Graced Health

Amy Uncut: Good? Friday

March 29, 2024 Amy Connell Season 17 Episode 52
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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, Based off of what I'm talking about today, I feel like I can't even say happy Friday. I have been sitting here with God this morning and first I apologize that this is a little late coming in, but I have been just kind of meditating on the tension, just kind of meditating on the tension of Good Friday. As we know, this day is so important to our faith and it's the Day of the Cross. We all know this and it's heavy and it pulls at you a little bit when you think of what actually happened. I mean, I'm sitting here in the morning thinking about what was going on in real time for Jesus over 2,000 years ago.

Speaker 1:

I learned a lot from Kate Bowler and really respect her work and she has done a lot of work with women in the church and particularly in the evangelical church. And she said she showed up one time at a very large mega church and went into Good Friday services and as she was walking in, as everyone was walking in, the greeters were saying happy Good Friday, happy Good Friday. And she's like there's nothing good about it Because there's not except for the hope of Easter in three days, and it's solemn and it's heavy and we still have to walk through that, right, we still have to sit in that. And yet how grateful am I for the cross and for what it means for me, and I don't know. It's just kind of a weird when I sit here and think about it. It is a tension that I don't really know how to reconcile. And maybe I don't have to, Maybe this is just the day to be cloaked by the heaviness of the cross, and that's the point of remembering today and then having that unveiled, I guess, in three days. So kind of a little bit of a different episode today for Amy Uncut, but as you know, these are my uncut thoughts. I wish I had something a little more hopeful and positive, and I don't except for Easter in a few days.

Speaker 1:

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter holiday, that you are able to spend it with the people you love. My son is not going to be here for Easter, but he is going to go see my parents tomorrow with my sister and her husband and her six-year-old, and so they're going to do like the whole Easter egg hunt thing with my parents. So I'm glad that he gets to at least be with parents or be with family, and then we will be attending church here with the three of us for our last time. To do that, Probably Well, no, I bet my younger one will come home because he's only going to school about two hours away. I bet my younger one will come home because he's only going to school about two hours away. Anyway, have a wonderful weekend. I love you all. Thank you for being a part of this community and we'll talk soon.

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