Restore Yourself. Restore Your Marriage.

When Sex and Fun are NOT in the Same Sentence

Episode 192

Did you know that there are a lot of married women who don't put the words sex and fun in the same sentence?  If you are a married woman reading this, it might seem like common knowledge.  But a married man reading this might be feeling like a freight train just hit him.  He may even wonder, how can sex NOT be fun?

In today's episode, we take a closer look at this concept and the meta-message that takes root when a spouse thinks that sex is not fun.   While it may seem like an impossible task to overcome, when one spouse thinks sex is fun and the other doesn't, there is a beautiful opportunity hidden within this opposition.

Listen in as we challenge this opposition and use it as an invitation, inviting newness and creativity to the table as well as a movement closer to one another instead of further apart.  Sentences are seeds for our intimate experience... so let's plant some fun sexy seeds!