Body Learning: The Alexander Technique
Body Learning: The Alexander Technique
Newly available documents about Alexander Technique developments from the 1940s - 1980s: Part 5
Amanda Cole, an Australian academic researcher, writer and performer, is the author of "Marjorie Barstow and the Alexander Technique - Critical Thinking in Performing Arts Pedagogy." She is also a long time student of both the classic and Barstow-inspired versions of the Technique. She draws on multiple sources, including a significant collection of written correspondence between F. M. Alexander, Marjorie Barstow, Frank Pierce Jones and Professor John Dewey that provides a new, and very different, perspective on the history of the Alexander Technique.
This is the fifth in a series of her conversations with Robert Rickover about her discoveries. Robert is an Alexander Technique teacher in Omaha, Nebraska. This episode focuses primarily on the influence of Professor John Dewey's influence of Marjorie Barstow's group teaching.
More information about Amanda: https://amandacolemezzo.com/
More information about Robert: https://alexandertechniquenebraska.com More information about F M Alexander: https://alexandertechnique.com/fma More information about Professor John Dewey: https://alexandertechnique.com/dewey More information about Marjorie Barstow: https://marjoriebarstow.com
More information about the Alexander Technique: https://alexandertechnique.com
Information about ordering Amanda's book from Amazon: https://marjoriebarstow.com/book
Part 1: https://youtu.be/KpKE7U0uBHk
Part 2: https://youtu.be/0KZMpPAcCug
Part 3: https://youtu.be/p2IIh8r9FKw
Part 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3fRz6W0cfs
Part 5: https://youtu.be/AyxvQv1ofak
Part 6: https://youtu.be/aEtwPff7qj8