Change My Life
Welcome to the "Change My Life" podcast!
Join us as we delve into the depths of God's unconditional love and how it can bring about positive change in our relationships, our communities, and even within ourselves. Through inspiring stories, insightful interviews, and thought-provoking discussions, we aim to ignite a spark within you to do great things!
So, whether you're seeking motivation to overcome challenges or simply desiring to make a positive impact, this podcast is for you. Together, let's embark on a journey of empowerment, inspiration and positive change.
Podcasting since 2020 • 88 episodes
Change My Life
Latest Episodes
Trailer: Change My Life
One of the most amazing things you will ever see is someone who has been changed by God. He takes you off of a path of darkness and places your feet on a path of destiny. I’m grateful He did this for me and I know he will do the sam...
Replay: Do This When Times Get Hard.
Times can get tough for everyone. It can be tempting to leave God in these times, but I want to run to Him not from Him. It may be hard for some people to tap into a praise & worship mindset. So how do you worship God in difficult time...
The Benefit Of Telling Your Story, How to Satisfy Your Validation Deficit and more! w/ Susan Hoekstra
Hmmmm... Validation and affirmation is there a difference? Is it wrong to have the desire of wanting to be affirmed? What can we do to satisfy the hunger of wanting to be noticed? Well, you can find out all of that and more in today's episode.<...