Text Talk
2 Men; 15 Minutes; Eternal Impact. Welcome to Text Talk. Edwin and Andrew open their Bibles and talk about it. Join us for a weekday time of Biblical devotion to God.
Podcasting since 2020 • 1323 episodes
Text Talk
Latest Episodes
Psalm 125: Surrounded
Psalm 125 (The Message)Andrew and Edwin discuss what the metaphor about mountains surrounding Jerusalem means about God. Let us know what you are learning or any questions you have. Email us at Tex...
Season 6
Episode 143
Psalm 125: Unshakable
Psalm 125 (NKJV)Andrew and Edwin discuss the King of God's people and how he could be unshakable. If we follow the example of the unshakable king, we too will be unshakable.
Season 6
Episode 142
Psalm 125: Trust in the Lord
Psalm 125 (ESV)Andrew and Edwin discuss the incredible faith it would take for ancient Israelites to make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem, leaving their farms and homelands behind for weeks.
Season 6
Episode 141