The Restaurant Guys

Andrew Zimmern: Bizarre Foods and Stories

Andrew Zimmern Episode 50

This is a Vintage selection from 2007.

The Banter

The Guys discuss Francis’ upcoming trip to the land of  prairie butter and why you want to know how to use it. 

The Conversation

The Restaurant Guys welcome famed food writer and television personality Andrew Zimmern. He tells some wild tales of the foods and animals he has encountered, but the scariest story of all took place in Dai’s House of Unique Stink. 

The Inside Scoop

The Guys get a kick out of Andrew’s brazen culinary adventures and his television antics.

“When the first line in the recipe is quarter your moose head and boil it in four gallons of water, you've got an interesting recipe,” Andrew Zimmern on The Restaurant Guys Podcast 2007


Andrew Zimmern is a chef, food writer, radio show host, author, and host of award-winning television series Bizarre Food franchise among others. He is a four-time James Beard Award winner for his television shows. He has received many Emmy nominations and won for The Zimmern List.

He is the author of several books for all ages about bizarre foods as well as an adventure book for middle school students.  

Currently, Andrew is on The Outdoor Channel’s series, Field to Fire.


Andrew’s Website

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