Lighten Up, Ladies!

What's Lighten Up, Ladies! about?

April 13, 2022 Dori Martin

001.  (Intro)  
Hello- Glad you stopped by! This episode shares what the show is about and what to expect in upcoming episodes.  If you'd like to keep in touch, please subscribe so you can get notified when new episodes drop.  Cheers!

Well, hello, you found us welcome to the lighten up ladies podcast. This is Dori Martin here, a health and resilience coach and your host. So I wanted to jump right in and share what this show is all about, who it's for about me and what to expect in future episodes. So first issue. What is it about to, and who it's for this podcast is about being happy. Despite the ups and downs in life. People talk about longevity, which is great. 

Um, but you also want to make sure that there's a quality of life involved too. So this podcast is made for ladies, especially those of us who are in midlife. This is a stage that's more stressful than ever because we're professionals, we're moms. Some of us are empty nesters caregivers, and you know, a lot of us are gen extras, which means that we work really, really hard and we are very independent and we don't like to ask for help a lot. So lots of us are dealing with also signs of aging. 

I'm going to say the word menopause. And Perry menopause are at play for a lot of us. and actually if it's not coming into play, there's a lot we can do to head it off the past before things start going sideways. And for those of us who are in the trenches, now there's a lot we can do to. And so there's not enough support for that. 

And so I wanted to help provide that here as well. We're also dealing with brain fog, sleep deprivation, there's information overload with 24 hour access to emails, work people we've got toxins with climate change. And don't forget the pandemic. Wow. That's exhausting. Just hearing about that, right. 

So it's no wonder we live in a time when most of us are stressed out. We're in overwhelm and a lot of us are diagnosed with something or maybe a few things and we want and deserve something better. And that's what this is all about. We are here for ladies who like to geek out on science, but also love the spiritual booth stuff. 

Does this sound like you, then you weren't in the right place. And I am excited to dig in and share a lot of great stuff with you because we want to feel better. Look better, ditch stress, create more joy in life and be healthy. And what I want to share is inspiration and easy steps. So maybe a little about me, right?  My name is Dori Martin, and my kids will tell you I am a big geek. What does that mean? That means that I love to study. I'm a lifelong learner. And so I have a lot of letters after my name. 

Um, but I don't collect them to brag. I collect them because I love to learn new information. And I love to share, and this is where I'd like to be able to do all that. I am a stress and resilience expert.  I'm an FDN P, which is a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner. It means that I run functional labs to help people create customized protocols to build health and wellness. 

I'm also a certified yoga teacher. I'm a master level three EFT practitioner. EFT stands for emotional freedom technique. Also known as tapping. And you'll hear more about that in future episodes. I'm also a licensed massage therapist from a past life and I'm a health educator. And I also am studying to be an NLP practitioner and a cognitive behavioral therapy practitioner. And I've got a few other things down the pipeline that I'm working on. 

And so I am on my own health journey, but I also want to share what has been working for me and for my clients. I am also the creator of the stress and cravings, fixed coaching program and group program. I am also a mother of two teenage kiddos. Two boys. And I also have helped my dad through his end of life process. So I have been a caregiver for a while, not only as a mom, but also just in other contexts as well. 

I am also in the sandwich generation. That means that I'm helping my mom through her Twilight year as well. Parenting my boys. And I am also married to my best friend and amazing man who also happens to have stage four gastric cancer. And he is.  Working full-time and exercising and just still being awesome. Eight years into a terminal diagnosis, and he's taught me so much about resilience and mindset. 

And that's why I have so much passion for all of these topics. We're going to be talking about in this podcast and sharing. So I am in the midlife mayhem too. And so I dealt with burnout battles with food, health issues, and feeling hopeless and a lot of fear during my caregiver years. But also I love to be an instigator of fun. I believe in magic miracles. And a lot of things will move. So spoiler alert I believe the best way to  have a great life  is to create it.  

 Easier said than done, but that's where I find that the tribe is key. And this is where the podcast comes in. This is your tribe. If all of these things above sounds good to you. So what's ahead in future episodes. I'll share what I'm learning about healing, happiness, ditching stress, self care, and easy and fun ways to add all the good stuff into your life. 

And of course I don't have all the answers. So luckily I have access to some amazing boss wellness experts that will share their best Intel and tips with us as well. I also believe information is awesome for inspiration, but action is where the magic happens. So each episode will give you something new that you can use right away to Uplevel your happiness, health, and outlook on life. 

Again, I am so excited. You found me and all of this. If it sounds great to you, please subscribe to the podcast so we can stay in touch and rock this precious and amazing gift of life together. Okay. See you soon. 

 And don't forget to lighten up ladies!