The Danny Palmer Show
New episodes every Wednesday. A curation of interesting/funny/inspiring things from the week and occasional interviews. Drinking/getting high while listening is strongly encouraged. https://www.patreon.com/thedannypalmershow
Podcasting since 2019 • 407 episodes
The Danny Palmer Show
Latest Episodes
A Handful Of Lives
This week on the ole pod john: 50 mg edible at a comedy show, spilled drinks, and how to lead multiple lives.
Season 1
Episode 401

Milestone Episode 400!
400 episodes in the books, kids! Four hundy!Six years almost to the date after it began the pod carries on. This week on the ole pod john: Recapping a trip to Steamboat Springs, CO; looking stupid for five days; and how to double t...
Season 1
Episode 400

Don't Let the B Get You Down
This week on the ole pod john: An inspiring tale from John Wayne, the advantages of working from home, and leveraging secrets.
Season 1
Episode 399