Scribbler's Corner at River of Grass
Scribbler’s Corner is a podcast featuring casual conversations with writers about writing, broadcast from River of Grass Studios, where two rivers meet, and you never know who’ll tie up to the dock for a chat and a fresh cup of coffee.
Podcasting since 2019 • 17 episodes
Scribbler's Corner at River of Grass
Latest Episodes
Sonja Mongar: Harmonic(a) Convergence – The Story Chooses its Genre
Award-winning novelist Sonja Mongar chats with Darlyn about her novel, Two Spoons of Bitter, and explains why she always travels with a harmonica in her pocket.
Season 2
Episode 3

Adam and Monique Madrid: Building a Creative Community
Laughing comes easily for this husband and wife creative team, who founded the LOL JAX FILM FESTIVAL in 2016 and more recently took over as Jacksonville city producers for the 48 Hour Film Project. But the work they're doing is serious business...
Season 2
Episode 2

Ben Atkinson: Science AND the Arts — You Don't Have to Choose
Ben Atkinson grew up in western Pennsylvania and currently resides in Jacksonville, Fla., with his wife and two young children. A poet with a PhD in wildlife ecology and conservation, he struggled to strike a balance between his scientific rese...
Season 2
Episode 1

Sharon Y. Cobb: Writing for TV and Movies
"I was living in Key West, and there were a lot of writers there. When I decided maybe I wanted to become a writer, I didn't know anything about writing, so I asked my neighbor, Tom (Tennessee) Williams, for his advice . . . He said, well, 'Jus...
Season 1
Episode 14

Emily K. Michael: Slow Down; Quiet Down; Pay Attention
Emily K. Michael is a blind poet, musician, and writing instructor from Jacksonville, FL. Since 2016, she has worked as the associate poetry editor for Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature. Her poetry and essays have app...
Season 1
Episode 13