How to deal with Big F*cking Feelings

Ep #141 Career crossroads: Should you Job Hop?

June 03, 2024 Michelle Season 1 Episode 141
Ep #141 Career crossroads: Should you Job Hop?
How to deal with Big F*cking Feelings
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How to deal with Big F*cking Feelings
Ep #141 Career crossroads: Should you Job Hop?
Jun 03, 2024 Season 1 Episode 141

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In today's episode I am going to tell you how to work out for yourself if you should job hop and what might be keeping you stuck. 

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A 6 month transformational program for high achieving corporate women like YOU that wants to ENJOY going after their big career goals AND have an even more fantastic life.

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Show notes and the transcript can be found here: 

Show Notes Transcript

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In today's episode I am going to tell you how to work out for yourself if you should job hop and what might be keeping you stuck. 

Get on the waitlist here for my Epic Work & Life Program.
A 6 month transformational program for high achieving corporate women like YOU that wants to ENJOY going after their big career goals AND have an even more fantastic life.

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Show notes and the transcript can be found here: 


Hello, I hope you're well. And if not, I got you at least you are here. My name is Michelle Kevill. And I help high achieving corporate women feel passionate about their job again. Welcome to today's episode, a mini update on me, I've started getting back into a more regular rhythm with my marketing, I will be opening up I will be opening up slots to work with me and the epic Work and Life program. It's my one on one transformational six month program, where you learn how to truly love as your job again and go from absolutely hating it to really enjoying it and finding passionate in it again and being able to go after big things like a promotion, without feeling completely burnt out and overwhelmed that we'll be opening up very soon in June, I'll be taking on calls then a new people. And today's episode comes from a question from a follower who we had a little bit of a chat around job hopping and wanted to get my thoughts on it. And this is a really good one because I really want to unpack when you should job hop, so to speak and when you shouldn't, and how to get into like the most cleanest mindset you can to make a decision on whether you should leave your job. Make a change, versus you should stay also small update. If you have been following me on social media I am you should follow me by the way, I'm on Instagram and Tiktok when I do chat a little bit because some of you also have found me because you also have an autoimmune condition that you are managing and I am currently doing a few new things to manage it. I talked about it on the podcast. But also what I'm actually doing is I'm doing like an auto immune protocol. I don't sell it or anything like that. It's just something I like to chat about on the side. So if Yeah, go for it. Go follow my socials where I chat more a little bit about it as I've had a few of you asked me questions around how it's like how it's going. And it's actually been pretty good. It's had some major up and downs like really big up and downs. But funnily enough, the coaching work that I've done, has helped me so much in building a really good balance. Also, if you want to be in the know and find out about the EPA working life program, again, show link is in show link link is in the show notes for you to sign up and hear about that and get on the waitlist. Okay, so let me tell you about my thoughts on job hopping. Because there's so much out there, right, there's all this stuff around whether you should like every two years to ensure that, you know, your pay grade stays within the line or you know, the only way it's not really just through promotion, like you've got to leave a job and go to a different company, there's so much advice out there and really my two cents is is really takes away from your ability to make a decision that's best for you. That's not to say that, like people shouldn't be putting that info out there. But what I see it's including this person that I was having a chat with was they were trying to almost outsource their decision around why they should leave their current job. Because of like, all these articles are saying this or this and that. And really what you need to do is actually again, you need to go inward here to really be asking the question why you want to leave your job, why you want to Job hop, so to speak. Because there are so many different thoughts on this because I've had a chat with a number of clients, including my own thoughts previously, on whether it is a good or a bad thing. There's a side around staying consistent with a company you're getting promoted that really looks really good. There's also the other side that's like no, they want you to be in different you know types of environments or show that almost sure that you like you can handle change, etc. But also the viewpoint around the fact that look, if you really do want a decent pay increase, you are going to have to Job hop and that you should be doing it every few years. Now there are obviously a ton of pros and cons to either option. But this is my like, one tip like key recommendation that need like a gift to absolutely everyone who's making this decision. You need to stop looking at what and listening to what people are telling you to do what you should do. You need to just ask the clean question to yourself clean question. Ask the question to get a really clean answer and it's gonna feel messy as you start to unpack this, of why you want to leave and then just write out all your reasons, right? Why within those reasons, are there any reasons that are due to the fact that you hate your fucking job? That this sucks? I'm sick of the monotony. I think it's going to be better on the other side. If there is, I am telling you right now, job hopping very likely is not going to be the answer for you. And if you have done it before, look at your past history. I had one client, who continuously was job hopping, and was struggling to just get comfortable with a job and family were working together. And I remember, it was at one point where they wanted to leave and do it again. And I had to reinforce like, here's the history, every time SNU started struggling in the role, like there was maybe a more challenging project or like that growth was happening, you have jumped, shipped and left. And it's worked for you. Because then you know, you restart again, etc. But what you've taught your brain and body is that when shit gets hard, I need to look for a new job, you haven't gone through that growth period to show yourself that you can get through it, and that the only option available isn't just running and leaving. And it was amazing, because once you had this hindsight, and she started to see that she stayed in the role, she did disposition, you know, she did the thing, etc, she ended up getting promoted into the role that she really, really wanted. And I remember afterwards, we were chatting, and she was like, I would not have done that if it wasn't for like you, you know, obviously, the coaching, etc. But just being able to master some of these skills to recognize when I was basically kicking myself in the head, like getting in my own way. And I know I'm sounding so blunt when I say this to you, but I just see this so much people want to just leave when things are getting hot. And here's the thing, it might actually be a good decision for you to leave. I'm not dismissing that either. What I've seen historically is a lot of people are leaving or job hopping, because things are getting to the max that you're you know, that you can handle. And that's not going to deal with the root problem. The root problem is likely because, for example, actually with this client, this project she was working on that was stretching her, it made her like think and believe that she was like really good at this. And then other people were thinking that she was crap at this and that she was gonna get fired anyway, because you just leave anyway, like all this, all these thoughts just started to spiral and come out. So in essence, you need to be figuring out when you want a job hot because I just see this too commonly. Right? And what you will do is you'll be using the evidence at the time from people friends, what's out there, what is out there online to fuel your own belief as to why you should do something versus really interrogating it and investigating it as to do I really want to do this. What places is truly coming from is this coming from a place of Yeah, no logistically, I want you know, wanting to raise I want to do like, you know, that more factual, intentional, using your thinking brain thing, oh my God today, I have to rerecord parts of this so many times, I have a little bit of brain fog. That is okay. Or is it coming from a deep seated place of like, I absolutely fucking hate my job. And I don't want to do this again. And I'm just going to Job hop because that's what works for me. And it's funny because you will go throughout your whole life living this way, like think about if your job hopping also multiple times from a place of fear and not being able to grow, you're never actually truly going to get promoted. It is possible you could land yourself into a like as you know, job hub, you know, into a higher position etc. But you're not stretching yourself in a way that you can grow, stick it out, and then develop those skills at a higher level for that specific promotion. But saying it's all possible but this is what I've been seeing. And this is including myself what was happening with me back before coaching, I don't think I was developing some key skills that I needed especially with females such as stress management, when I wasn't kind of just at least now with coaching. Now I don't want to say buckling down but just more being present with everything and then my natural ability was able to shine through. So



before you jump hop, figure out your why, why do you truly want to do it? Where is it coming from? And honestly, you know, deep down you truly know everyone does. You can also sometimes feel it is a job coming from a place of like scarcity and also for me it's like this kind of pushing, rushing feeling or is it coming from a place of it's more planned out it's more thoughtful like you've thought through all your different options because that's going to be able to tell you what you need to do more because if it's a more thoughtful planning through etc, then you know all steam ahead, you're likely the thoughts you're going to have around whether you should Should, whether it's more logistical thoughts around. If I do this like pros and cons and kind of barely feeling comfortable with either or either a choice that you're going to make the job hopping one I know or the one where you're feeling like you should move off, and like you should do it. It's this rush energy. And there's usually a case that you're trying to build in your head as to why you should do it versus entertaining both sides, they're really important to figure out your why. The next is my little spiel I want to give you when it comes to job hopping, because again, there's just so much different opinions from various people, various experts on what you should do. And really, I'm all about building your own self confidence, confidence and your own intuition. You want to get to a place where you can take all bits of advice, etc. and use it to truly make a decision that fits you. You're not using it from a place of scarcity, where you're trying to find evidence to kind of make sure that you do feel comfortable with this thing that you're doing, you're more just kind of researching things. But anything that doesn't fit, you're comfortable with that to like, let it go. Because frankly, if you are comfortable in a job, if you feel like your key needs are being met in regards to career development, your progress, how you get along with people. And separate to that, okay, because it's really important. You're also looking internally, and this is where the coaching is super important and comes in, because everybody looks at that, and I'll talk to people and they're like, Oh, it's just my job, it's just my environment, etc. And like, a lot of the time, I'd say 95% of the time, there is inner work that you can be doing on your brain to make it better for yourself, okay, you're not confidently able to say no, and you never say no, and you're taking on all this shit, guess what, you're going to do that the next job as well. So you're going to continue to make that job ship for yourself. But if all those things are being met, at their core, the decision is truly up to you on whether you want to stay or you want to go like, there's no, what I'm trying to say is there's no right or wrong to this. You can do whatever the fuck you want in your career, you want to stay at a company for ages do that, you're happy where you're at, right? You want to move because it's amazing opportunity is being presented for yourself, it's meeting all your boxes, etc. Do that. But just remember some things is really key guys, you're gonna have so much opportunity for this, you're gonna have so much opportunity for career growth and changes and stuff like that, because you're gonna be at your corporate job for a long time. Okay, like you like we forget that with so the women that I work with are in such a rush to move on to the next promotion. And the next thing, and this is where we really slow down and uncover that the reason they're rushing so much is because there is this deep need of needing not not necessarily needed to do more, but like, it's not enough. Like we should be, we should be higher, we should be doing this instead, instead of stopping and enjoying the journey and taking the time to really cultivate and learn deep skills and stretch our capacity in a healthy way. Not necessarily just throwing yourself into the deep end all the time. So you can truly be ready for that next role. And there might be a point in your career where you stop, you're happy at that level, and you're but you're still expanding your capability that is fine, as well. It truly is up to you. You do not listen need to listen to any fucking guru around No, you need to be changing every two years to be, you know, getting more money, etc. It's up to you. But this is a problem like and the reason I I'm not trying to hate on people that do that and give that advice out there. I get frustrated because now that I have lost and like really killed that need to prove that I'm good enough to myself in my corporate job, my business in all areas of my life. I'm just making fucking decisions that work best for me. And that makes sense to me. I could not give a shit. What any of the other gurus or anything else is saying, This is my life. This is my career. And I'm going to curate it the way that I want and the way that I see fit with what some you know, I'm needing a matching at that time. And I want you to have that confidence as well. That is why my epic Work and Life program will be opening up so you need to get on the waitlist because this type of energy, like I just enjoy my fucking job. I am so happy. Do I have bad days because if I could do dry, you get stressed Of course if I can do Guess what? I ride through it, I manage it and I get better. And then I share it with you guys on the podcast. But I'm not going into work. absolutely hated my job, dreading it being on the train wishing I wasn't here and then secretly like after work or like on the train home looking at LinkedIn and being like, ooh, it's like a next job and like wishing I didn't ever have to work. You're going to be in your job for decades, you might as well enjoy what you're doing. You might as well build this confidence where you can say to yourself, hey, Buck, yes, I know what I want. I know the career direction I need to get into I know where I need to work on my thoughts. I know where there are changes that I also need to make, whether that's internal or external. But I know where it's coming from. We're coming from a place of scarcity and having to pay have to change things because things don't feel good, etc. It's coming from a place of like, I want to do this, I want to go after this new opportunity. I want to leave his current job to go after this thing because it's matching all my ideals etc. Even though there is going to be a little bit of fear with it, which I'm going to lean into. That's the type of energy you want. So link in the show notes or sign up for the epic Work Life program, and I will see you next week.