Every Child's Champion
For Early Childhood Teachers and the Instructional Leaders who support them. This podcast gives you a thoughtful, informative look at the most important issues and topics in the ECE field. Hosted by a 30+ year veteran with wide ranging experience in Head Start, Child Care, and public schools, Every Child's Champion brings teachers and those who care about them needed supports, encouragement, inspiration, and FUN. Each week you will be challenged to take something specific back into your workplace and put it into practice. A great place to boost your reflective practice and absorb some new info and ENERGY for the most difficult work on the planet!
Podcasting since 2019 • 31 episodes
Every Child's Champion
Latest Episodes
How to Deepen Children’s Learning and Prevent Challenging Behaviors by Facilitating PLAY
Have you ever considered that PLAY might be the missing piece in making children’s education truly effective and joyful? Join me in this episode as we explore the transformative potential of PLAY-based learning in the classroom. Reconnect with ...
Creating Joyful Classrooms: Enhancing Child Relationships and Educator Well-being
Imagine being the cornerstone of a child's development, where every action you take has the potential to shape their future. As educators, your mental, emotional, and physical well-being is indispensable. In this episode, we will delve into ...
Episode 30

On Addressing Teacher Shortages and Behavioral Challenges in Early Childhood Education
What happens when nearly one-third of early childhood educators abandon their classrooms? The alarming ripple effects of teacher shortages, inadequate training, and rising stress levels are unraveling a crisis in early childhood education. I...
Episode 29

Preventing and Responding to Challenging Behaviors: The Pyramid Model, with Deidre Harris
Teachers at all levels are seeing unprecedented levels of challenging behavior in the classroom due to the pandemic and societal changes. Fortunately, researchers have identified exactly which teacher practices will work best to prevent most ne...
Episode 28
Keys to Building Strong Relationships with Parents of the Most At-Risk Children
Engaging parents of our most "at-risk" children can be super hard. Grant-funded programs serving poor and disadvantaged, or otherwise at-risk families utilize a weighted eligibility scale for making enrollment decisions, to ensure that the need...
Episode 27