance with people. And that is why I'm so passionate with all the clients that I work with, about not just creating more and more and more and more marketing. Actually, the more you understand people on a subconscious level and what they deeply believe about themselves and how to speak to those beliefs and encourage positive, aligned, empowered change. You don't need to do as much marketing because it's such a powerful practice. So it's not about creating more and more and more. Yes, there's an element of we need to repeat the message. It's about truly understanding people on this subconscious level and understanding how we can then speak to that. So once people feel seen like it's not just a case of okay, well, don't believe that anymore, you don't believe you're good enough, just don't. It's about then expanding the capacity in a way that the subconscious mind feels safe. So maybe it's about a slight alternative way of thinking here. This gradual process that we bring people through within marketing, I always say, like marketing should mirror the transformation of your service, right? If your service gives people self-confidence, it takes people from really doubting themselves to feeling really confident in themselves. Or your marketing needs to do that. And what we're doing here is we're building this evidence bank for the subconscious. The subconscious is basically seeing threats based on the evidence that it's accumulated. What we want to do here is rewire that evidence and say, well, okay, you don't think you're good enough. What evidence do you actually have of that? What evidence do you have that you are good enough? And then eventually, as we go through it again and again, over time, we can feel these beliefs rewire and people are starting to think differently. People may want a need and benefit from your service, but if their subconscious mind is preventing them from actually taking action because it doesn't deem it to be safe, then they're not going to be hitting by. So this topic, as I said, mirrored marketing is basically designed through this lens of going deep into the subconscious. It's the whole process is wired around that. So if you want to find more about how to do that, you can take a look below. But if you have any questions on this, I know it's a big topic. And as I said, I really love to speak about it. I would love for you to get in touch, and I would love to have some conversations about this. My Instagram is also linked below. But yeah, I hope this has inspired you to go beneath the surface with your marketing. And so you actually, if you really want to be creating genuine change, knowing that this deeper understanding needs to be cultivated for you to be able to do so. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I'm excited to hear what you think and how you get on with it. And yeah, I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I really hope that it was helpful for you, and if it has made you want to find out more of the ways you can work with me, all of the information about 1 to 1, my resources, my programs are all listed below in the show notes. If you found this helpful, I would really appreciate if you could take a moment just to write a review. This helps other creators, just like yourselves, find this podcast and have an even greater impact from their services. I would really, really love to hear from you. Please feel free to get in touch with me over on Instagram or via email, both of which again you can find below. Thank you so much for being here. And until next time.