The Gathering
Encouraging, edifying, inspiring, practical and fresh Bible teaching from the women in our community to women in our community. Nourish your spirit each month as we will celebrate the unity of the body of Christ with women from the various churches in our community. We want to invite you to join us as we dive into the topic, Fighting for Unity with the Armor of God.
Podcasting since 2024 • 9 episodes
The Gathering
Latest Episodes
Helmet of Salvation
In this episode Ashley teaches about the Helmet of Salvation. She begins by looking deeply at what Paul means when he describes a futile mind so that we can then understand the contrast of what it means to have a renewed mind in Chr...

Shield of Faith
In this episode, Melissa teaches about the Shield of Faith. She looks briefly at some of the common "flaming arrows" that Satan throws at women today, and how the Shield of Faith protects us both personally and in community. Then sh...
Season 1
Episode 8

Breastplate of Righteousness Part 2
In this two part teaching, we are looking at the Breastplate of Righteousness. Still seeking to answer the question, "How can I use this part of the Armor of God to fight for unity in the body of Christ?" To help us do that Melissa sought to an...