Feminists Talk Religion
Welcome to “Feminists Talk Religion” where feminist voice, religion-talk, and honest conversation intersect. “Feminists Talk Religion” is a project of the CoLaboratory branch of Feminist Studies in Religion. The Lab fosters community through digital and in-person opportunities to connect with others navigating the complicated world of religious studies, identity, and activism. "Feminists Talk Religion” is a platform for feminist discussions about all things related to religion. It is an opportunity to hear from new and old voices, to be challenged to learn about and from the scholastic world of another, and to have discussions we might not have otherwise. It is a space where the historically marginalized, especially women, are taken seriously.
Podcasting since 2020 • 24 episodes
Feminists Talk Religion
Latest Episodes
Trans Studies in Religion and Feminism, Pt. 1 with Dr. Melissa M. Wilcox
In this first episode of our “Trans Studies in Religion and Feminism” series, Dr. Melissa M. Wilcox talks to us about blazing trails and creating space for queer and trans voices in the study of religion.Dr. Wilcox is Professor and Hols...
Season 4
Episode 7

Book Review: Desert as a Borderland with Dr. Peter Mena
Listen to our conversation with Dr. Peter Mena, author of a book on Late Antique Christian Lives read through Borderland Theory. We discuss the hagiographical desert as a metaphor for identities, Latinex theories in Religious Studies, writing a...
Season 4
Episode 6

SBL/AAR 2022 Panel: Feminist Studies in Religion and Anti-Asian Racism
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a surge of violence and hate against Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders. Even so, anti-Asian racism remains largely invisible in academic, religious, and public spaces. On November 18, 2022, panelist...

International Students and Scholars: An honest conversation - Part 2
What do we wish we'd known before starting a Ph.D. as an international student? In what ways can higher-education institutions better support international students and scholars? In Part 2 of this conversation, Esther Parajuli, a Nā...
Season 4
Episode 4

International Students and Scholars: An honest conversation - Part 1
Listen to Part 1 of a vulnerable and sincere conversation about the ambivalences of being an international student or scholar: the joys and the pains, the language and cultural barriers, the fragmentation of our identities, and the wisdom that ...
Season 4
Episode 3