Engineering Peace with Thom Bond
"Engineering Peace with Thom Bond” is a real-life look at how peace is becoming a reality on our planet. It's also a personal resource to help empower us to create the change we want to see in the world. Listen to practical tips and wisdom from Thom's workshops and training sessions to help make peace a reality in your own life. Episode by episode, witness and be part of the story of peace on our planet.
Podcasting since 2020 • 38 episodes
Engineering Peace with Thom Bond
Latest Episodes
Self-care and Needs Awareness
Thom and his colleague, Dr. Clara Moisello talk about how needs awareness effects how we take care of ourselves (or don't).
Season 3
Episode 9

Changing the Conversation - Difficult Conversations and Needs Awareness
Thom and his colleague, Clara Moisello, PhD (Co-Director of NYCNVC), team up in this second installment of their "Needs Awareness" series. In this episode, they explore how we can reimagine and navigate difficult conversations, through the lens...
Season 3
Episode 8

The Power of Needs Awareness
In this episode, Thom and Clara Moisello talk about the development and application of "Needs Awareness". They discuss what it is, how it changes the nature of human interaction, and brings hope to those seeking a more peaceful and compassionat...
Season 3
Episode 7

Waging Peace from New York to Tel-Aviv - The Work, Dreams and Sorrows
In this episode Thom talks with Israel-based psychologist, counselor, mediator and NVC trainer, Eran Teicher about their experiences, challenges and perspectives as peace activists, educators, and two earthlings doing their best to make a...
Season 3
Episode 6

Peace Educators Speak Out - Tending the Garden of Nonviolence in 2024
In this insightful, inspiring episode, Thom Bond (from New York), talks with fellow peace educators, Cory Tyler (from Los Angles) and Samuel Odhiambo (from Kenya) to share the big picture of nonviolent systems in a world full of hatred and viol...
Season 3
Episode 5