Market Talk With Greg And Ben
A monthly podcast featuring two experienced commodity brokers, talking agricultural related topics with each other or our featured guests. Sit back and enjoy! Music credit to: Eric Sheffield
201 episodes
Backyard Crop Look With Ian Kessler
Who says you can't do a little backyard marketing? Ben is joined with Ian Kessler this week on Market Talk. Ian is a Sales Agronomist with Sound Agriculture. Ben and Ian talk about what we are seeing in the fields now, in early crop development...
Let's Talk Drought
Greg speaks with Mark Brusberg. Mark serves as the Chief Meteorologist of USDA’s agricultural weather and assessments group, a component of the World Agricultural Outlook Board. Mark helped shed light on his role as Chief Meteorologist within t...

Rate Hikes! Rate Yikes?
Fed sentiment after the 5/3 FOMC meeting will likely determine market direction in May.

Market Talk Introduces Ben?
Greg introduces Ben on to Market Talk. Ben is a young broker with Allendale and talks about what it's like diving into the commodity world after graduating from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Why All the Fuss About Crop Insurance?
Market Talk, Mike Lung talks with Lee Waters, VP of Crop Insurance at Farm Credit Illinois on this weeks podcast. We get the lowdown on new plant dates, the 2018 farm bill, and livestock revenue insurance.

Mental and Political Fatigue
The next two weeks promises lots of volatility but maybe not a lot of clarity.

I'd Buy That For $1.50
If the dollar has topped, is hyperinflation the next stage to worry about?

Mission Impossible: Covid Protocol
What are we watching as we look out toward the end the the year?

Up, Down or Don't You Know?
Is there potential to move anywhere from here before the midterm elections?

Can't Spell Down Without D-O-W
CPI data hits stocks and macro markets leaving questions of how a "soft landing" is possible

Are we entering a new phase of elevated pricing that could stick around for years?

Putin' It All Together
Putin, Inflation, Hyperinflation, The Episode Where Mike And Greg Get Bullish

Weathering The Weather
When the weather confuses you, talk to someone who studies the weather to confuse you more.

Whipsaw, illiquidity, and what the future holds
What to watch when whipsaw is pulling your attention everywhere