Less Stressed Life: Helping You Heal Yourself

#062 Natural Allergy Relief with Christa Biegler, RDN

May 28, 2019 Christa Biegler
#062 Natural Allergy Relief with Christa Biegler, RDN
Less Stressed Life: Helping You Heal Yourself
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Less Stressed Life: Helping You Heal Yourself
#062 Natural Allergy Relief with Christa Biegler, RDN
May 28, 2019
Christa Biegler

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Are you in the midst of allergy season? In today's episode, I explain the mechanism of what happens when you have allergies. I also cover natural remedies for allergies and how to get to the root cause to help your body manage allergies better.

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Are you in the midst of allergy season? In today's episode, I explain the mechanism of what happens when you have allergies. I also cover natural remedies for allergies and how to get to the root cause to help your body manage allergies better.

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welcome to the less stressed life podcast. This is your host, Krista Bigler, Private practice, integrated nutritionist helping people across the U. S. Reverse digestive issues. Exuma and Auto Immunity via phone and video. Consult toe, learn more. Visit less stressed nutrition dot com now onto the show. So depending on where you live, it is either coming into or just finishing allergy season. And I realized, before I take anyone on as a client, I always have a conversation with them first to understand things. And I realized I was explaining the mechanism of what happens when you have allergies so much that I am wanted to share it with you. Because not too long ago I posted about it on Facebook and Instagram, and it was a kind of popular post. So let's talk about natural remedies for allergies. And how do you get to the root cause to help your body manage allergies better. So, first of all, I actually don't have any data on this, but is it just me, or does it seem like allergies or more prevalent than maybe they used to be? And maybe I'm wrong about that, but it feels like and Maybe I live in a black hole or I see this all the time. It feels like allergies. Air kind of rampant. So allergies are gonna have a little bit of a genetic component. So if you are parents had allergies, you might have a little bit more of a predisposition to out allergic type diseases. Why is that? Because there are a couple of enzymes. I'm sorry. Enzymes are they work because your jeans kind of make them work right? Jeans like genetic code. So you get your genes from your parents or biological parents. Get a A set from kind of either side to sort of kind of. So those genes in code for the enzymes to work properly, does that make sense? It's kind of like it pulls the trigger, and then the enzyme fires essentially. And so if you have poor jeans or insufficient or sub optimal genes for Diego and H n. Empty those air. The two genes that really code for allergies, the enzyme that breaks down the stuff that's excessive and allergies. Then maybe you're gonna be in a little bit more of a disadvantage of your might. Be a little more likely to have allergies, but like so many things, it's sort of a perfect storm, right? And so what's actually going on in your actual life? Because genetics are a tendency, but they're not a destiny, right? As my friend Robin says in her episode about genetics. And so why do we? Let's look at the background, right? So we kind of sort of Noah histamine iss right, because we know what anti histamines are. Zyrtec, Benadryl, et cetera. And so histamine is this normal thing that our body should be able to eliminate on its own. Histamine is just a neurotransmitter. That means it's a natural chemical messenger that communicates messages from your brain to your body. It impacts visa violations, a swelling that'll cause readiness and inflammatory reactions. As your blood cells try to attack and find the invader so your body produces a certain amount of it, activity changes that temperature can change it. The environment can change it, which is why it's such a It's a topic on people's minds. Foods can affect it. All these things contribute to your histamine bucket, so let's talk about things like symptoms of this. Aside from allergies that can be headaches and migraines. It can be difficulty falling asleep. It can be maybe nausea, vomiting. They'll be kind of extreme abdominal cramps. I just talked to someone earlier today who's experiencing some flushing, and by this time I know that it's that it's quite a bit more significant. We see it in hives all the time. Ready? We're going a lot of skin issues and tissue swelling so on the skin. So I see a lot of skin manifestations of this going on. So how do you get rid of it? So your body should be able to get rid of it on its own, But something standing in the way, right? So you have these genes that encode these enzymes to get rid of it, but more importantly and again, a little biased work with a lot of gut imbalances and bacterial imbalances that cause this when bacterias and balanced enzymes don't work very well. So that means the worst shape that your gut is in, whether you have digestive symptoms or it's presenting us something else, like auto immunity, like a headache like fatigue like joint pain, like Sinus congestion like throat clearing. I mean, whatever the symptom is, it doesn't necessarily present in a digestive way, but your got your guy. Obviously, bacteria control a lot of things, and so when you've got an imbalance of bacteria, those enzymes aren't gonna work very well. And so that if people have bad allergies, guess what I bet they also have bad periods, right? Bad cramps, et cetera. So that's another story for another day. But it all links together then how things break down and are eliminated. So whenever I'm working on it, I like to help people manage their allergies long term. And so we work on how to improve the body's ability for those enzymes, to break down the histamines and to excrete them. But meanwhile, there are some things that you can use to help your body manage or modulate histamine a little bit better. Now, do I think that these are like long term as dressing the root cause? Not necessarily, but their helpers, right? So their helpers. And so I use a couple of products pretty commonly. Let's talk about the ingredients in them, and then I can give you the ingredient are the product names and some of them are food with different compounds in them. So let's talk about it. So you're some ingredients that are known to help modulate his demeanor, help our body manage histamines or allergy responses better because, remember, it's more of a bucket. So coarse. A 10 A very popular one. It's a flab. Annoyed, a natural compound already found in elderberries, blueberries, parsley, pomegranates and a lot of other things. It's overall anti inflammatory, but it seems to help. Your body manages to mean better. I like to use it in a combo from food sources or by using homemade elderberry every day to make elderberry syrup. You know, Ah, syrup is a really loose term because it's not really syrupy. You basically boil and simmer elderberries for a long time, and then you can afford to take it every day because you're not probably gonna find a store bought, one that's very inexpensive, expensive. It works really synergistically with vitamin C, which is also in adult elderberries, right so we can get kind of hydro's corset. In multiple places. You can get it from fennel, ginger, those air both big course of 10 sources, etcetera. Another ingredient, ISP s Burdon, which is similar to course attend. It's another bio flam annoyed, found in Citrus is that's found to provide allergy relief, Um, in doses of 100 to 600 milligrams. So the product I'm gonna recommend that has his burden in it has 100 milligrams and two caps, and I said that the good doses between 106 100. So this might mean that more people, some people, are gonna need a higher dose, right? Everyone's load of this or severity of it is a little bit different, and there's not really a one size fits all its these. There's just sort of kind of guidelines. Another one in this product is epic or from Sacramento. Survey say this is one of those patented products it's kind of hard to describe. Basically, it is kind of a fermented yeast product that some company has patented. Um, where it's been shown to boost immune health and keep human system just up. So it has also shown in studies reduction and allergy symptoms compared to US placebo at doses of 500 milligrams. Allright, finally, Indian 10 Aspire a t i n s p o r. A. In one small study of um of participants. 83% of them had complete relief from sneezing. 69% of people had a relief of Sinus just charge and 61% from stuffing us stuffiness. This is Thies Air. Significant numbers in literature honestly over the placebo group who reported the exact opposite. They didn't have any improvement and in research, usually they're just using one ingredient. So just this one ingredient was doing that, which is pretty impressive. Another product that this product that I was just talking about his piss buried in an epic or an Indian to whisper. And it also has apples, which apple extract is known also for its anti histamine properties. It is a just obviously, a fruit that's rich in antioxidants. It contains course, the 10 and vitamin C, which helps combat mass cells and histamine from different angles. So that's also in this product. This product is called pure encapsulation Zoller essentials. I find that people tend to need about 126 of them. Um, so someone asked me one time, Do I need to continue taking this, or can I go back to my Zyrtec? And I said, It just depends on what your goal is. If you want to help, your body manages to me better on its own, then keep taking this. And if you just want to block it and use an anti history and blocker, then use Zyrtec, right? So just a quick public service announcement that I always exercise caution when ordering any supplements from Amazon because anyone could set up a shop on Amazon. So you don't know if you're getting the high quality or authentic the authentic product, which is a problem with some brands more than others. Most healthcare practitioners at this point use high quality supplement dispensaries online to make things easier for their clients. You can access that from my website, krista Bigler dot com, or get it wherever you want. Doesn't matter to me, another product that works for different people. So sometimes I have people order both and see which one works better for them is de hissed from Orthomolecular. This one's kind of popular. It's got a nice dose of vitamin C with the corset in which we know work synergistically. It's got some stinging nettle, which stinging nettle isn't is in extract form has been shown to inhibit inflammatory mediators called prostaglandins that are related to that histamine response has got a really high dose of both corset in and stinging nettle. It's got an enzyme that helps break things down, and it's got just a touch of Ennis. It'll assisting very low dose of energy Little Sis ting, which is a precursor to one of the most important tanto accidents in the liver. Ah, and it has been known to help with mood, immune system and Sinus drainage, but again very, very small, just supportive amount in this product. So it's a It's a pretty darn small amount. Now, if you're histamine, bucket is really full because the environment is high and the foods that are really high and has to mean are kind of like a Christmas cheese platter. It's kind of like dairy and nuts and cured meats and dried meats, et cetera. Dried foods, cured food, soured foods. So basically she's and cured meats, et cetera, and a few veggies, different ones and nuts. Then it's gonna be hard to kind of manage it, right, so if you put more in, it's hard to get it out. If your body isn't digesting it for lack of a better word and eliminating it properly. So for me, the real root causes doing that. But this is definitely helpful for helping your body overall be able to manage this team in a little bit more on its own. And that is kind of the mechanism of action for a lot of herbs. They try to help your body do things a little bit better on their own. It really depends on what you're using them for, uh, as to how they work. But in this situation, it doesn't hurt to try them out. Hopefully, that episode wasn't too disjointed. I know it's just a short little ditty, but I wanted to be able to get that information out to you in case it's helpful. While allergy season is still in the swing, I'll see you next week on the less Stress Life podcast. Hey, and if you haven't shared this with a friend yet, now's a good time. Go to the share button and send it over to a friend that you love or that could benefit from this episode. See you soon.

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