Getting Goosebumps: The Power of Storytelling

Jorgen Sundberg - employer brand, storytelling, and talent attraction

March 15, 2018 Ph.Creative | Digital Marketing Agency Episode 57
Jorgen Sundberg. Jorgen is the Employer Brand Consultant and CEO at London-based employer brand agency, Link HumansJorgen started as a recruiter in 2003, he caught the early wave of digital marketing and tested many talent attraction tactics while managing hiring campaigns for giants like IBM, Accenture, SAP, and Deloitte. By late 2009, he thought he was convinced that when social media communicated an uncommon employer brand then talent attraction results improved.So, in late 2009, he quit his job and Link Humans. Seven years in, they've grown into a boutique agency of ex-recruiters & creatives that can help link your brand to the right humans, they say by Employer Brand Strategy, Brand Asset Creation and Recruitment Marketing Campaigns.Jorgen and I discussed the power of storytelling in employer branding and it was a thoroughly absorbing discussion. I hope you enjoy it.