Behold the Connection

The one where we start to empower our thinking


It is so easy to be stuck right now. I get it! I am feeling it so much. I also wanted to share with you about pain. Clean pain and dirty pain. The cleansing waterfall of pain that we need and want to go through, VS the muddy pond of pain that we cause ourselves by getting "stuck" in our feelings. One is cleansing and healing, one is a pit of misery and stuckness. I hope this episode helps move you into the healing and cleansing pain again if you have been feeling stuck in the misery of the muddy pond as I have been.

As always, here is a link to my LIFE changing parenting course! I promise it will change so much for you. I have offered a monthly payment plan to help make it accessible. I hope that you will buy it and allow me to be the voice in your ear during these trying times: