

Esther Knox-Dekoning

Esther is a Chicago-based designer with an adventurous soul. Born in Canada, she lived in three different provinces in China and four U.S. states, currently Illinois. Her nomadic roots cultivated her heart to connect with people of all backgrounds and to tell their stories. Esther began her design journey working at global advertising agencies. However, she quickly realized her passion for working with smaller-scale businesses that are boots-on-the-ground changing the world. She quit her 9-5 to start her design studio to help human-centered businesses shape their stories into sensational and soulful design — changing the world each project after the other.

Jen Davis

Jen is a Florida girl through and through but currently living in Central Texas with her husband and baby boy. She swears she runs on Chick-fil’-A, sunshine, and beautiful typography. Jen and the Hello June Creative team are detail-obsessed, always on Slack, and have a passion for gif reactions. Jen loves learning from Esther, our podcast guests, and the rest of the Better community.