Feminists Talk Religion

SBL/AAR 2022 Panel: Feminist Studies in Religion and Anti-Asian Racism


The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a surge of violence and hate against Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders. Even so, anti-Asian racism remains largely invisible in academic, religious, and public spaces. On November 18, 2022, panelists at the SBL/AAR Annual Meeting in Denver, CO examined the complex ways feminist studies in religion are entangled with this problem and must decolonize in order to be effective in anti-racist work. Panelists also explored the ways Asian and AAPI feminist scholars of religion contend with race and racism in their scholarship. 

This panel session is a part of the ongoing anti-racism initiative of Feminist Studies in Religion, Inc., the organization of scholars that publishes the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. Presided by Grace Ji-Sun Kim, other panelists include Rachel A. R. Bundang, Tamara C. Ho, Vijaya Nagarajan, and Najeeba Syeed-Miller.