Action For Wellness - The naturopath's corner

Anti-Nutrients: What Are They And Should We Avoid Them

Action for Wellness Season 4 Episode 1

Anti-nutrients are substances in food that reduce the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals.

In this episode, we  discuss what anti-nutrients are, the effects of excessive consumption, and ways to reduce or neutralise their effects. 

What are Anti-Nutrients?

We know that all foods contain nutrients - however what's less known is that some plant foods including grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes, contain compounds which are known as anti-nutrients. They are the compounds that act as a form of defence mechanism in the plant, helping to protect it from infections or consumption by animals and insects.
Anti nutrients include phytate, lectins, tannins and oxalates (and there are a few more)

For the full information head over to: 
Maya x 


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Maya x

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