Health & Fitness Redefined

Gut Health and Beyond with Craig Brockie

June 10, 2024 Anthony Amen Season 4 Episode 22

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Prepare to unlock the secrets to overcoming chronic pain and debilitating anxiety with our special guest, Craig Brockie. Discover how Craig's life took a dramatic turn through a chance encounter with a massage therapist, leading him to embrace naturopathic medicine and ultimately transform his health. Craig's incredible journey from suffering to achieving ultimate health and fitness is not just inspiring but a testament to the power of taking personal responsibility for one’s well-being.

Dive deep into the critical role of gut health in maintaining overall wellness. Uncover how gut imbalances, often caused by antibiotics and poor diet, can result in conditions like candida overgrowth and leaky gut syndrome. Craig shares practical steps to restore gut health, such as candida cleanses and incorporating probiotics, which can significantly boost immune function and alleviate anxiety. Recent medical research highlights the importance of gut health, making this an essential segment for anyone looking to improve their overall well-being.

Understand the pivotal role of protein and amino acids beyond muscle building. Craig emphasizes the bioavailability of animal proteins over plant-based ones, particularly for those dealing with gut issues. Learn about the importance of essential amino acids for mental and physical health, and explore holistic health approaches, including liver and kidney cleansing. Finally, be inspired to pay it forward by sharing your health journey and knowledge with others, amplifying the collective well-being of our community. Tune in for a transformative discussion packed with actionable insights and expert advice.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Health and Fitness Redefined. I'm your host, Anthony Amen. Today we've got another exciting episode for you guys. Obviously, we're going to talk all about health. I hope you enjoyed last week's episode. I did another solo episode for my lovely audience and I know you guys love that. All about the secret thing you're missing. It's not fitness, it's not nutrition. I'm going to give it away Accountability. So if you want to learn all about accountability, go listen to that show and, without further ado, let's welcome today's guest, Craig Brokey. I hope I pronounced that right, but welcome to the show.

Speaker 2:

All right, man, thank you, and I totally believe in the accountability point. In fact I have a personal trainer myself, just because for me, working out on my own, it just doesn't get me the same results as working with a trainer. I understand you've got many, many trainers working under you, so good for you. That's an accomplishment. I'm sure you're positively affecting a lot of lives.

Speaker 1:

That's the plan, man, is to help as many people as possible and work together with people like yourself through the podcast, enter the local community to really fight the biggest issue, which is the obesity epidemic, and save lives. That's great. That's the plan and that's what we're trying to do here. I love it. I love it, man, and let's just talk about you and figure out a little bit about how you got into the health and fitness world to begin with. So what's your backstory?

Speaker 2:

Okay, thanks. Well, for years I'd wake up in bed and my chest was tight and I felt sick to my stomach with overwhelming anxiety, and I just wanted to fall back asleep and escape from how awful I was feeling, but I couldn't because my mind was already racing and I'd have to just get up and get on with my day. I'd finally get out of bed and walk into the bathroom and when I looked in the mirror, I was, I wondered, like what happened to me. I didn't recognize myself and I was disgusted with how I looked. My gut was hanging out, my shoulders and arms were weak and my face was bloated and sad and I could barely look myself in the eyes, dominated by feelings of guilt, shame, regret for the bad choices I was making and was continuing to make. So I started to realize I needed to change and I knew I should be exercising. I know you can relate with this, but I was feeling lazy Not the lazy point, of course, but I knew I should be doing something, but I just wasn't. And I knew I should be eating healthy food. But instead I was feeling lazy not the lazy point, of course, but I knew I should be doing something, but I just wasn't, and I knew I should be eating healthy food, but instead I was binging on junk food. And when I looked for solutions, I found that most of the programs seem to be geared towards athletes or obese individuals or bodybuilders, and there wasn't really a solution for middle-aged people, just normal everyday people. And what was cool is that something really good happened and it worked.

Speaker 2:

Here I am almost 30 years later. I'm age 50. I went from waking up with debilitating anxiety and not wanting to get out of bed to waking up eager to get to work, from hating how my body looked to being happy with the progress I was making, and it went from feeling ashamed and guilty to being proud of who I am and why. As many other people's to feel the same way. So my name is Craig Brockie. I wrote a bestselling book called Ultimate Health. You can see it in the background there and it just breaks down simple ways people can regain their health. 30 years ago I was in terrible condition. I learned quickly how to regain my health and I compiled that for people, made it super simple, an easy path to walk, and I just want everybody to have great fitness, great health, great mental clarity, feel good.

Speaker 1:

You know, that's what I want I wanna start with what I think is probably the most pivotal moment of that story, and I know a lot of people can probably relate, including myself. But let's walk back right to the beginning, before you made that change Right. Walk us through, like, exactly what thoughts were going through your mind pre deciding to do something, and then what, ultimately, was the caveat, what pushed you to go one step further?

Speaker 2:

Sure, Well, at the time I was living with chronic pain. So I would say that was one of the first big motivators. I was 21 years old. I had a couple of vehicular accidents a boating accident and a car accident a week apart actually and I was left with chronic neck pain and that today I don't have pain, so I'm pain free and I feel great.

Speaker 2:

But back then, you know, having pain at age 21 was just not nice at all. And then the anxiety was really the most unbearable part, because just waking up and just being in fear all the time and you know, feeling the actual, having the physical reaction, like the body reaction of anxiety all the time, was just hard to manage. And I met this massage therapist of all people. First of all I did try conventional medicine and I saw very. I saw different doctors and specialists and I quickly learned that the medical system is really not set up to cure people or prevent disease. It's set up to have customers for life and sell a lot of drugs and expensive surgeries. So it's not really set up for our best interests.

Speaker 2:

And then I met a massage therapist of all things and he basically taught me that what I did for myself was 90% of it and what he did for me was only going to be 10% of it. So he really put the responsibility on me to learn how to take care of myself. He put me on to naturopathic medicine, which is basically just using natural herbs and minerals and vitamins and IVs and those types of things and ozone and to regain your health, and that quickly turned things around for me. My anxiety disappeared quite quickly, my immune system shot up and got much better, the pain went away and yeah, it was just.

Speaker 2:

It's really inspiring what occurred and it's just. It's really simple. Like the medical industry really overcomplicates things and I think they try to confuse people and you try to look something up on Google and you see one opinion saying this and another opinion saying this and everything's conflicting. And you know, I think it's done that way for a purpose just to keep people in confusion and not moving forward and eating some of these you know terrible foods and using drugs and alcohol to try and just get on with their day, and that's how things work.

Speaker 1:

For those watching, I am drinking, but this is a non-alcoholic beer. Yeah, good Love this company. By the way, for those, just a quick shout out to Athletic Brewing Company. They don't sponsor the show at all, but we did a couple episodes with the owners and it's I still have them, and we're talking like four years ago, when I actually great stuff.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I want to break down a point you mentioned in the beginning. You ran into massage therapist. Was there anything he said to you? Was it the 90, 10 that really got to you, or was there anything else that was like, oh shit, I need to start changing my life now.

Speaker 2:

Well, first of all, he was the most. He was a five foot, 10, maybe 200 pound, all muscle, black, black dude, super serious and super strong, and he did deep, deep tissue massage and I was so inflamed at the time and my body was in so much pain that his treatments were extremely painful and he basically put me on a regimen of stretching and if I didn't do those stretches and I showed up in his treatment room, man, the pain was just extreme. So he had no mercy, basically Like if I wasn't taking care of myself, he would make me know that I wasn't taking care of myself. So there was that aspect of it and I appreciate most people aren't going to have that. I don't wish that on anyone, but it was definitely motivating to have someone who just was like tough love, you know. He wanted the best for me and he was willing to do whatever it took to get me back on track. And that's how I feel about everybody else Now. I don't know your listeners right now. I've never met them, but I love them and I want them to feel like there is hope in whatever nagging health issue they have.

Speaker 2:

The subtitle for this book is Break Free From your Health Issues and Live your Best Life. We all have some sort of health. Well, maybe not all of us, but most of us have some sort of nagging health issue. That's a problem. I of us, but most of us have some sort of nagging health issue. That's a problem. I'm not sure what's common in your group, but we could talk about something that's common to your subscribers and listeners as an issue and maybe some potential solutions that would be actionable. That could give them some value from this conversation, if you'd like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely. I would love to know like that was kind of my next question anyway after you realized, okay, the mustaches give me some tough love. Like what did you do first? Like what was step one?

Speaker 2:

right. So what I learned quickly when I went to the naturopathic doctor and I did some tests and these tests are very simple and they're not expensive but what I found out was that my body was overly acidic and I had overgrowth in my intestines of fungus. The particular fungus is called candida. It's a yeast organism. It's very common. I took antibiotics in high school. I took something called tetracycline to help with acne and it did help reduce acne, but what happened is it wiped out all the good bacteria in my body also, and that's what antibiotics do.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of things that kill the good bacteria in your body and a lot of people talk about probiotics these days and those are important. But when things are so messed up like I did, I had a leaky gut, like my gut was so bad that it had small holes in it, so the stuff I was eating and drinking was actually leaking into my bloodstream prematurely, and then all that stuff that's floating around your blood becomes, you know, very toxic to your body and your immune system overreacts and you're inflamed and your immune system is just overtaxed. And here's the other thing people need to know. Is that gut health is so important? Because the other thing people need to know is that gut health is so important and it's like if you have any kind of gas sorry, like constipation, bloating, diarrhea, acid reflux, any of these things these are warning signs that there's worse things going to happen to you, because when your gut health goes out, everything else can just fall apart underneath that, like gut health really is the the foundation of it. So the first thing this naturopathic doctor did was he helped knock out the candida yeast in my body, because until you get those out, like the probiotics you put into your body don't really take root, like they don't they don't have the opportunity to get the upper hand.

Speaker 2:

Until you get rid of the enemy, basically, and the bad bacteria and bad parasites and fungus and yeast that you have in your system and we all have these things. It's not like nobody has these things, it's just to the degree that you have them, and when they get the upper hand, then your body just gets ruined. And what people need to know too is that your neurotransmitters, especially serotonin, is actually produced in the gut. You can actually go to the American Psychological Association's website and they acknowledge that 95% of serotonin, which is the feel good neurotransmitter, is and like antidepressants are called SSRIs, like serotonin reuptate inhibitors, so those like serotonin is produced in your gut.

Speaker 2:

So if your gut health is out, you're not going to be feeling good, and so my anxiety got a lot better as soon as I knocked out the yeast in my system and started putting the probiotics and healing my gut. So that was, and then my immune system just was much better, really quick. So really the foundation is get your gut back on track and it's really easy to do. It's not difficult Taking something to knock out the candida. There's several products that can do that. You could do your own research candida cleanses, parasite cleanses, those types of things. You don't have to buy my book to figure that stuff out, but I do make it really simple for people and lay it out and I would say eight hours you can get through my book and know everything you need to do to get back on track, including getting rid of pain and any kind of issues.

Speaker 1:

It's very interesting Gut health right. Go back five years. That's not a long time, right, Right, Right. Before I started this show, there was no such thing as gut health Right Five years ago. Now it's like gut health is coming out on the table and we're learning a lot, Even the last five years. The medical community has acknowledged that vitamin absorption, mineral absorption, protein absorption all takes place in your gut.

Speaker 1:

And we have the proper bacteria and you got to break those things down and make your body use it efficiently without your gut being inflamed and flushing things out. It's going to cause a bunch of issues. Good example is, I mean today, literally right before happening the show we didn't plan this An article popped on my phone that Fox news was reporting IBD, so irritable bowel disease they just found a genetic marker for it. Wow, so something that's been causing people issues for as long as I know and they said it's about five percent of the population that has it. Wow, they just pinned the genetic marker for it. That's huge, right, and that means that it took research enough time to raise money to go out about five years ago to start looking into these things, because no one really ever cared about the gut prior. And you look at the naturopathic route I'm sorry but like and they, they started queening terms like leaky gut and stuff like that and it finally looks like things are starting to get blended a little bit like other things have in the past.

Speaker 2:

Right. Well, you made a good point there about gut health. Another thing people need to realize is when your gut is inflamed and covered in mucus, really the cross section of your small intestine actually looks like this there's these fingers that come down, they're called veli. So the small intestine isn't like a flat tube on the inside like this. It's actually got these fingers that come down, called veli, and those actually increase the surface area of your small intestine. So you have more area, surface area to absorb nutrients, more area surface area to absorb nutrients, and what happens is all that whole area you just get trashed and covered with mucus, candida, bad bacteria, and and it actually can develop holes as well. But even if it's just coated with mucus and other crap, you just don't absorb the nutrients that you need.

Speaker 2:

So not only is the food nutrient deficient nowadays, because agriculture does not put healthy minerals back into the soil. So a lot of the soil, most of the soil unless you're eating organic is mineral depleted. On top of that, they're putting excessive amounts of Roundup or glyphosate on the crops. That stuff itself acts as an antibiotic in your system and is poisonous, and we're consuming those things through GMO corn wheat. All that kind of stuff Any kind of packaged food is pretty hard to avoid things that get candida and bad bacteria flourishing in your body.

Speaker 2:

So healthy diet is super important but until you heal your gut you're not going to absorb the nutrients. Even if you're taking really high quality supplements and vitamins and minerals, you're unlikely to absorb much of that if your gut's unhealthy. So it really is super important across the board to heal your gut. And that's only one chapter. In my book there's 10 chapters where we touch on all kinds of other things like how to get rid of pain. And there's 10 chapters where we touch on all kinds of other things like how to get rid of pain. And you know there's all kinds of stuff in there to help everybody on everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's important to have different aspects and of course, there's different approaches to health. I just want to say one more thing about probiotics. I mean, you look at research studies. It doesn't even show it's effective to even a certain degree, of taking probiotics, and it could be based upon what you're saying. It could be other reasons, I don't know. I'm not a good aspect, I'm not going to pretend to be one, so, but I just think it's interesting that people reach for probiotics and take them when really, I mean, the only thing they've actually been shown to help is that if you're taking antibiotics along with the probiotic, it does help with having common issues taking antibiotics, like diarrhea and pain and all that fun stuff that happens in your gi track during those times right but it is interesting to see that they don't.

Speaker 1:

They can't even prove that probiotics get absorbed, like they have no idea no one has any idea.

Speaker 2:

Well, I've got a commercial interest in probiotics, which I'll just touch on quickly. There's a great book out there called Supergut. It's written by a bestselling author New York Times number one bestselling author named Dr William Davis, and he wrote the Wheat Belly series. A lot of people have heard of Wheat Belly. Anyway, he got famous for that series and then he found out that getting rid of wheat was critically important too.

Speaker 2:

And this guy's a cardiologist and he just noticed there was a big link between pre-diabetes and heart disease.

Speaker 2:

So if you actually got the pre-diabetes or diabetes under control, the heart markers really improved also.

Speaker 2:

And one of the key things was getting rid of wheat from your diet and a lot of people had great results from that.

Speaker 2:

And then he realized well, not everybody got a full recovery from that.

Speaker 2:

And then he got really studying into gut health and then he actually started experimenting with taking capsules of probiotics and actually using those capsules that you buy off of Amazon or any quality health food store or even from physicians who give you a specific probiotic capsule, and sometimes those will have 10, 20, even 50 billion live cultures in that little capsule and he would open it up, mix it in with prebiotics and put half and half cream in there and ferment it for 36 hours to make super high strength probiotic yogurt and take those like 10 to 50 billion live cultures and turn them into trillions of live cultures in a quart of um of milk or half and half dairy and then you consume that.

Speaker 2:

But even before that he suggests you knock out the candida, you knock out the bacteria, like you take some supplements to get like you need to clean out, you need to clear the table first before you start putting in the good probiotics. But when it is time to put in the probiotics, I actually developed the number one best-selling probiotic yogurt maker on Amazon. It's called the Ultimate Probiotic Yogurt Maker and it takes probiotics to a whole new level, like orders of magnitude. You just can't get it in a capsule.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, very, very interesting. I love that, and you said this in the chapters in your book of things. So, what's the most after gut health, what's the second thing you start looking at? Right, so you start cleaning out your gut health and then what?

Speaker 2:

Well, I believe that how a person deals with glucose is super important. And insulin, how the body responds with insulin, and a lot of people have really trashed their body's ability to deal with sugars and so eliminating sugars as much as possible, eliminating starches, moving over to like a ketogenic or even a carnivore diet for a period of time while your gut heals. There's also a really good blood test you can do, called MU, pure, imu Pro, imu PRO, and what it will do is it'll show you all the foods that you specifically are sensitive to and they're not necessarily foods that you're violently allergic to, that you would know that you're sensitive to but they're just things that cause you problems and cause inflammation to your gut and your body. So just by eliminating those foods for a period of time takes a real burden off your body so it can heal and repair. And then there's a supplement called MSM, which I think is really great. It's a organic sulfur and what it does is it helps your body supercharge its oxygen saturation, so your body holds onto its oxygen saturation, so your body holds on to more oxygen, and so there's that. And then protein, like protein, are the building blocks for your body. Not just your muscles, but neurotransmitters are made from amino acids. They're proteins, enzymes are made of proteins and amino acids are the building blocks. And so there's all these critically, hormones are proteins also. So protein is super important, not just for building muscle and recovery, but all these other things, including your mental health.

Speaker 2:

So, but the problem is, when people's gut is messed up, even if they're eating a gram of protein per pound of body weight, the likelihood that that's actually getting broken down into the small amino acid chains. Because when you eat a piece of steak, it's a complex structure and you have to chew it, you have to break it down. Then your stomach has to be acidic enough to break it down and have enough acid to break it down into what are called peptides, or small amino acid chains, as well as the amino acids individually, before your body can actually absorb those and put them into the places that it needs, to rebuild them into whatever they need, like neurotransmitters, enzymes, muscles, collagen, even for your skin comes from these peptides and amino acids. So I developed a product called Ultimate Essential Amino Acids.

Speaker 2:

There's actually nine amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own, and all the others it can actually make from these nine essential amino acids and because they're broken down in a capsule sorry, a tablet or a drink powder your body can absorb them within 20 to 30 minutes, regardless of how bad your gut condition is. So it just allows you to get the building blocks your body needs, absorb them within 20 to 30 minutes, regardless of how bad your gut condition is. So it just allows you to get the building blocks that your body needs to repair. And if you take a product like berberine or metformin to help control your blood glucose for a period of time, a lot of people find that they're losing weight, that their energy is better, their mental clarity is better when they're combining all these things together.

Speaker 1:

You bounced around a lot, so I'm going to try to bring it a little down. At first I was laughing about the protein, because I literally had a conversation about this today. So talking about different types of protein, what is the bioavailability of protein? What does it mean? And a lot of new things have come up in the protein world and pretty much I was right. Like I was saying four years ago, you need to eat more protein and not just more protein, more frequent protein, and you need to get it from the right sources. So I know you mentioned a lot about sources. I can just briefly touch upon that for those listening now. Plants do have protein, don't get me wrong but they are not like you said. They do not contain all of the essential amino acids, or EAAs, because that's the ones your bodies cannot produce. So if you're just getting certain amino acids and you're not getting all of them, it doesn't become a complete protein and your body does not use it and just wastes it Right? Just to give me an example proteins, animal products period right.

Speaker 1:

Animal products maybe, besides quinoa. If you want to argue that case, go for it. But animal products are where you're going to get complete proteins from. And not only that even if I created a complete protein with balancing things like rice and beans, which is a complete protein, the bioavail rice and beans, which is a complete protein the bioavailability that comes from that is significantly less than that of animal protein. So it's not a true one-for-one ratio.

Speaker 2:

So it's just important to think about when you're eating, you need to eat animal products. Yeah, you're right on the money, eggs are actually one of the best natural sources of complete proteins. So it's not just the essential amino acids themselves, it's the balance of them, and your body needs them in a specific ratio to utilize them properly. So, for instance, whey protein powder even though it's super popular, whey protein powder, 86% turns to glucose in your body and only 14% is actually utilized for building proteins. So whey protein, even though it's super popular, it's more like a sugar than it is a protein source in actuality. So that's why we created these essential amino acids is, and in the right ratio, that your body can utilize them and repair itself.

Speaker 2:

Because when you're healing, your body needs, needs that. And then, obviously, you need to cleanse. You need to clean out your liver, you need to clean out your kidneys, you need to clean out your fat, like. There's all these other steps you need to take, and that's that's what we broke down into the the book. But it's not, doesn't have to be overwhelming. You take this one step at a, take it at your own pace. If you just knock out the candida in your gut, you're going to start feeling better and then you're going to want to take the next step.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's all about small moderation, figuring things out. You are right about the egg protein. I will say it's something I personally do and I would argue on the whey protein just a little bit that I don't think it's necessarily the amount of usage. It says that 86, I think it's actually the same number. I think it's around 86. The percent of people have some type of lactose intolerance. Some people have it to different extremes. That other does, so that lactose can cause havoc on someone's gut. I'm case in point there Severely lactose intolerant, and that could prevent the use of whey protein. Because my body's struggling. Just breaking down those sugars alone, I'm getting my gut's getting inflamed and then it is absolutely horrible for 24 hours and I don't want to get out of bed.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's intense. Have you ever tried? How do you handle yogurt, cause some people might-. No, you don't. Okay, you can't do it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, I got. I'm lactose intolerant and I have IBSD. Wow, it's not fun, I bet, even if I had yogurts that like unflavored plain, all natural doesn't matter, even with the probiotics in it, and take lact doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I had a friend. The reason I asked is because I know two people. One was lactose intolerant and she could actually tolerate yogurt because the enzymes actually and the bacterial cultures in yogurt break down the lactose, so there's less or no lactose depending on how long it's been fermented. And then another friend of mine was quite sensitive to dairy, couldn't tolerate it After two weeks of using a yogurt maker that I sent him. I sent him a copy of the book Supergut and one of my yogurt makers and within two weeks he was okay on dairy, which was pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know if I want to risk going two weeks yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's not even fun. Yeah, for you I'd probably. Soy milk is. Actually. I don't recommend soy when it's not fermented, but when it's fermented it actually is broken down to a point where your body can use it. It doesn't have that estrogenic effect on you. So soy milk actually works out really well for making yogurt. Goat milk works out okay, but you might not be able to handle goat milk either.

Speaker 1:

Tried it. The only thing I can even moderately get done is cheddar cheese, because there's like zero lactose in it, right, and I can handle a slice or two.

Speaker 2:

Imagine you have a lot of male listeners just because you're a dude and you're like into exercise and fitness and stuff. But the topic of testosterone is really big these days and you know you turn on the radio and you hear a lot of all these ads for low T, low T, low T. Well, it's really true that a lot of men these days have low testosterone and that itself can play into anxiety, body composition issues, all kinds of problems, and you know everyone is telling you that testosterone replacement therapy or actually taking artificial testosterone is the best treatment for low T. But what that does is it shrinks your testicles and it stops your body's natural production. And I'm telling your listeners that you don't have to use testosterone replacement therapy to raise your testosterone and there's other ways that you can go about it and actually boost your own body's natural production of it. And anyone, especially who's still wanting to father children, might want to look at those things before they consider jumping right into TRT, for instance.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I am so not a fan of jumping into TRT and ignoring different things. I'll even. I did a whole episode on testosterone because you are right.

Speaker 2:

It is a huge issue especially nowadays.

Speaker 1:

Don't be afraid of it, men, you need it. Testosterone literally is our sex hormone. It is something huge issue, especially nowadays. Don't be afraid of it, men, you need it. Testosterone literally is our sex hormone. It is something that drives us as human beings. We need to have good testosterone levels. It's way more of a role than what a typical guy will think, which I'm not going to say out loud, but when it comes to weight loss, building muscle, that's why we're able to do it. As men, we have higher levels of testosterone than our female counterparts. So doing things to increase that, even as simple as weightlifting Weightlifting huge impact on testosterone.

Speaker 2:

And weight loss.

Speaker 1:

Weight loss yeah, Losing weight will increase testosterone. Getting outside will increase your testosterone. There are certain supplements that can definitely help increase testosterone. I've shown to help.

Speaker 2:

There are many many other ways to do it than what we think there is. So right, and there's. There's peptides too, and peptides again are small amino acid chains, but there's peptides that can help with testosterone, and there's even a drug called n-clomiphene, which there's one called clomiphene that's been around forever, but N-clomiphene is more current and that helps boost your body's natural production of testosterone. So you're actually producing more of your own testosterone, as opposed to supplementing and replacing your testosterone.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I couldn't agree more, Craig. I do want to wrap this up, so I'm going to ask you the final two questions I asked everyone, which is one if you were to summarize this episode in one or two sentences, what would be your take home message?

Speaker 2:

Well, just that. We all have health issues that we experience in our life and we all get knocked down by life. Also, like my, life sucked 30 years ago, I was in chronic anxiety pain. My immune system was shot. I was sick all the time. It was a low for me, and so anybody who's listening right now there is hope and there are easy solutions. It doesn't have to be complicated. My book's super easy to read. But there's other great authors out there. Dr Eric Berg is great. Dr Mercola is good. There's so many great authors out there. I Eric Berg is great, dr Mercola is good. There's so many great authors out there. I think I've simplified things really well, but yeah, it's just. It's super easy today to get better if you have the right information and you're not just inundated by false information or conflicts of interest by big pharma.

Speaker 1:

Basically, yeah, I couldn't agree more. And then the simplest question of all, craig how can people find you, get ahold of you and learn more?

Speaker 2:

Sure well, I think it's important to take action. I think you really push that. Your message with your people is they have to. They can't just sit around and expect things to change. So change is important, positive change is important. So you can check out Craig Brockie C-R-A-I-G-B-R-O-C-K-I-E. Craig Brockie, I'm on all the social media. You can find me there. I'm posting information all the time, craigbrockiecom. There's a free newsletter you can subscribe to there, and my book is on Amazon Ultimate Health. It's super easy to read. I think you'll enjoy it and you'll get a lot out of it. And one of the things I teach like the last chapter of my book is called is about paying it forward, and you're going to find that it's so easy to take control of your health and get the positive results. You're going to become evangelical about it. You're going to want to help other people and it's just so simple to get better, and I just want everybody to not just help themselves, but help others, improve their life and get rid of their symptoms.

Speaker 1:

I really appreciate that. Craig, thank you so much for coming on. Thank you, guys for listening. This week's episode of health and fitness we forgot redefined. Don't forget, hit that subscribe button and please share this episode out. Is the only way we grow. As you know, we do not run ads or anything else like that. Craig. Thanks so much guys. Thanks, anthony, take care.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Outro Music.

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