What are they thinking?
Our culture. The media. Democrat politicians and mouthpieces... They'd have you believe conservatives are white supremacist, racist, bigoted, homophobic, sexist, and inhuman. On purpose.
But conservatives walk among you. You're probably friends with one. Who are they? What do they think? And why do they think it?
Podcasting since 2024 • 28 episodes
What are they thinking?
Latest Episodes
#28: The real definition of "fascism" - the opposite of small government conservatism
Democrats have been calling Republicans "fascists" for as long as I've been paying attention to politics. But what does fascism really mean? And how can you call people who believe in limited government fascists?
Season 1
Episode 28
#27: The frustration of being a conservative
There are so many reasons why being a conservative is an act of frustration - from having no political party that represents you to just wanting to be left alone, free of those who want to control everything. Here's a partial list ...
Season 1
Episode 27
#26: Why conservatives are more informed
Conservatives are more informed because they have to be.Our entire culture is inundated with liberal ideas, doctrine, and thinking. And like everyone else, conservatives see it all the time.But what conservatives do that others ...
Season 1
Episode 26
#25: Republicans aren't assholes... and that's the problem
Republicans have never fought for or even articulated conservatism in any meaningful way. They're too soft and timid. Always have been. And that's the problem.We have Trump because he was the first person to fight for America. Or to com...
Episode 25
#24: Why our system will never work (or Making the Case for God)
Taking a simple look at how our system has evolved from the simplicity of representing your community to getting rich off the citizens, perhaps people just can't have any form of government. God warned us about our need for kings. ...
Season 1
Episode 24