Restore Yourself. Restore Your Marriage.

The Rush of Foreplay

Episode 200

Do you remember your dating years and how awesome it was to make out?  It was such a rush!  The often drawn out experience really allowed for so many emotions and sensations to build up in our bodies.  We often enjoyed it so much that we usually looked forward to next time, and were even craving it.  

When we were dating, make out sessions seemed to last much longer than they do once you get married.  When sex is introduced into the relationship, couples seem to just rush to the pleasure part of orgasm.  This leaves behind the magic of making out and leaves foreplay forgotten.  

Listen in as we take a closer look at the way in which slowing things down can actually lower sexual inhibitions, increase blood flow, and allow women to feel more flooded with desire for more.  The fabulous effects of foreplay need to be at the forefront of our sexual experiences. 

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