Behold the Connection

The one where we dont solve other people's moods


Let’s discuss the moody kid who brings up for us all kind of feelings of disrespect or overwhelm or despair:

Repeat after me this mantra: 
this child’s mood is not mine to solve.

While connection is the goal, NO relationship is connected at all times. How would that be possible when we are human beings with moods and hormones and stress? 

Relationships have an ebb and flow - that’s is real life chock-full of real emotion. We can both hold the goal AND hold space for our (& our child’s) struggle.
In moments of struggle where you can’t get to compassion or connection - go neutral. 

Honestly, sometimes your child just needs their mood & to work through it and you can simply go and get on with your day. We forget that kids have moods and hard days like we do! Ideally, you show some compassion: 

Theirs are theirs to learn from and experience. 
We need to worry less about changing their mood and more about helping them navigate it and allowing their feelings! 

Stay in the row boat and out of the muddy pond (see -my parenting course!). Remember-two people stuck in a muddy pond is not useful. 
Go neutral.

MORE OF THIS type of help in my parenting course: