Journey through the Book of Mark
Join Gary Kent on an incredi[Bi]ble journey through the Bible book of Mark. In Mark's book, he presents Jesus as a dynamic man of power. Everything in Mark happens quickly and dramatically. Mark has no time for things like family trees and stories about Jesus birth, he focuses on Jesus' power, ministry and death on the cross. — Visual versions of these devotionals can be watched on our website tij.tv/bible-devotional — The Incredible Journey
Podcasting since 2022 • 211 episodes
Journey through the Book of Mark
Latest Episodes
211. Then the Disciples Went – Mark 16:20
Mark has just told us that Jesus has been taken up into heaven and has sat at God's right hand. And now, we come to the very final statement in the Gospel of Mark. And it is the natural and logical result of what he has just told us. "Then the ...
Season 1
Episode 211

210. At the Right Hand of God – Mark 16:19
Jesus has just given his disciples what we call today “The Great Commission,” the instruction to preach the gospel to the whole world. The Gospel of Mark is coming to its dramatic end. "After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up i...
Season 1
Episode 210

209. Accompanying Signs – Mark 16:18
Jesus has just told his disciples to go into all the world and to preach the Gospel to all creation and that he who believes will be saved. What he tells them next is really striking. "And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my nam...
Season 1
Episode 209

208. Salvation and Condemnation – Mark 16:16
Jesus has just told his disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. And now he tells them why this is so important. "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned". ...
Season 1
Episode 208

207. Go Into All the World – Mark 16:15
The risen Lord has appeared to his followers as they are gathered together, and he has rebuked them for their stubborn refusal to believe. Now, he is going to tell them what the next steps are. I wonder what instructions he’s going to give them...
Season 1
Episode 207