Journey through the Book of Mark
Join Gary Kent on an incredi[Bi]ble journey through the Bible book of Mark. In Mark's book, he presents Jesus as a dynamic man of power. Everything in Mark happens quickly and dramatically. Mark has no time for things like family trees and stories about Jesus birth, he focuses on Jesus' power, ministry and death on the cross. — Visual versions of these devotionals can be watched on our website tij.tv/bible-devotional — The Incredible Journey
211 episodes
211. Then the Disciples Went – Mark 16:20
Mark has just told us that Jesus has been taken up into heaven and has sat at God's right hand. And now, we come to the very final statement in the Gospel of Mark. And it is the natural and logical result of what he has just told us. "Then the ...
Season 1
Episode 211

210. At the Right Hand of God – Mark 16:19
Jesus has just given his disciples what we call today “The Great Commission,” the instruction to preach the gospel to the whole world. The Gospel of Mark is coming to its dramatic end. "After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up i...
Season 1
Episode 210

209. Accompanying Signs – Mark 16:18
Jesus has just told his disciples to go into all the world and to preach the Gospel to all creation and that he who believes will be saved. What he tells them next is really striking. "And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my nam...
Season 1
Episode 209

208. Salvation and Condemnation – Mark 16:16
Jesus has just told his disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. And now he tells them why this is so important. "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned". ...
Season 1
Episode 208

207. Go Into All the World – Mark 16:15
The risen Lord has appeared to his followers as they are gathered together, and he has rebuked them for their stubborn refusal to believe. Now, he is going to tell them what the next steps are. I wonder what instructions he’s going to give them...
Season 1
Episode 207

206. Jesus Rebukes the Eleven – Mark 16:14
Mark continues to recount the list of the initial eyewitnesses to the resurrection of Christ. Finally, he appears to the eleven. I wonder what he will say to them. “Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he rebuked them for the...
Season 1
Episode 206

205. Jesus Tries Again – Mark 16:12-13
The disciples haven’t believed the report of Mary Magdalene that Jesus is alive. So, Jesus tries again. Afterward Jesus appeared in a different form to two of them while they were walking in the country. 13 These returned and reported it to the...
Season 1
Episode 205

204. Unbelievable News – Mark 16:10-11
The risen Jesus has just appeared to Mary Magdalene. She is the first to see him, and she returns and tells the disciples. She went and told those who had been with him and who were mourning and weeping. 11 When they heard that Jesus was alive ...
Season 1
Episode 204

203. The First to See Jesus – Mark 16:9
Mark tells us that when the angel announced to the women that Jesus had risen, they fled in fear and confusion, and they initially didn’t tell anyone. From the other Gospels, we know that there was one exception: Mary Magdalene. She went and to...
Season 1
Episode 203

202. They Were Afraid – Mark 16:8
On Sunday morning, the women have arrived at the tomb to find the stone rolled away, and an angel who has told them that Jesus has risen from the dead. If you had been with the women that morning, how would you have felt? The reaction of the wo...
Season 1
Episode 202

201. He is Going Ahead of You – Mark 16:7
The angel at the tomb has just told the women the incredible news that Jesus has risen. But that’s not all he has to tell them! But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he tol...
Season 1
Episode 201

200. Don’t Be Alarmed – Mark 16:5-6
As the tomb of Jesus came into view, the women had seen, to their surprise, that the massive stone had somehow been rolled away. In shock and confusion, they hurried to enter the tomb to see what had happened. “As they entered the tomb, they sa...
Season 1
Episode 200

199. Look Up! – Mark 16:4
As the women had walked to the tomb early on Sunday morning, they were worried about how they would ever be able to roll away the stone. Their steps were slow and heavy. As they approached the tomb, they were naturally downcast, contemplating t...
Season 1
Episode 199

198. Who Will Roll the Stone Away? – Mark 16:2
As the women take that long, sad walk to the tomb of Jesus, they have a very practical question in mind. And their question is yet another marker of the authenticity of Mark’s account of the resurrection.Very early on the first day of t...
Season 1
Episode 198

197. When the Sabbath Was Over – Mark 16:1
The Sabbath lasted from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. Jesus has been in the tomb from late Friday afternoon and throughout all of Saturday and Saturday night. It is now Sunday morning.When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary ...
Season 1
Episode 197

196. The Eye-Witnesses to the Burial – Mark 15:47
The greatest historical claim of Christianity is that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. This was an absurd claim to make in an ancient culture that considered itself highly sophisticated and in which the concept of bodily resurrection did not ex...
Season 1
Episode 196

195. The Stone – Mark 15:46
Joseph of Arimathea has just placed Jesus’ body in a tomb cut out of rock. It’s very important to notice what he did next. Then he rolled a stone against the entrance of the tomb.– Mark 15:46
Season 1
Episode 195

194. The Burial of Jesus – Mark 15:46
Now that Pilate has given Joseph of Arimathea permission to have the body, Joseph returns to the place of execution to take charge. He has to move quickly, because the sun is low, and once it sets, the Sabbath begins, during which no work can b...
Season 1
Episode 194

193. Pilate Was Surprised – Mark 15:25-26
Joseph of Arimathea, a leading member of the Sanhedrin has sought an audience with Pontius Pilate to request the body of Jesus. For many reasons, this was a highly unusual request. Pilate was surprised to hear that he was already d...
Season 1
Episode 193

192. A Secret Admirer – Mark 15:42-43
When criminals were crucified, part of the humiliation was that their bodies weren’t buried. To lie unburied was a matter of great shame in the ancient world. Instead, the bodies of the victims of crucifixion were thrown out into the open among...
Season 1
Episode 192

191. The Women at the Cross – Mark 15:30-41
Throughout his gospel, Mark highlights how much opposition Jesus received throughout his ministry. And it’s the same at the cross. Mark has already mentioned that the disciples had run for their lives, and we know that John was the only one of ...
Season 1
Episode 191

190. The Centurion’s Testimony – Mark 15:39
We know that the squad of soldiers assigned the task of actually crucifying Jesus consisted of four soldiers, because the gospel of John tells us that they divided his clothes between them. However, there was also a centurion there at the cross...
Season 1
Episode 190

189. No More Barrier – Mark 15:38
Mark has just told us that Jesus has breathed his last. You might expect a deep spiritual reflection or a pause for contemplation. But that is not Mark’s way. He is a man of dramatic action. And Christ’s death was the most dramatic of all actio...
Season 1
Episode 189

188. With a Loud Cry – Mark 15:37
While the people mock and ridicule him, Jesus is accomplishing the salvation of the world. These next brief words seem to raise a universe of questions. Yet they represent the heart of the Gospel, the centre of redemption, the very core of the ...
Season 1
Episode 188

187. Misunderstood Prophecy – Mark 15:34-36
Jesus has just cried out in a loud voice, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” How you respond to that cry depends on your religious experience. And some of the Jews who were responded in what to us might seem a very strange way....
Season 1
Episode 187