Action For Wellness - The naturopath's corner

Ep 12- Ketogenic Diet

Action for Wellness Season 3 Episode 12

In recent years I have heard more and more people talking about a ketogenic diet, and more and more patients are asking if this is the right diet for them.

You know, of course, that I will not give you an unequivocal answer here, because each of us is different. But I will explain what a ketogenic diet means and when it is more or less appropriate.

In principle, our body receives energy from three main sources:

Carbohydrates (grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables ...), fats (various oils, butter ...) and proteins (animal products, legumes ...).

When carbohydrates are broken down in the body, they are digested as sugars which are burned in the processes of energy production in the body. The body usually has a sufficient supply of carbohydrates for about 24 hours, after which the body begins to break down fats to generate energy. Once this process of burning fats for energy production begins, another process occurs. The fat is converted in the liver to fatty acids and ketones. When the levels of ketones in the blood rise (ketosis, or acidosis), the heart, muscles and brain use the ketones as an alternative energy source for sugar.

This process occurs naturally in the body when it is on a fast lasting over a day - day and a half.

A ketogenic diet mimics the effect of fasting, without avoiding food - by using a high-fat diet, a sufficient amount of protein, and about 2-4% carbohydrates. This avoidance of carbohydrates "tricks" our body, and causes a change in the body’s biochemical mechanisms. We are actually forcing our body into a state of ketosis and burning fat as the main fuel source in the body instead of sugar.

The traditional ketogenic diet includes a menu that contains about 75% fat, 20% protein and about 5% carbohydrates - usually without calorie restriction. In order to reach a state of ketosis, carbohydrate intake should be reduced to 30-50 grams per day – depending, of course, on height, weight, sex and the degree of physical activity (the more extreme the avoidance of carbohydrates, the faster a state of ketosis is reached).
At the beginning of the process, you may see the appearance of headaches, brain fog, fatigue, and excessive urination (think about the symptoms you are familiar with before the end of a fast...). Adaptation to ketosis varies from person to person, and can take up to 6 weeks.

Possible benefits include weight loss, improved epileptic conditions, improved diabetes indices, and, according to recent studies, a ketogenic diet may have a positive effect in cancer and neurological diseases. If you suffer from epilepsy and have iron willpower - this diet may suit you like a glove.

Possible disadvantages include constipation (very low fibre intake!), hypoglycemia, excess cholesterol, osteoporosis, kidney stones, and possibly also pancreatitis. Long-term use of a ketogenic diet in children can lead to developmental delays. In addition, it is not possible to be on a ketogenic diet without having to take supplements in order to cover nutritional deficiencies.

In short, as usual, I do not have an unequivocal answer to the question of whether or not you should try the diet. What I can say is that a diet with which you cannot survive without taking nutritional supplements requires real consideration, and should not be embarked on without a really good reason, and without th

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Maya x

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