You, Me, and The Embryologist Make Three
An odyssey to destigmatize IVF and infertility by educating those surrounding people living with infertility, or going through IVF. Join hosts Joel and Valeria as they try to make a baby with the help of science! Learn about the tough world of infertility, through entertaining stories, educational interviews, thoughtful conversation and as much a positive outlook as we can (while keeping it real) so that you can help loved ones on this journey, or so you can validate and normalize your own feelings through this trying and deeply emotional journey. Joel and Valeria have been on the path to a healthy baby for 3 years. Val (Future-Mom) is an Associate in Marriage and Family Therapy, currently working on her PsyD. Joel (Future-Dad) is a struggling filmmaker and actor, with a background in Radio.
Podcasting since 2020 • 7 episodes
You, Me, and The Embryologist Make Three
Latest Episodes
Ep.06 - Movie Night w/ your Host: Infertility!
Movies and TV SPOILER ALERT!!! Sometimes they get it right and sometimes they get it painfully wrong. Regardless, we celebrate the fact that they try to portray infertility in cinematography. In this episode, we talk ...
Season 1
Episode 6

Ep.05 - Very SuperstIVFious!
Stevie Wonder says it ain't the way, but when you believe in things you don't understand, we are dealing with Superstition! Let’s talk about what the infertile community does in order to increase chances of successful implantations. Are these i...
Season 1
Episode 5

Ep.04 - Now I Know My IVFs
Not much to report, so we will educate! In this episode we go through some of the most used acronyms in the infertility community. That way as part of the support system you can more easily understand the lingo used in articles, chatrooms, blog...
Season 1
Episode 4

1. Episodio Bebé: Intro a Nuestra Odisea.
Cambiamos el idioma, pero la historia es la misma. Ahora, también la contamos en Español. Este episodio bebé contamos quiénes somos y un poco de nuestra historia con la reproducción asistida. Te invitamos a que escuches nuestras anécdotas para ...
Season 1
Episode 1

Ep.03 - Infertility Beyond The Medical Diagnosis
Still in NYC and this time we talk about what infertility means, beyond the medical diagnosis. We reflect on things that we have lost, and missed out on, but also the things that we have gained and learned. We ask you to put yourself in our pos...
Season 1
Episode 3