Dandelions: A podcast for women
Dandelions: A podcast for Women is a monthly podcast from writers, media personalities and friends Molly Snyder and Julie Davidson. Molly and Julie believe women and dandelions have a lot in common: strong, bright, hearty and resilient (both keep popping up even when they get stomped on). During the episodes, the Milwaukee-based women unearth the darkest of topics in the lightest, fluffiest and funniest ways possible. The show features local and national guests.
Podcasting since 2019 • 20 episodes
Dandelions: A podcast for women
Latest Episodes
Blending families like the Brady Bunch
Three women share three very stories about their blended families.

City flowers: When urban folks live in harmony with nature
Molly and Julie interview two women who live in the city, but have a big part of their heart in nature. Katie Rose grew up on a farm and it deeply affected how she operates her restaurant, Goodkind. Amy Scales and her family live in a densely p...

Adults who love Disney World
Sometimes adults, even adults without kids, get caught up in the magic of Disney World. In this episode, Molly and Julie interview two Disney fanatics who share what it is they adore about the Happiest Place On Earth.

The pandemic does strange things to people
It all started with a picnic table for her yard squirrels, and before long, Dandelions co-host Julie Davidson - along with anonymous neighbors and friends worldwide - began to correspond with and bestow gifts upon a squirrel named Sly. It seems...
Episode 16