Onward Lebanon: An In Depth Look at Local Education
Lebanon City Schools (Ohio) Superintendent Isaac Seevers discusses local and national initiatives in education and how they impact local schools.
9 episodes
The Players Box - Part 2
Isaac Severs is joined by 3 Lebanon High School Student Athletes to discuss The Players Box program and how they've implemented the program into their experiences as student athletes.
Season 2
Episode 8

The Players Box
Isaac Seevers is joined by Josh Chasteen and Caelen King to talk about working with different personality types in athletics, at school, and at home.
Season 2
Episode 7

Strategic Noticing
Isaac Severs is joined by Susan Herrmann of Donovan Elementary
Season 2
Episode 6

Behavioral Leadership in the Classroom
Isaac Severs is joined by Clifton Franz, Principal of Donovan Elementary Schools
Season 2
Episode 5

Parenting in a Digital Era
Isaac Seevers discusses social media, screen time, and other technological effects with Parents and Teachers: Lindsay and T.J. Collins
Season 2
Episode 4

Reducing the Stigma of Mental Health
Isaac Seevers discusses Mental Health and how Lebanon City Schools are working to reduce the stigma surrounding it with Jessica Houdieshell, Jess Bacher, and Tracy Funke.
Season 2
Episode 3

Perspectives on Parenting and Leading a School in a Digital Era
Isaac Severs is joined by Alex Brunk & Tiffany Martin to discuss their experiences as a parent dealing with social media, cell phones, and technology in a constantly evolving digital era.
Season 2
Episode 2

Building Community: Supporting and Protecting our Students in the Digital Era
Superintendent Isaac Severs is joined by Alex Brunk, Tiffany Martin, and Dr. Cherie Gibson to discuss the relationship between students and cell phones in the digital age.
Season 2
Episode 1

The Lebanon Legacy Project with James VanDeGrift and Roy McCutcheon
Isaac Seevers discusses the impacts of the Lebanon Legacy project as well as the history of athletics at Lebanon with long time football coach and teacher James VanDeGrift (retired) and current school board member/former student Roy McCutcheon....
Season 1
Episode 1