Lighten Up, Ladies!

Energy Medicine for Stress & High Performance with Susan Davis, ThM

July 06, 2022 Dori Martin Episode 15


Energy medicine is the healing modality of the future according to many health professionals.

This is an interesting perspective, because energy healing is actually a very ancient modality that's been around since the beginning of time. It's really about returning to our roots and using our innate intuition and spiritual awareness as well as all of the physical pillars of health to not only heal but thrive!

Today's guest, Susan Davis, has worked with not only people in extreme crisis including combat vets struggling with PTSD and the major challenges of becoming re-integrated into civilian life,  but also elite athletes and entrepreneurs who are striving to excel in their chosen fields.

In this episode, Susan shares how she helps people easily manage stress and build resilience with energy medicine as well as simple steps to work with your biology even if you have very little time. Any significant change happens with a decision to take action and be consistent.

She also shares what it's like to experience her Resolution Experience process, where you get to finally uncover the subconscious beliefs that are preventing you from healing or reaching your goals in life. The subconscious mind controls most of your results in life, so this can be a huge game changer for anyone who feels stuck and doesn't know why they aren't making any real progress despite struggling to succeed or to heal.

To find out more about Susan, visit her website:

Autogenic Training video here

Susan's book, Creating Life Balance: Strategies to Thrive

Hi, Susan. I am so excited that you're on the show today. And I wanted to ask you if you can tell our listeners a little bit about yourself and how you got into the work that you're doing today with.

Hi, I'm glad to be here, Dori. Thanks for having me. , I think I mainly started in stress reduction probably close to 25 years ago when my husband was active duty in the army.

And so he was a senior leader. So in the army, you ha it's a two for one and the spouses usually help out a lot. So, um, I was helping soldiers return for war and helping their families reunite and a lot. Things that had to go into all of that having to do with financial issues, um, divorce issues, custody of children, issues, um, death of the soldier or a family member.

So a lot of things that are normally very stressful. I had a lot of training in, so that's how I got my start in actually functioning as a stress reduction expert. 

That's amazing. I mean, you've hit all the milestones of the things that can happen in life that are the big stressors in life. Not just like little things.

So what are , the main things that you help people with in terms of, um, you know, what are the, like the first steps? If you see somebody and they're really, really in a highly stressed, traumatized state. 

Well, there's a quick little story I can share with you. , on the installation of Fort Carson, Colorado, uh, the head of the psychiatric department, , invited me to come in through the back door.

And, uh, she said, I wanna see the kind of work that you do. And she goes, um, come in this day at this time. And I said, give me your most difficult patient. And I will show you what I can. And so she did. And, , she was following the footsteps of her family members who were all, , psychologists, psychiatrists, and things like that.

So the client that she'd given me was a female soldier who could not even take her sunglasses off. And so before we started anything, I did something called the autogenic training, which is basically self-regulation biofeedback. And I can give you a link to that, or we can share it in the, in the bio or somewhere on where you can actually hear me doing that for you.

And, um, so I made an audio, uh, with another group and it's on their YouTube, but it's an 18 minute audio on how to totally relax your body. So that's how I started with her. But, um, there's so many other ways to de-stress the first thing you wanna do is if you wanna work with a coach, like me is you've made a decision to change.

So that's the most important step is the decision, right? So you've gotta decide that you're ready to make a change because change is not easy. It's more comfortable to stay uncomfortable. So once you make that decision, then I do an intake to see a, a triage because I wanna know what your lifestyle is. I wanna know, you know, are you exercising?

What are you eating? But most  importantly,  is what do you like to do for. Because in my business, my background is energy medicine, transpersonal psychology. So I look at everything as a frequency or a hurts. So the table has a frequency. You have a frequency, I have a frequency. And so when we wanna be in a physical state of manifestation, we must have a high frequency.

In order to do that, you have to know when you're not in a state of high frequency. So some of those things are like, you're not sleeping, you're not eating, uh, you're frustrated or you're angry, or you're sad, or you're lonely. All of those things lower your vibration. So it's not helping you get from point a to point B.

So we start to take a look at how to change that. And the biggest thing that you must take a look at is what are you doing that makes you happy? And most of my clients, when they first start with me, don't have the correct answer. In other words, they're saying, well, I like to hang out with my friends. I like to take my kids to school and, you know, soccer and softball practice or whatever, you know, is involving the family.

But I say, what are you doing for yourself by yourself? And so that's the first.  because you've got to start to focus on you. Otherwise you're burnout and you're a caretaker and you're gonna keep burning out and you're not gonna be able to be a good caretaker if you're not taking care of yourself. So I got that firsthand knowledge in the military training because it's very stressful in the military.

And so that's the first thing you have to do is decide what are you gonna do for yourself? And that must be something creative.  because we're all very, left-brained, we're all using that left hemisphere, which is very good for survival, but we need to balance it out with the right hemisphere. 

There are so many things that you were saying that I was just had all these ideas come up about it because right.

Like you were saying, it's all about mindset. Being aware that this is something you wanna do because stress happens to you. And sometimes you don't even realize how. Out you are, but it's not going to reverse itself spontaneously. It takes awareness. And especially when you get to the level of energy and vibration, , can you actually define what you mean? And I know that you're very, , energy based and science based basically very, very broad spectrum. So when somebody hears about the word energy and energy medicine for the first time, how would you describe that to, , somebody who just doesn't know anything about it?

So in energy medicine, before anything physically manifests first, it is an emotion. So when you work with me, we go to find the emotion that's creating. Or sabotaging your future. So for a, a simple example, as say, Dory your right knee is hurting. Okay. So your right knee is hurting. So I ask you Dory, is there a feeling around your right knee?

Maybe you say I'm frustrated. You know, so in the session we, the body is a roadmap. The body will take us where we need to go to find the unconscious program that is running. That is not allowing you to be in your full self. So the key word here is unconscious because if it were conscious, you would already taken care of it.

So in energy medicine, we're looking for the emotion that may have been five years ago, 10 years ago, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, a hundred years ago, a thousand years ago. So depending on your belief system, I can meet you where you're at. If you believe in reincarnation, that's fine. If you don't that's okay, too.

 We all have ancestors. Where did you get your brown eyes? Right? Came from one of your ancestors. So we can go into your ancestral cellular memory to discover what is not helping you does that.

I love. Yes, it does because we're finding more, I, science is taking a while to catch up, but they're finding that in our cellular memory, there are things that are even emotionally belief systems.

And that's how we, we evolve knowing what's dangerous and not dangerous. And sometimes that's not a correct reference that we're getting over time. Maybe something I was dangerous before isn't dangerous anymore. So it's almost like outdated programming, but it does carry over. 

And so I think as practitioners are catching up, people who've been doing work and health and wellness. Either just getting into energy medicine, or where do you think, where do you think energy medicine is in terms of its,  prevalence and acceptance in the general society? 

Well, I think it's, not very well known about, I'm not gonna say it's not accepted because I just don't think people know about it.

I think once people know about it, I mean, one of my colleagues gives me multiple referrals. She's a functional medicine doctor. She understands about the emotional component that affects our biology. So when we them work together, she looks at their blood work, looks at the biology and I'm looking at the emotion.

So it's all influenced by your emotion and I believe you can heal anything, but it doesn't really matter what I believe. It only matters what you believe, but in the process of figuring out what you believe, some of your belief systems will fall away and some of them will get stronger. So it, uh, it's very unique.

It's not a cookie cutter, , way to present. If you look at my resume, you can see where I went to go get my traditional counseling license, but I don't believe in it. I mean, they wanted to throw me out of the class  because I kept saying, but why aren't we doing this?  why are we doing that? And, you know, they're very much, , in line with the pharmaceutical industry.

Which if that's where we start, that's where we start. But most of I I'm all for emergency medicine, don't get me wrong, but there's so many side effects from every type of medication that that's not being, acknowledged. 

Yeah. That's so true. Most of them are not recognized as. And the body is something that it can do anything with.

And most of them have side effects and cause nutrient deficiencies. And there's a backlash. It's not a free ride, plus it's not getting to the root cause of what's going on. You don't have like a antidepressant deficiency and you don't have like, you know, Aspirin deficiency or anything like that. So definitely.

And you're right. As I think about it, energy medicine was around well before, since the beginning of human existence. Right. So, and that, that's what I see in your practice. You do a lot of things in, Yoga meditation, mindfulness, and even the autogenic training sounds like it's just reconnecting the person back to the body.

Is that right? And being connected to what's going on emotionally and physically versus just kind of in your head and what you're thinking. 

Right. So a common approach to the biology piece of what I do is basically, , I just got through teaching a yoga class and I'm always, , Preaching basically, , the three deficiencies that are associated with all known disease, lack of water, lack of oxygen and lack of magnesium.

So if you understand that you have control over those three things, you've already jumped a huge hurdle in your life. You're probably not drinking enough water. You're probably not deeply breathing. You're not doing a, a practice focused breath work, and you're probably not getting enough. Magnes. So I'm not talking about the supplement kind of magnesium.

I'm talking about an Epson salt soak or magnesium lotion, because when your body's under stress, the best way to get it into your body quickly is transdermally or through the skin. So those are the two ways, the cheapest way, because I want you to do it every day is to soak your feet in EPS and salts.

One cup for a foot bath, three cups for a big bathtub. So it for water, you know, how much water are you drinking today? Dory, 

probably about eight glasses. And then that's good. There's also tea and herbals and things like that, 

but you're already aware and you're conscious of that.

The average person starts out the morning with a cup of coffee and then another cup of coffee. And then another cup of coffee, but where's the water. Okay. Well, I had tea it's it's fluid, but it doesn't count. And so you sleep all night long and you wake up and you are dehydrated. You must drink water as soon as you get up.

And that must be the last thing you drink before you go to bed. So the basic formula for water is you take your body weight, divide that number in half. That's the minimum amount of ounces of water that you need to put into your body a day. We're moving into the summer months, so you need to increase it.

So  take a look at how much water you're drinking, because what happens is when your body thinks it doesn't get enough water or enough oxygen, it's like, I think I'm dying. Okay. So it goes into a panic mode. Some people actually go into panic or a panic attack, but it also puts another layer of fat on your body to protect.

So, I mean, there's all kinds of incentives on why you should be drinking more water oxygen and, and having more magnesium. So it's just an awareness that maybe now you'll have.

Yeah, that's fantastic because it's, you're not asking somebody to do something that's super, super complicated. These are just foundations of what your body needs.

And like you said, if you're in dehydration, your body thinks you're in state of fight flight. So your stress hormones start triggering when you're not able to get up plus circulation and all these other things can't happen. , and so things, your whole body as a whole doesn't start working properly. And then how about oxygen?

Oxygen? So. You need to start doing some type of regular breath work. But, um, there something I was gonna say about that. Um, that we, we have to make the decision again, going back to the decision that you're gonna change something.

What are you gonna change? You have to look at something differently. Most of my, , clientele are entrepreneurs. So I really like that demographic. That's what I'm calling in as entrepreneurs and how to be successful in your business. But if you're not successful with yourself, it's gonna carry over. 

That makes sense. But if you don't have that balance and if you're not functioning well, your business isn't going to function well either. So I know that entrepreneurs definitely, especially since we're always looking at the exterior and looking at what's ahead and goal oriented and sort of type a personalities, um, Not realizing these foundational things are what you really need to be able to do well for yourself and as well as your business.

And, um, what you were saying about joy as well. It sounds like on top of H two O having enough, like water air and having enough magnesium, you also, I know that I, I, I worked for those of you listening. I worked with Susan and she said, what makes you happy? And I thought that was kind of. Detour. And then she said like do more of that.

And that was something that she was holding me accountable for. Um, but it's true. If you have no joy in life, then how can you bring creativity? And like you're saying, um, you know, abundance and all these other things you wanna create in your life, if you can't just have basic joy and something, just for the sake of doing it without some kind of deadline, how do you.

Do everything else. 

Right? Well, in my practice, I've helped people get pregnant. I've helped people not be pregnant. I've helped people get married. I've helped people write books. I've helped people triple their income. I've helped people pass tests like board exams, like chiropractors or doctors or those kinds of professionals.

Um, so.  it just depends on what, what do you wanna go after? And maybe you don't have the answer to that, but that's what I help you discover if you haven't quite figured it all out. It's, um, it's quite interesting to me because every person is so different that I am never bored at all. And, um, I like, I think I attract people like me that are a little bit ADHD or whatever you wanna call it.

That I, I have a lot of. Of my fingers in different pots. And, you know, I do a lot of different things. So during the lockdown, I wrote a book, but right before the lockdown, I went into my own meditation. I'm like, so if I'm coaching myself, right, what would I tell myself? I should be doing something that I really love doing, which I, I was doing things that I love, but not exceptionally love.

And, um, I taught dance for a long time. So I got back into the dance. So I've already done two big shows and I'm getting ready for another show. So this is pretty fun because our director choreographer, uh, grew up on Broadway. So it's, it's a really good show. Um, but I'm just encouraging you that if there's something that you haven't thought about for a while, go back and re-look at that.

Maybe it's getting back on the hiking trail or, you know, gardening, something that make you feel good.

Yeah. What was the name of the book? Is, is it in progress or is it published already? 

No, I got it. It's a creating life balance strategies to thrive. It's on Amazon. I love that. And at the beginning of the book, uh, there is a tool that you can take as a stress assessment.

That was created by my mentor. Who's a PhD MD neurosurgeon. So he claims that after I took all of his courses, that w if you have one session with me, it's valued at seven traditional therapy sessions. So only you can judge that, but because we go into the unconscious memory, it's not cognitive. The beginning of this, of the session is cognitive.

Cuz we're talking about what are you eating? What are you drinking? How are you exercising and what are you doing for fun? But ultimately we go and we find out what you really wanna get

. I love that. Yes. Because Susan also is somebody who's a performance coach. And so whatever that thing is, you wanna do when you have some kind of block towards it, or aren't even thinking about it, she's your person to talk to.

Um, so is it true? I heard something about, , subconscious 95% of what you're thinking or your actions are based on your belief systems and how you perform in the world is based on, , a block or some belief in subconscious and then 5%. Of your conscious brain is what you're trying to use to do a lot of things.

Is that correct? 

That's pretty close. I mean, yeah. They're always throwing out numbers like that. Like they're saying our body is 70% water and then they'll say, oh no, it's not really 70. It's like 75%. So, you know, let's just go with it's a lot. Right. Because either way, those are things that we've gotta look at.

We need to look at at the unconscious part of us, but that's hard to do by yourself. It's very difficult. I wish that we could do it by ourselves, but you need someone to help you, um, figure that out. So people say, well, it's a regression technique and they're like, oh, it's hypnosis. No, it's not hypnosis.

The technique that I use is actually de hypnosis. You've already been hypnotized, so we delete it. So put it in the trash bin and get rid of it. And it's.

Nice. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense in terms of you can't, you can't do it yourself because you're in the frame or you've been in this body and this mind and program essentially. So you can't see what the program is. Unless you have somebody guide you and be able to spot you kind of like a, a personal trainer.

So what does it look like to be in a session with you then as you're helping a person through that? 

Well, let's just take an example for one little girl. She's 14 years old and she'd worked with me once already, , her parents, , Are, , very much involved in their Christian Church and the daddy was in charge of a hospital and things like that.

So they were looking at my credentials obviously. , and so they asked me to work with her and she was angry for the first session. So after the first session, they were very happy with the results, but then they called me like six and a half months later and they said, can you help her with her mathematics?

She's failing her mathematics. I said, absolutely. And, The child was brilliant. So there, there was just something. Why was she failing her mathematics? Right. So in session, I love working with the kids cuz their kids, their eyes are wide open, then nothing distracts them. I'm saying, okay, tell me how it feels when you're going in to take the test.

And she's like, well, I feel like I know all the answers. And I said, well, where's it at, in your body? Because in this technique you have to find it in your body somatic. So she found it in her body. I said, take that feeling and that, that emotion and go back. In time. And I said, now tell me what you're seeing.

And it's like a movie trailer it's in your own head. And she says, well, I can't understand what they're saying. I said, well, your unconscious mind can understand everything. She goes, oh, it's Polish. I said, okay, well, what are they saying? And they're she says, well, they're, they're telling this woman that they', they want her to do something.

And then she asked me, she goes, is there mathematics and nuclear? I said yes. And she goes, well, they're asking her to do something that is, she doesn't wanna do. It's gonna hurt a lot of people. And so I said, well, what happens to her? And so she says, well, they took her out and shot her. So the message was in order to stay alive, I must not do well in mathematics.

So she deleted, it sent me a text three weeks later, she got an a on her.  This is, this is your own story. That's, what's really unique about it is it's your history. 

So how did you find this? I mean, how did you find this technique and be able to master it? 

Well, I was going to get my graduate degree in energy medicine.

This was just a certification. On the side, I'm also an ordained minister from a seminary. And so it was intriguing to me. And so I took all the classes that they had in it. And then I asked the professor to teach a class that I, so I could teach it. So now I'm a past life therapy instructor because it works and I continue to search out other modalities and other ways of helping people.

But this is so profound that I haven't really found anything to take. Its. Alongside with the triaging of using your biology and your cognitive processes? Of course. 

Why do you think more people don't know about this kind of modality? 

Well kind of like you remember how people used to say depending on your age,  that chiropractors are cos and you know, that don't go see a chiropractor and really they're the ones that know most about the body.

I think it's  similar to this technique or avenue because  it's not being promoted on mainstream media. That's all bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry. So this would. This would not promote anything that that they're promoting. So if you're looking at advertising and the bottom line, then this will not be promoted.

This will not even be engaged in, I wrote a 32 page document and handed it to the surgeon general of the army. Using all holistic practices, went right over their head. They're they're not affiliated. That's true. How do you systemize? Yeah. Yeah. How do you capitalize on this?

Right. You were saying that you took on the most complicated, you asked for the most complicated person. What gave you that confidence? Like what was it that you knew that propelled you into that direction and asked for the most complicated one? 

Well, I always like a challenge.  um, I used to teach dance and most of the people that trained with me, they're like, oh, I'm only gonna teach tap, or I'm only gonna teach ballet.

And I'm like, well, I'm gonna teach everything. So that's kind of how I approach everything in life that I want to know about everything. And if I don't know everything about everything, which I don't, then I'm going to at least. Get on the journey to start learning more about it. But I just know that this technique, there are so many techniques that you can use within this modality that help people that are not being utilized to calm the nervous system down.

A simple thing by just humming in the shower, hits the Vegas nerve in the back of your throat, calms you down. Simple. So hum. Hum all the time. So maybe you're in a conference meeting and you see, um, you see people doodling or yawning. Those are two really good. I, those people probably have really good ideas when you're yawning.

You're connecting with your higher consciousness. When you're doodling, you're using your creative right side of your brain. All those things are really important. If you know that they're important.

And there are things that, , you can do in the quote in between times, maybe  increase more of that, of course.

But there are not things that you have to set aside hours and hours and hours of day to do, so.  That's really great because you can interweave it into your life and it doesn't sound like it needs to be very difficult to be able to accomplish these things. 

It's not really difficult.

It all goes back to the decision. Yeah. It all goes back to making. The decision. And once you do that, it's gonna be a lot easier. I mean, I've seen some phenomenal things working with individuals. , it's just amazing. I worked with  the Olympic ice skating team out in Colorado Springs.

I mean all the little kids all the way up to the older kids and it improved their program. I was quite,  shocked to see what they were putting into their bodies, without anybody talking to them, you know,  nutritional wise, it's,  if you're not aware of what's good for you, then you just follow the same old pattern or you follow what you've been instructed to do, or you've watched, somebody modeling that for you.

, if you grow up going to Starbucks every day, then that's not very healthy. I was doing. Some side work with, uh, at elementary school here and we were getting them prepared for their testing. And I said to the teacher, she goes, I don't know how to get control of my class. These are third graders.

She goes, can you help me get control of my, my class? I said, sure. I said, you need to make sure they're drinking water all day and you need to give them a snack in the morning because their parents are driving through Starbucks and they're not getting anything nutritional to eat. So she, she start, I see her a little, she's thinking about, oh, this is gonna cost me a lot of money and she, no, but what she was really doing is she was gonna go get all the extra fruit from the lunchroom at the end of the day for the next morning.

And she did that. So the next week when I showed up, she met me in the parking lot. She gave me this big hug. She goes, oh my God, my kids are so different. Little water, little nutrition goes a long way. 

Yeah.  That's really interesting because like you said, the first thing that they're doing is going through Starbucks.

So, , the food you put into your body and the liquid you put into your body do something and then you get an output. So if it's going to be sugar and caffeine, empty calories, then it's going to have an. But if you put in something healthy with antioxidants and nutrients and, and hydrate people, then you're gonna get a different result.

But it's like you said, it's that awareness. It starts with the awareness and then being consistent with it. And I guess that's what you're saying. When you're saying you have to make your decision, because if you try it once, oh, that felt good. And you, you don't have that intention of making it a part of what you do then no matter how great the tool or technique is, it's not going to be a part of what you do.

On a regular basis. So yeah, that's really, really helpful. Thank you. So, , in terms of, performance, what are the things that really get in people's way? And if they make their mind to do something, is there something else that's derailing them? 

Well, that's a good question because it's really unique to each individual.

So if , we won't know that sitting here talking like this is very cogniti. I mean, we can look at all the, the basic stuff. Like, are you getting enough sleep? And those kinds of things, but honestly, it's an unconscious program running saying you can't have it. So we've gotta go into your cell memory and actually discover what that is for you, because sometimes it doesn't seem like that would be it, but it is every time that is what it.

So I, I can't describe that too well, because it would be unique to every single person. If I were to take one individual that's, it's not gonna be the same for a next person. It won't, and it's never the same, never. 

So essentially, if there's something that you're not doing, but you know that it would be a good idea.

It's because you have something subconscious, that's saying, Nope, it's not safe. Not for me, or you're not deserving or something, there's something there and it's different for everybody. So it's a matter of finding out what that is so that you're not pushing against that resistance all the time. Right?

It's not because of laziness or anything like that. It's just, there's something in the way.

The only way you can really find it is to go into a session and you're not asleep, you're perfectly awake. , and discover what it is that's stopping you. From moving forward.  I was trying to think of a good example.

Well, a good example is like the one you said where with math, I mean, she's a smart girl, but then there was something blocking her. And that's not something you could say, everybody, you had, you know, this specific memory, it was something very, very specific that wouldn't translate into anybody else's story or belief system.

So. . Yeah, so that makes a lot of sense. And, and also as a Christian family, going back to that example. So for people who have a religious belief, that's not something that gets in the way of this therapy or this technique, is that right? 

No. Correct. Do you have to believe what's going to ha what's going on or is it just really helping, letting you like being open minded and letting the process take place?

Yeah, let's just take a look at it. I've never had, but one person not have a successful treatment only because that person was forced to come to me and they didn't want to . So you know  that's not gonna work. Right. So that every person that comes to me is looking for a change. So I'm just here to help figure that out and to make a plan.

I mean, it's, it's very, it can become very cognitive at, at, at the end result. Uh, I work a lot with the entrepreneurs outta Silicon valley and some of them are actually, and one of them's writing a book right now. She's almost finished. It's gonna be phenomenal, but she has worked with me for quite a while and she sees why, what I'm talking about needs to be implemented into the entrepreneurial spirit.

So that we can get further ahead without crashing, without being sick, without hurting yourselves, you know? Um, so I'm glad that you know, that people that are leading in the business are gonna be start to, to share this concept that you don't have to, , do a whole weekend full of what do they call it?

 A brain blast. I don't know. They call it something crazy where they don't go to sleep at all for the whole weekend. And all they're doing is trying to come up with new ideas and new plans and everything else, but that's not really good for you, you know, it's just not. And um, most of them, those entrepreneurs are young and they think that they're gonna be able to make it.

And I'm telling you, I'm working with a couple other ones who did make it. And now they're really. So it's very important to pay attention to your body. Your body is so intelligent and then you have your brain, which also helps. 

Yeah. It sounds like a lot of, , following your intuition, getting in touch with your body and then mindset making a decision and the awareness of how it all works.

And so,  when you're working with somebody, it sounds like it's very specific and. Murderers. It's true. They tend to light the candles at both ends. And I don't know if it was a boot camp or deep dive. Those are really common buzz phrases right now in that space. Yeah. And then, um, pushing through, but.

Based on what you were saying about joy. Creativity doesn't happen in a place of stress and being forced to do anything. So you were saying that if person's doodling, they're probably in a better place to create something or make something that doesn't really exist right now, or have a new idea. So that makes sense that that's how you are able to help people with performance and also creating things.

So what is your favorite kind of person to work with? 

My favorite kind of person, the one that wants to show up and change something. That's the one I wanna work with. I like the stubborn ones because, , they're disciplined. I've worked with a lot of professional athletes, same kind of mindset, , very focused driven.

But once I get that focus over to drinking more water and breathing. Wow. You know, that's why I like them because I know they're disciplined. I say this is an asset. Let's just figure out how to use. 

Oh, I love that. A reframe and just redirecting it in the right direction versus the wrong direction or the one that's not really helpful in the moment, right?

I just think that if you're thinking about making a change, that means you would need to look at a different way of, of approaching that change.

And I think that I offer a different approach that is unique and success.

Right. Yeah. You were saying that, change is hard. Why is it so hard? 

Because we're comfortable being uncomfortable.  We know what that looks like. We know what being uncomfortable is, even though we don't like it, we know it.

And then you're pointing out because it becomes a normal, like, Hey guess what are you? Are you comfortable?  and then people are probably thinking, no, it's not working. I'm not comfortable. So I guess it goes back to being aware again. And you were saying also that, , you feel like people can heal from anything?

Yes. Can you say a little bit more about that? 

Because it's vibrational. When, when there's a disease in your body, your vibration is low. when you start to look at what you're putting into your body, not only thoughts, but food, liquid, , what are you consuming then? You're raising your vibration and all disease, is acidic.

So if your body is acidic, then you've got to Ize. What does that mean? That means you gotta look at an alkaline. An alkaline diet does not have alcohol in it. It doesn't have ice cream in it. It has no white sugar or white flour or white anything. Okay. So you have to make a decision that you're gonna take a look at this so that you can start to help your body heal, and then you have to believe it.

And the future of all healing will be through this through sound frequency and light. 

I've been looking into that and it it's what our habitat, our natural habitat we've grown so far away from that. And they sound so basic, but we're not often we are not outside and getting that light we're inside and we're not in the earth.

We're not getting any of those things. That sound therapy. , can you say a little bit more about sound therapy? 

Well, it's like using the bowls or,  you can look  on YouTube there's rife frequencies, R I F E or the Fibe Nachi sequences. Those are on YouTube. And some of them are specific to organs that you might wanna heal.

Maybe you wanna heal your kidneys, or you have a headache. I mean, you can type in what you're specifically looking for, and there will be a frequency there. So those things go into our body just like microwaves. Do. So we're all being microwaved right now, you know, on the laptop with the phone, with the television, all of that stuff is, depleting our body.

It's it's stressing our body out and  mainly it's mineral depletion, mineral depletion. Then it upsets our hormones. Then we show up with thyroid disease or, cancer and the uterus, all kinds of stuff. You've gotta look at to see  what are you putting into your body that your body has had enough of your body's telling you that's enough because it's showing up as an imbalance, as a disease, as a tumor, something that doesn't belong there.

And that's because you haven't been listening to your body. 

Yeah, we, we do live in a place where people are just, I think, learning about EMFs, but it's in the air. It's hard to avoid, especially if you live in a highly populated area. And then the foods that we eat, um, there are a lot of chemicals in it,  We're we've got more toxins around us than we've ever had in our history.

I think so. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. So if we're aware of it and we start listening to the body and give it what it needs, then it could do. What it needs to do begin to help itself. So that's really, really integrative for sure, to help with the physical and then go into the, the mind body connection and then move into the spiritual, which one of those three are, I know this is it's kind of oversimplifying, but the ones that you like to work with most, 

well, I don't, I don't separate.

it all goes together. So there's no separation. I mean, we might start working with a physical, but we will end up working with the spiritual because if you don't have a spiritual connection, then how do you have a belief system? Do you believe in a higher power? It's very difficult to work with people who don't believe in a higher power because they have no hope.

And if we don't have hope, we have depress. But I am pioneering a couple new things that are not even mainstream anywhere. And I worked in suicide prevention for three years and I found that those people who were born by cesarean birth are some of those who are cutting themselves. I'm not gonna say everyone, but everyone that I've worked with that has had a cesarean birth.

When we get into that area of study within their own history. I ask them if they've been cutting themselves probably 85% of the time, they say yes, and I've never asked them that, but I find it in the session.  I don't think that cesarean birth is healthy for either the mother or the baby.

I'm not saying there aren't some emergencies, but a lot of times it's at the convenience of either the parent or the doctor.

I think that's something that is also, like you said, a lot of people haven't been thinking about that, but there is, there are studies or more studies out there if you look for them stating that yeah, the, the birth, I mean, even before then, but the birth trauma birth traumas really impact.

Because even if you don't have the language, your body knows. And so that really makes sense what you were saying. Your body has a lot of information and maybe that's, what's so complicated because not the language wasn't there, but the emotions were there. And so how do you articulate it? And that's why you need somebody there to draw it out, to be able to guide you through the process, because it's something that if it was before, even before language, then, , how do you even.

Be able to detect that. 

Well, I've also,  I'm teaching classes now I'm certifying other people to do what I do. I mean, we need to duplicate ourselves. It needs to be. More widespread, but I do all of my clients over the phone or the internet so that it is it's easily accessible. No, one's gonna get sick.

You know, it's like at your own convenience, you're safe. It's all those good things. And it's very powerful.  

so,  what is included in your class? How long does it take to get certified in what you do? 

Um, I just gave a course a few weeks ago. It's an eight hour in person course. And then there's another, um, well the total course is 35 hours.

So then you have three clients that you work with at least three to five times each. And go over the notes with me in between, and then you write a paper and then you're, you're often ready to go. And in between all that, I mean, you always have access to me. You'll have, you know, if you ask me questions, you know, I don't know how to find this part, or this is what this person's bringing to the table, you know, just kind of brainstorm it and see how I can help.

How do people find you, Susan? 

Well, you can find me, um, at Susan I'm there. I'm on Susan performance on Instagram. Not really on there very much, but I'm on Facebook. I'm in 16 different groups, maybe more now on face, uh, book under the way to my heart, which is a nonprofit organization that works with peripheral artery disease.

Peripheral artery disease is, uh, a disease that's rarely diagnosed and it's a precursor to heart attack. So what I. What I'm on there for as a coach is to help everybody be compliant with their exercising and what they're putting into their bodies, oxygen, water, magnesium, and healthy food, and those kinds of things to help them, uh, open up their blood vessels and get rid of the plaque in the body.

Is there, um, a specific demographic that you're seeing afflicted with it or is it kind of just everyone? I, the other day there was a 28 year old on there. Start you before that, I think around 40, 40, 50, 60, you know, maybe a little bit older, but you know, it's that lifestyle that you've had for 30 years that maybe wasn't the best lifestyle.

Right. So now you're paying for it. And, um, so it's a very innovative group. We have a lot of professionals, vascular surgeons, radiologists, cardiologists, all other kinds of professionals besides myself. 

That's amazing.  you were truly one of those people who just has a broad interest because even as we were, you know, talking about you coming on, I was thinking there's just so many different things that you're doing.

And you're always in the front line of understanding and healing and wellness and mindset. So thank you so much for sharing your information with us today. I really appreciate it. And , I think that it's gonna be eyeopening for a lot of people.

Have anybody, you know, reach out to me and I'll send them a complimentary.

Video, , either of a breath exercise or autogenic training or whatever they might be, or even just a 20 minute consult if they're interested in knowing a little bit more. 

Okay. Yeah, absolutely. Perfect. Thank you so much. I'll share all the resources that we talked about and anymore that make sense. And I definitely encourage listeners to find out more about Susan.

She's amazing, and she has a lot of resources to share, and I'm really excited to learn more about her program that she's teaching people to help do what she does. Because it sounds like it's really leading edge and it's really needed too, especially with the amount of stress that we're all dealing with right now.

Thank you so much, Susan. 

You're welcome.