Action For Wellness - The naturopath's corner

Ep 16- How to avoid a heart attack

Action for Wellness Season 3 Episode 16

Ischaemic heart disease is the amongst the leading causes of death in the United Kingdom in men and women.

What exactly is a heart attack?

The progression of heart disease is determined by the progression of atherosclerosis (or to put it plainly, how much plaque is built up in your blood vessels). Heart attacks result from the formation of atherosclerosis, and of sclerotic plaques which are liable to block the passage of blood in the blood vessels to the heart. Try picturing a pipe that's clogged up with muck: whilst there's just a little, water can flow through but the flow of water will get weaker and weaker as the muck gets clogged and eventually, unless we clean the pipe, no water will be flowing through. If you need a visual, watch this short video by the British Heart Foundation.

When this happens, without the supply of oxygen from the blood, the heart tissue will die. This is a heart attack.

To read more, please visit 

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Maya x

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