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KriSco Coaching

Everyone starts off from the youngest of ages with dreams and hopes for the future. Maybe you recall a vision of yourself happy... married... making all the money you could imagine, taking your children on fabulous vacations and teaching them about all the values you have come to cherish.It is possible life has not unfolded like you thought it would. You may have become disillusioned by your leadership or even the leadership of others around you. Perhaps your passion and zeal for life have become dull and lackluster.If this description sounds like you, then this podcast is for you. In this podcast, Scott Tharp will awaken your spirit for life and business. It is his passion to see people come alive and live out their dreams and hopes. Join the journey with him at KriSco Coaching and allow him to be your coach to your dreams as he watches you soar.

KriSco Coaching