Group X Appeal

Welcome to Group X Appeal!

September 08, 2024 Group X Appeal Episode 1

Welcome to Group X Appeal, hosted by Kimberly Spreen-Glick and Terry Shorter, who have over 25 years of experience each in the health and fitness industry. This podcast will share hilarious and heartwarming stories as well as offer practical nutrition tips, expert exercise advice, and strategies for holistic well-being and a positive mindset. Get ready for inspiration, actionable steps, and resources to help you live your best life! 

In this episode, Kimberly & Terry discuss the origin of the podcast, which started quite literally as a dream! It then evolved into a platform to inspire and empower YOU. They emphasize the importance of group exercise, knowing we are stronger together, and the impact this can have on overall wellness. 

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube - @groupxappeal.

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Stay Connected with Kimberly:
- @kimberlyspreenglick on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube
- email:
- website:

Stay Connected with Terry:
- @terryshorter on Instagram & Facebook
- email:
- website:

So welcome to Group X Appeal. We're gonna have you kick this thing off. How does that sound? We're doing it. We are doing, we are like live. We're hosting a podcast. It's going down for real. Seriously. I can't believe it. I'm so glad to I'm on a microphone for once in my life. That's what this is? That's this is. So for our listener, because this could take forever, our banter back and forth. And we're gonna need way more boxes of Kleenex.

But hey, we only have one. Don't he's threatening to make me laugh. OK, so Kimberly, yes, sir. Let our listener know exactly where group X appeal came from. What is it? OK, so the whole podcast idea was a dream. know it literally, I know they say like you have a dream. I have a dream. Yes, no, this was actually a dream. So if you remember, reached out to you one morning and I'm like, hey, got a few minutes to talk today.

and we jumped on the phone and I shared with you the night before, I had had a dream and for whatever reason, this crazy dream was that you and I were hosting a podcast. And the funny thing about that is that I had never even considered doing a podcast. I've been doing online business for several years now, about six years now, and never once, I saw all the podcasts, I've had people recommend I do podcasts, and never once did I feel a desire.

to do a podcast until I woke up that morning and looked back over the night, I'm like, did I dream that? Like, was that really? Was that for real? Was that for real? And so we jumped on the phone and I'm like, so I don't know, like, what do you think? And so we decided, yeah, we're gonna go for it. Well, let's rewind a little bit because first you called me and then you say, hey, I had a dream about you. was like, Wait a minute.

Actually, I think that is how it started. is exactly how started. I apologize for that. So inappropriate. was like, wow. OK, I wasn't expecting that. well, let's hear about this dream that I Should we get a video call? No, yeah. So it was just wild. And the really cool thing is, we started brainstorming. And I think both of us are natural born collaborators. We love working with other people. We believe in the strength of coming together to do something. And so I think both of us were kind of craving that a bit. I know for sure I was. So we started brainstorming. One of the first things we needed to brainstorm was a title. What are we going to call this podcast? It's going to be like the next best podcast ever. so of course, what do I do? I go to chat GPT. Like everybody else. And we knew, here's what we knew. We knew it wanted to be about living your best life, about wellness, holistic wellbeing, being truly happy and healthy in your life. And of course our background being group fitness, we wanted to be able to draw from our experiences in the health and fitness industry over 50 years combined. Holy Jiminy crickets. 30 for her and 20 for me. See, he's trying to make it sound like I'm all so much older. I am only two two days older than him. Do not let him get it twisted. So I went to chat GPT with all those ideas. We wanted to be inspiring, empowering and about holistic wellbeing. And it spit out like 10 different podcasts, title potentials, and I sent them your way. And then you followed up with a dream of yours. Right. So why don't you share with us how we came up with a name we did. Group X appeal. 

Well, Group X appeal back in 2000, wow, 2012 was a concept that Tina and I came up with. We wanted to create a reality television show. And because we were inspired by, because I love food, by the way, we were inspired. I was inspired by Man vs Food, the guy that goes around all over the country. didn't tell me this part. I didn't? No, I don't think so. well, we saved it for the podcast. 

We would watch Man vs. Food late at night and this guy would go all throughout the country and he would take on these challenges that these different restaurants in these remote places would put on and they would challenge him to eating everything from the hottest chicken wings to the biggest burritos to the most packed pizza that you can possibly eat and he would sit down and win these challenges.

So that was one of the shows. then another show called World's Dirtiest Jobs is another one where this... You told me about that one. So this guy would go around and he would kind of experience the world's dirtiest jobs. He would get in the trenches. He would get his hands dirty and share with people what that experience was like and that people were actually doing these jobs that you would never, ever imagine. So those two shows inspired this concept called Group X Appeal where co -hosts, two people would go out into the marketplace to small mom and pop facilities, studios, all the way to big chain clubs and try out the best classes that they have to offer. The classes, the group exercise classes that their members love going to that get results from, they have their favorite instructor and you know, so that was the idea. And these co -hosts would go try these classes out. They would interview the instructor, interview the club owner or the manager of the club, some of the testimonials that came out of that particular class, and they would cover the class. And so you get everything from, you know, from kickboxing, cardio kickboxing, to strength classes, to dance classes. I mean, all across the gamut, any type of modality you can think of, they were willing to try these different classes, even if they look like a fish out of water. So that was the concept, submitted it to the writers guild and it just kind of sat because we were focused on some other endeavors, some other projects. But as soon as you called it, it hit me and I thought it all came back. my gosh. Yeah, got super excited. And then, of course, you know, the opportunity to have the chance to work with you, you know, you are literally like a living legend in our industry. Somebody I look up to, a lot of people look up to.  I'm only five seven!

Is that it? So just to have that opportunity to work on a project, because I think our passions are aligned with serving people and helping to inspire them and helping somehow, someway change their life any way, or form, I thought that would be a fantastic opportunity. So why not? Why not? Right? And of course, we talked about the fact that we both got into healthy living through group exercise classes. Absolutely.

We became friends through the world of group exercise. And so it just made all the sense in the world that that would be our jump off point to be able to get the message out to the masses of how to come together, have shared energy to live our best lives, right? Absolutely. Live our best lives, live our passion. Life is too short not to. so to be able to work with somebody who, you know, we just kind of again, share that same passion and be able to share our experiences with listeners or viewers. Hey, you too. How could we say no? Right? Absolutely. And I got to say, you know, if I'm thinking about my why for doing it, you know, the moment I felt the inspiration from the dream to partner with you to do the podcast, I've just been super excited, which I haven't been so excited about a project in a long time, which I know I've shared with you. Sure. But the opportunity to work with you. I I feel equally as blessed because like here's what y 'all don't know. And for those of you that are listening on YouTube, you've got video to match up. So if you're driving, pull over and pause because you might want to take a look closer because you have never on this face seen eye makeup this dark. Cause I don't wear much makeup in general, but in preparation. So we had a prep day a couple of weeks ago and I left here with my makeup on my chin, my eye makeup on my, because I was just crying laughing the entire time. And I suspected that this is what's gonna happen. And so I went to, of course, CVS, because I am a big spender, and I bought the That designer makeup. That's right, Love it. That's right. No Bobby Brown for me. I went and got my Maybelline waterproof. old school. I love it. Heck yeah. Mascara and eyeliner, and then I put it on this afternoon and I'm like, whoa, It's dark. looks, it looks great. if you're listening, it still there? It's still there for now, but point being, I just knew this would be so much fun. Yeah. And so it was a huge why for me. And then like you said, we both are so incredibly passionate about uplifting other people, about inspiring them, about, you know, giving them the resources, the tools, the strategies to be able to live their best, healthiest, most inspired, longest lives. And it's what we've been at for a long time. This just provides us another platform to do just that, which is really cool. So thank you. Thank you. Thanks for dreaming. I'm a dreamer. Yes, we've been doing this for a long time. And the goal is to continue doing this much longer.

Right, serving people and giving them our very best for as long as possible, God willing. So I can't wait. All right, so Terry, I have a question for you. Break it down. Break it down now. For our listener out there or our viewer, if you're on YouTube, what's in it for them? Why should they tune in and hear what we have to say? Well, I think going back to what you said, you know, provide some inspiration. You never know what people are going through in their days, in their weeks, in their months, in their lives in general. And so if we can bring a little bit of light into their lives, mission accomplished. Even just a little glimmer would make me happy and I know it for sure would make you happy as well. Some strategies, some tactical strategies where they can implement rubber hits the road immediately. You know, as soon as you're if you're listening at the at the gym right now to this podcast, or if you're driving the car, if you're doing some chores, you can literally take some of these ideas that we'll be sharing through this group X appeal podcast and implement them right away and see the changes occur and manifest like literally before your eyes, the same things that have been passed down to us that we're so excited to share with you as a listener. I mean, it's all about the things that we've learned and then wanting to pay it forward, right? it forward, for sure. I first became a wellness coach in my journey simply because I had taken an inward journey myself and started to learn about holistic well -being. I started implementing different healthy habits and rituals in my daily routine that made such a change that people saw the change. And they wanted me to start sharing with them what I was doing. And I realized that I could take what I've learned along the way beyond the physical, beyond just exercise, beyond working out and share it as well and continue to help make an impact beyond the physical, which I know we're both really passionate about as well. So when you tune in, my friend, we are wanting to make sure you leave feeling inspired, that you leave feeling uplifted, that you leave with some tips and as Terry said, some actionable strategies, some steps that you can take to better your life experience. That is what it's all about for us. And then for me, as you know, the key word is empower. By definition, empowered means that you give someone the tools, you give them maybe the knowledge, the tools, the strategy, the resources, but they then go take the action.

And I think that's what we want to do. We can't take the action for you listener. We love you. We want to, we would if we could, but we will give you all we've got so that you can then and then some, heck yeah. And then you'll have what you need to go take the action to be able to live your best life. Did I say dim sum? I must be hungry. I said then some. That sounds delicious. dim sum. Doesn't that sound good right now? It really does. Okay. Just, just so the listener knows and Kimberly knows, I love to eat...and food, food will pop up in my head. Don't you love how that's the second time during this episode he mentioned something about food? the man versus food. wow. Wow. Yeah, if you ever want to know like what national whatever food day it is, this is your guy. Yep, so dim sum. That sounds so good. So but yeah, we're not we're not going to be gatekeeping anything. We want to let the floodgates open and you know, provide you with like Kimberly said, anything and everything we possibly can to help better your life in any way, shape or form. one of the best ways for us to understand how we can help is please ask questions, let us know, and we'd be more than happy to answer them to the best of our knowledge. And if we don't know, we will seek out the answers. We'll I am not afraid to research. Right, and it's not just chat GBT. We've got some fantastic guests that we have lined up.

Throughout this show that we are thrilled about sharing with you and you're definitely gonna want to stay tuned for that. So So fun, right? No better time than now, right? Absolutely. I that this all happened right now the dream this idea coming to life on your end our availability our willingness our enthusiasm Like it is just the right time the right place the right people The right idea and we're ready to make an impact. 

So the stars are aligned and we are happy that you have joined us for this broadcast, for this podcast. This is our very first one. Well, we are broadcasting the podcast. Broadcasting the podcast. We also like to turn things into raps. Yeah. So, yeah, just for warning you. Just letting you know before, before we let loose. This is just the first one, Right. I know. Crazy. Did you just call me dude? I I did.

Did you notice my new acronym for you though in the last text or earlier text? BFAM. BFAM. I did see that and I was like, BFAM. fam? don't know. But that's it. Brother from another mother. It's what I always call him. And every time I say my brother from another mother, I am exhausted because there's so many words. And so I realized it's a pretty easy acronym. BFAM. was like, what's up Yours is SFAM. So sister from another mister. Right. All right. So BFAM and SFAM.

So SFAM and BFAM are probably about ready to sign out for this time around. I think so. So with that being said, we are absolutely thrilled that you've taken the time, the energy, the interest in listening to this very, very first podcast. And I'm hoping we're both hoping that this is just one of many to come. And we encourage you and appreciate you sharing this podcast with anybody and everybody you know as we continue to share. Like friends, family, neighbors, strangers, people on the street. Anybody, just let them know. If they in any way, shape or form want to live a healthier, happier, better life, share it. This is the place. We'd appreciate it. This is the place. So we've got the appeal here at Group X Appeal. And make sure if again, if you do have questions, comments, feedback, requests, please let us know. You can email us at and we will absolutely answer. You can also follow us online and the handles for all the social media. Group X appeal. That's it. Pretty simple at group X appeal right here. It's on the screen. If you're watching on YouTube, you can see it on the screen. If you're listening and hopefully you've been driving safely and working out safely and doing your tour safely doing your chores safely. I always try to do my chores safely. Speaking of just real fast, were we about to sign off? We were. Before you showed up. I was gonna happen. See, I was doing dishes and I splash water all over me because I don't do dishes safely. Water all over the place. Yes, I flip back the hair.

Okay, that's it for me. I'm done talking. What about you? Anything else you want to share, Kimberly? to say thank you so much for tuning in wherever it is you're tuning in, whether you're listening, whether you're watching on YouTube. We are thrilled to be here together and for you. So absolutely subscribe. Keep following us. We've got so much to offer and provide for you and we cannot wait. So let's keep meeting. Yes. And we'll see what we can do to help each other, live our best lives. Yeah, and we encourage you to make it a great day. And why, Kimberly? Because it's a great day to have. Absolutely. We'll see you again in the next broadcast. Thank you. Much love.