The Sugar Show
If you’re building a business as a cosmetologist, esthetician, or wax professional, chances are you LOVE helping people feel beautiful in their own skin. But at the same time, you find yourself lying awake at night worrying where your next client will come from, wondering if you’ll be able to make rent this month, and wishing building a business didn’t feel so gosh-darn hard.Lucky for you, you’re in the right place.Your host and body sugaring expert Shannon O’Brien has taken her own skincare business from zero to multiple six figures simply by adding sugar to her treatment menu, and has helped over 3000 students learn to do the same.As a licensed esthetician, award-winning spa owner, national speaker, and spa consultant, Shannon is here to simplify the process and connect you with the right resources and education to build a profitable, self-sustaining skincare business so you can provide better services for your clients, make more money in your business, and enjoy greater balance between your work and home life.Join us each week and get your hands on the cutting-edge education you need to turn your skincare business into a smooth operation in no time!
Future-Proofing Your Business: Lessons from Life's Curveballs
Crafting Sweet Success in the Beauty World with Kasey Reynolds

Sweet Success: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities with Sugaring and SMART Goals
What You Might be Doing to Kill Your Sugaring Business

From Expert Sugarist to Sought-After Educator: Unwrapping the Secrets of a Successful Sugaring Business

The Sweet Science of Sugaring and the Microbiome

Transforming Hair Removal with Nature's Own Prebiotics
Navigating the World of Trademarks with Elizabeth Henson

Unlock Your Business Potential with Accountability and Planning in 2024

The Secret Sauce for a Successful Sugaring Business... Its not Social Media

The Beauty Professionals Guide to Dominating the Digital Realm with Grant Kantios

How to Pick a Sugar Educator and a Quality Training Program

Make Your Community work WITH You for Biz Success

Mastering Sugar Paste Texture: The Impact of Humidity and How to Control It with Courtney and Ben Leddy

Leveraging Your Website with Grant Kantios

THROWBACK: Become a Spray-Fan of Spraytan with Kelly Callaghan

Getting Over Tax Seasonal Depression with Kenesha Coleman

Embracing Your Sensitive Side with Shawna Rocha

Getting Schooled by Alexander’s Aesthetics with Tiffany Montalbano

Making Money with FB Groups with Stephanie Laynes

All About Aftercare: Why Your Performance in the Treatment Room Isn’t Enough

Lets Talk Men

THROWBACK: What to Know About a Trademark for Your Business with Joey Vitale

Smooth Operator: How Body Sugaring Can Set You Apart in the Beauty Industry

What it Takes to Become a Sugar Goddess with Courtney Leddy