Harvest Word Podcast
A podcast dedicated to a Biblical and prophetic discussion on being prepared for the return of Jesus Christ. Topics include teaching from the Bible, prophetic insights from the Bible, trends in Christianity and current events.
Podcasting since 2020 • 17 episodes
Harvest Word Podcast
Latest Episodes
Episode #017 How Close Are We Really To the Rapture and the Return of Jesus?
In this episode, I examine key Scriptures from the Bible in detail and compare them with current events to answer the question...Is the Rapture "imminent" as some claim? Also, I share an often overlooked Biblical sign that the End of the Age is...
Season 1
Episode 17

Episode #016 The Importance of Praying for Israel In These Times
In this episode I give a summary of recent events in the Middle East and how they connect to Israel's calendar. I also share what I believe the Democratic party will try to force Israel to do in the near future and the prophetic consequences to...
Season 1
Episode 16

Episode #015 "It's Not Over" Things God Showed Me Concerning the Attempt on Trump and More
After a two year hiatus, I'm back into podcasting to share some insights the Lord has given me concerning the past nine days since the attempted assassination of President Trump.
Season 1
Episode 15