Reshape Your Health with Dr. Morgan Nolte

Zivli Program Tour & FAQ [Enrollment Closes Thursday!]

Morgan Nolte, PT, DPT

Our Zivli Diabetes Prevention & Reversal Program is OPEN now until Thursday, September 19th at 11:59 PM CT. Click below to learn more and enroll today!

Highlights From This Episode

  • Program and bonus overview.
  • "I've already tried everything, how is this different?"
  • "Can I join if I'm gluten-free, dairy-free, or have other dietary restrictions?"
  • "Can you help someone with hormone issues like hypothyroid or perimenopause?"
  • "Is 1:1 coaching available?"
  • "What's the 365-day money-back guarantee?"
  • "Do I need to be tech savvy?"
  • "Do I have to wear a glucose monitor?"
  • "Can men join this program, too?"
  • "What's the 2-for-1 partner/spouse special?"
  • "What if I can't make the live group coaching calls?"
  • "Can I join if I have a disordered eating or exercise history?" 

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I just wanted to hop on to give you a program tour and answer a few commonly asked questions about our Zivli Diabetes Prevention & Reversal program. 

Our primary goal of this program is to help you get and keep your A1c in a healthy range so you can prevent or avoid medications for diabetes, and of course prevent the negative sequelae of diabetes. 

Alright, the first question we get about Zivli is, “What’s included.” 

Zivli is our online course, community, and coaching program that helps you fix the root cause of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, which is insulin resistance. 

We teach you how to live a low insulin and inflammation lifestyle for long-term results. 

It consists of 7 core modules that are released over about 12 weeks, with a few lessons released per week to guard your time, energy, and attention. 

The modules consist of pre-recorded videos and transcripts to match your learning style. They also have Fun Sheets and bonus resources to help you implement. 

We cover in-depth and evidence-based information about nutrition including macronutrients, micronutrients, and supplements; 

intermittent fasting including how to line up your fasting with your menstrual cycle, or how to fast if you’re in perimenopause or postmenopausal for the best results. 

We also talk about more advanced fasting strategies including how and when to advance your fasting window. 

You’ll learn about how poor sleep, chronic stress, and physical inactivity contribute to insulin resistance, and our best strategies to optimize all three of these areas. 

A bonus resource we added recently is a strength training exercise bank where I show you over 30 strength training moves and how to modify each based on your fitness level and available equipment. 

We also have some sample workout routines you can follow to make getting started with strength training, or progressing your current routine, as easy as possible. 

We’ve been doing this long enough to know the primary, secondary, and tertiary questions of new, intermediate, and advanced members, so we’ve addressed all of these questions in the course content.

If you’ve been reading all the books, listening to all the podcasts, and getting overwhelmed with all the information, we hope that Zivli is your one-stop shop 

with the best of the best information on insulin resistance streamlined, synthesized, and well-organized for your learning and implementation. 

We’ve done the heavy lifting for you in combing through the books, research, and going first to make our own mistakes and learn from them. 

We’ve structured the program very strategically to help reduce overwhelm. 

One of our secrets to reducing overwhelm is that we encourage you to not take any action besides watching the course material, and coming to the live Q&A calls if you want to participate in them for the first several weeks. 

Then we teach you how to implement our Zivli Habit Hierarchy for the best results. The Zivli Habit Hierarchy is a set of 10 habits, or standards as we like to call them. 

Together, they help create your system  that you’ll implement. As James Clear says in Atomic Habits, “You don’t rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems.” 

That’s why we want you first to learn what to do, then work on implementing each of these habits well. 

Aside from the core modules, you’ll also receive access to advanced masterclasses for common weight loss sticking points including mastering your habits, 

end emotional eating, reducing carb and sugar cravings, breaking through weight loss plateaus, and maintaining your weight loss. 

New members have their own time for Q&A with me and my team each week so that we can answer any questions you have about that week’s course material. 

If you’re not able to join the call live you can listen to the replay, or email us your questions. We take customer support very seriously and are high touch-point coaches. 

If you reach out, we will be there with an answer and support.

We are experts in insulin resistance and sustainable weight loss, and care deeply about your success.

After the first 12 weeks of the course, you’ll continue to have lifetime access to the course material, including any future updates, and access to ongoing support through regular group coaching calls, 

accountability pods with other members for more intimate support to share wins, hold each other accountable and troubleshoot obstacles together, our coaching corner, and private Facebook group. 

We also have an entire recipe bank full of our favorite recipes that we actually use. 

So that’s a very brief overview of the program, let’s move onto some more frequently asked questions. 

The next question is:  “I’ve already tried everything, what’s going to be different this time?” 

Our response to that is if you haven't tried Zivli, you haven't tried everything. The reason you haven't been successful in the past is due to one of two reasons. 

Either you have mindset blocks and limiting beliefs about your ability to change your habits.

Or you've had a strategy that is not optimized for your needs and your body. 

We cover both inside of Zivli and offer personalized support for members because we truly never want you to feel stuck.

Many other programs are based on information transfer. Meaning they tell you what to do and then you try to do it. 

Ours is not like that. We give you the evidence-based information that you need to know and then we also give you a system in which to implement that information.

We give you the specific order in which to implement to get the highest return on your investment.

There are certain health habits that are foundational. We teach you how to implement various health habits including changing your mindset, 

your nutrition, your fasting window and other lifestyle factors in what we believe is the easiest order. Habits build on each other. 

If you’re stress and sleep deprived, intermittent fasting is not going to be your optimal first choice. 

If you’re not drinking enough water and eating enough protein, you don’t need to exercise more. More exercise is not the optimal choice. 

If you've ever done keto or low carb or intermittent fasting and only saw temporary results, it's likely because you didn't have other foundational habits in place first.

Nothing will work long-term if you are not consistent. Most other programs do not focus as much on consistency, mindset, and habit change as we do.

They are also not set up to support you for the long-term. They may include some training or education but then you have to pay more for a membership or you lose access to the coach.

That's not how we work. We believe that in order to see success you need long-term support and so we have structured our business model accordingly.

Zivli is a lifetime membership because we believe in supporting our members for life. We completely understand that sometimes life gets in the way of you focusing on your health. 

If that happens we will still be there for you when you're ready to come back to it.

The next commonly asked question is can I join Zivli if I am plant-based, gluten-free, dairy-free or have dietary restrictions. 

The answer is yes. We respect all religious, cultural, ethical, and personal preferences regarding your food choices. 

Again we give you the evidence and support you in whatever dietary needs you have.

We have ample food examples in our Zivli Fuel Guide, nutrition lessons, and meal planning lesson for how to live a low insulin and inflammation lifestyle even if you have or choose to have dietary restrictions. 

If you’re vegan, it will definitely be harder and you will have to get more creative with your meals than if you were to include some animal products. 

With that being said, if you’re not open to eating any animal products at all, I usually suggest you find a coach or program that’s specifically for vegans so that you don’t have to filter through the recipes and advice as much. 

Our program is unapologetically animal-based. 

We don’t necessarily teach keto or carnivore and have a more balanced approach, but we do recommend a good amount of animal protein in your diet and our recipes reflect that. 

The next commonly asked question we get is can you help someone who is having some hormone issues like Hashimoto's, low thyroid, perimenopause, or is postmenopausal. 

The answer is yes. Most of our members are women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. Although we do have some women younger and older than that, and also have some male members, too. 

Living the low insulin and inflammation lifestyle we teach will actually help with all of these hormonal issues and should be part of any comprehensive treatment plan. 

We don’t discuss hormone replacement therapy, medications, or anything outside of the scope of lifestyle changes but can help coach you in how to have those conversations with your physicians if needed. 

The next question we get is do we have one-on-one coaching available. We do have limited room for one-on-one coaching and only offer one-on-one coaching to our Zivli members. 

Something new we’re doing this enrollment season is one-on-one coaching on the back-end of the program. 

We find that the one-on-one coaching sessions are more fruitful and effective after you complete the course material and participate in the weekly group Q&A calls. 

That way you come to the table well-prepared to spend your coaching time optimizing versus learning things that are already available to you in the course. 

The next question we get is about our guarantee. We offer a 365 day money-back guarantee. 

This is a conditional guarantee because we don’t want people to join, take advantage of the content, then ask for a refund. That’s not in line with our value of integrity.

We also don’t want people to expect fast results. After all, we are recommending you go through the first 12 weeks predominantly in a learning, not implementing mode. 

So we also don’t want you to email us after 12 weeks saying you haven’t seen any results yet. 

That’s why we’re giving you a full year to do the program, participate in the group calls, and actually do the work. 

Then, after actually watching the course material (which we can see on the back-end), and showing us that you’ve done the work, you’ll be eligible for your money-back if you still don’t feel like we delivered on our end. 

The next question we get answered is do I have to be tech savvy to take this course. The answer is no. If you can answer your email, you can take this course.

To login to Zivli, you just have to remember the email and password you use when you checkout to purchase the program. 

Then you just go to our website and click login and you can access the course material. 

We also have instructional videos for how to download the phone app version so that you can listen to the trainings on the go.

We're very well-versed in tech issues so if you have any concerns or questions you can always email us and we're happy to walk you through them.

The next question is do we require any specific foods, supplements, or equipment like a continuous glucose monitor or glucometer? The answer is no. 

We get asked about supplements a lot, so we’ve included a supplements table in a resource inside of our program called the Zivli Fuel guide for your quick reference. 

We’ve organized this according to supplement use such as lower blood sugar, lower inflammation, better bone health menopause symptoms, etc. 

We also talk about common micronutrient deficiencies in the micronutrients lesson and suggest certain people, especially vegans and vegetarians, consider taking certain supplements. 

But we do not require, nor do we sell any meal replacements, foods, or supplements. We advocate you eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods.

Regarding glucose monitors, these are not required either but we are well versed in them and can help you interpret your data as needed. 

We also teach you how to interpret your blood sugar and ketone levels using a Keto Mojo device if that’s something you’re interested in learning down the road. 

The next question we often get is can men join this program, too? Yes you can! We love having people of different backgrounds and find it helpful to place men in accountability pods with each other

because they will have different challenges than women, and it’s nice to feel like you have a friend on this journey with you. Everything we teach is applicable to both men and women. 

In fact, we have a partner special where if you live in the same residence, you and your partner can do the program together with only one membership fee. 

You don’t have to be married, but you do need to live together at the same address. 

We find that when partners do the program together, they have even better results and it serves as a springboard to deepen and enhance their relationship. 

The next question is what if I can’t make the weekly group coaching calls, can I still join? 

The answer is yes. We don’t require attendance at the Q&A calls. 

Some people find the positive peer pressure and hearing questions from others very helpful, while others prefer to learn and implement on their own. 

We post replays of the calls within 48 hours and you can always email us if you have questions, too. 

You are responsible for your results. We promise to meet you at the 50 yard-line and do our part, but you have to meet us there with your effort, attention, and intention. 

The next question is can I join if I have a history of an eating or exercise disorder such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, or exercise bulimia. 

The answer is yes, but the keyword here is history. If you’re actively struggling with an eating and/or exercise disorder, I don’t recommend you join at this time. 

Instead, I’d suggest you get a program, coach, or counselor specific to those needs first. 

We were very careful to create the course content with those who have a past history of an eating or exercise disorder in mind as not to use restrictive language or other words that would activate perfectionistic tendencies. 

For example, we do not require you to track your macronutrients or calories. If you’d like to do that we teach you how. 

But we were very careful to speak to those who have a disordered eating history that this may activate them and actually be counterproductive, 

so we talk about how to use the Carb Manager app as a tool to spot check the protein or fiber in foods versus track. 

Many people falsely assume that Zivli is a diet and we’re going to tell you want to eat. Zivli is so much more than a nutrition plan. 

Sure we give you nutritional guidelines and teach you many ways to meet your nutritional needs, but we have a huge emphasis on mental and physical health, far more than simply weight loss or blood sugar management. 

Now you may still require individual counseling if you have an active eating or exercise disorder, 

and for that we’d encourage you to keep getting your regular counseling services as you go through the program. 

Even for those who have a history of an eating or exercise disorder, sometimes just increasing your focus on these areas will activate old patterns, 

And so we encourage you to reach out to a counselor who specializes in eating disorders if needed. 

The next question is when will Zivli be open again for enrollment. 

We will open enrollment again in early 2025. We want you to be able to dedicate the time, attention, and energy to this program that you deserve. 

If you don’t feel like now is the right time due to a certain life stressor, we understand. However, recognize that the timing will likely never be just right. 

Something will always come up, or be around the corner. It’s important to learn how to keep your health a top priority no matter what else is going on around you. 

You have lifetime access to the program and weekly group coaching so you can come back to the program when things slow down if you need to. 

We also offer all Zivli members to go through a reboot version of the program during each open enrollment. 

This means that if you join now, and something comes up that prevents you from fully participating, you can go through the material and get access to the weekly Q&A calls at a future date that works better for your schedule. 

We cannot guarantee the investment for Zivli won’t increase in the future, so if you want to lock in your price, now is the time to join. 

If you have other questions about Zivli I didn’t address in this episode, please email us at and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Our goal is within 1 business day. 

I’ll be back Wednesday where we’ll get back to our regular rhythm of guest interviews and educational trainings. I hope to see you on this inside of Zivli and I’ll talk with you soon!