Lighten Up, Ladies!

Enhance Mindfulness, Energy & Success with the Lunar Cycle - with Dawn Pensack

July 13, 2022 Dori Martin Episode 16


Would you like to learn more about yourself,  find balance in life, gain connection with your intuition and leverage an ancient tool to achieve success?

Former burned-out teacher, Dawn Pensack is on a mission to help people live a life of more alignment, ease, and FUN!  As a Master EFT Practitioner and Moonologer™️, Dawn supports big-hearted visionaries in aligning with the moon’s cycles to allow more ease, flow, and abundance into their lives. Dawn has been featured in The Membership Experience with Stu McClaren, The Honest Hustle, The Empowered Women Podcast, The Awaken Your Business Podcast, Leaders with a Heart Podcast, The Burned-In Teacher podcast, The Not So Wimpy Teacher Podcast, Tapping Q&A Podcast, and many more!

Follow Dawn on Instagram here.

Schedule a call with Dawn to learn more about working with the Lunar Cycle and also get your chart during your free consultation here.

Hi, Dawn. I am so excited that you are with us today to talk about this really, really fascinating topic that I'm just learning about just before hopping on the call. And so I was wondering how you got into studying the lunar cycle and how it affects us as women. Yeah. Yeah. So I actually got, started working with the moon cycle, um, kind of by accident.

So I was listening to a podcast cuz you know, podcasts are amazing   and um, and it was by and it was, you know, really successful business owners podcast. Right. And he started talking about how he doesn't make any decision in his business or in his life without looking. At the lunar cycle, like he will actually consult the, the phases of the moon and the, the lunar calendar with every single decision.

Like when he visits family, when he records podcasts, when he goes on vacation, when he launches like all of these things, and I thought. Wow. This is re actually really fascinating. I never thought that this was a thing, right. And he mentioned a book, um, ology by Yasmin Boland. Of course, before I was done listening to the podcast, I had ordered it on Amazon.

It was like here the next day. Right. And I dove in and when I dove in, I started to realize that. Even though the, the concept right. Of working with the moon can be very complex. Like there are many complexities with astrology and immunologies like a little tiny part. Right. But. When you start to work with it in, and it doesn't, and you don't have to work with it in a very complex way.

There's ways to work with it, work, work with the moon and the different phases and the energies in, um, in a very intuitive way, but also in a very like predictable structured, like there's a system for it. And when I started to learn that I, and started to apply it and really use like design my life around it.

So much changed. It was insane. How many, like ceilings I was breaking in my business, how many things were taking off? How my personal relat relationships shifted so much how I was so much more present with my kids. Like there were all these things that started happening so rapidly that I said, oh my gosh, I wanna teach other people this.

And then I got certified. There's actually a certification in immunology  which is like, it was so fun.  and I, um, and I had just been having so much fun, you know, working with groups of women and teaching them how to work with the, with the structure and how to develop their plan. So. Wow. You just threw a big curve ball from the beginning.

You were saying he, because, um, I know we were talking a little bit about this, but I know about women and working with their menstrual cycle. So when you mentioned lunar cycle, I was wondering if it was something like that because we go through different physiological transitions or hormones are shifting.

And a lot of times it coincides with. You know, the moon, like they were saying, if you're sort of reaching into midlife and your cycle start shifting, you start following the moon cycle. And, um, instead of like looking at what's going on with your own physiology, and then you said he like, man, I thought, well, why would they have another rhythm?

I mean, they do have different rhythms, but at the same time, this is fascinating because it sounds like some overlap, but then there's some additional, um, information in there. And it sounds like, correct me if I'm wrong. There's like an ancient tradition of this, this isn't something that just somebody designed a year ago or something, right?

Yeah. What is he? The origin of it and, and the story behind it. So, I mean back many, many, many, many, many thousands of years, right. People have been following the moon and the stars for a long time. I've heard stories of, um, Marines soldiers in the Vietnam war, right. Having to navigate using the stars. I mean, really fascinating things when, you know, their compass failed and their navigational tools.

I actually just heard this story today, actually, which is why it's fresh in my mind, but just amazing. Right. He had to navigate. Like a boat on a river just by following the stars, everything else, you know, his navigational tools had failed. So, um, but farming has, you know, people have farmers have worked with the lunar cycle for a long, long, long time.

Even certain moons are named for, um, like certain times of the year. Uh, like the harvest moon, the, the worm moon, the, um, I'm trying to think the cold moon, the Wolf moon, like there's all of these different, um, Correlations with the weather and the seasons and, and the different moods, um, planting, right?

There's a certain phase of the lunar cycle of the, of the moon cycle, right? The first couple phases, when we say the moon is in the waxing cycle, that's a time when growth and momentum and progress is really encouraged. So that's when farmers would plant their. And then when we have the full moon and that intensity, right, the, the full moon is the peak.

It's very intense time. Animals are more active, fish are more active. Um, you know, all of these things, emotions are really, really high. And then we head into the waning part, which is the nurturing and the harvesting, and like seeing the results. So farmers used to plan and I think they still do. I'm pretty sure they still do, you know, plan their, their, um, you know, planting around the lunar cycle.

Also with animals, um, with doctors with surgeries, right? People heal better if they have surgery during the waning part of the cycle. And different days, like when I had LASIK surgery, I planned my surgery on a day in the waning part of the cycle. That was a Sagitarius moon, cuz that's the best day for anything related to the eyes.

Like, you know, different things like that. You can, you can really use the information in a very, um, In a very like intimate way, but people have been working with the moon for many, many, many years cuz it's our connection to our intuition, our connection to our, our spiritual side, our emotions. And um, and you know, I mean, it's been around for like it's been around, you know, since the beginning of time people have been working with and following, you know, the guidance.

So the moon and the stars. Yeah. I, I love that. I mean, it's interesting, right? Because that makes sense with that technology. We have things telling us what's going on all the time with our, um, technology, with the weather and all these other things, but what did people have. To be able to understand these things and maybe be able to predict things so that things aren't so random.

And it's really neat. Yeah. Because it's like a time tested thing. It sounds like something that has, um, been refined over time and observed. So there's that kind of history behind it. Why do you think a lot of people haven't heard about it or do you feel like it's kind of infused in our language and culture, but not really acknowledge.

Well, I know for me, like I didn't grow up having very spiritual parents. Like my parents were very religious, but they were not spiritual. So it wasn't like a normal thing to really connect with the moon and the energy. And like these, these other energies out there, it was always God. Right. And. And I know some people grew who grew up with spiritual parents, you know, really had that relationship with nature and had that relationship like, oh my gosh, it's a full moon, you know, or notice when it's really dark at night, right.

In the new moon phase or where's the moon, you know, looking for the moon. Um, I've interviewed people on my show who their, um, they've been watching the moon. Since they were like three or four, you know, and these were just very, these were things that were very absent in my life as a child. And I think that in this modern society, right we're there is a huge disconnect from nature overall.

Yes. And people are going about living their life and they're, they, they don't have a compass or a clear path or any focus. So their energy, right? The, the energy is always affecting us the energy of the day, the energy of the phase, the energy of the moon at different moments. Cause every two and a half days, the energy of the moon shift, you know, so it's like.

We notice certain days we feel energized. We notice certain days we feel depleted, but we, we're not consciously planning our life and, and working with that predictability that the moon and the stability that the moon provides us, you know, we're just, most of us are not living conscious intentional lives.

Unfortunately. So we're just letting the energy kind of toss us around and take us for a spin. And then, you know, thinking back, it's like, oh, I was so exhausted today or, oh, I was so, you know, energized and inspired. So I think that that disconnect is, is an issue. For so many. Oh yeah, definitely. We're kind of living by reacting, right.

We're just reacting to our day and what's going on. Not knowing maybe there's a pattern or, you know, certain things are getting us to feel certain ways at certain times. And it just sort of seems all random to us. So we're not really paying attention to that. And then, like you said, um, there is a real big distinction between being spiritual and religious, for sure.

Do you feel like it's mutually exclusive? I mean, that's the thing, right? If a person's listening and thinking, oh, you know what though? You know, I, I have this belief system. Does that mean that they can't really abide by the lunar system? I, I mean, I don't think so. Um, I, I think it just depends on the it's very individual for the person.

Like I've had several people say. You know, this is against my religion. I am not, you know, I don't feel comfortable learning about the, the different phases and the energies. And that's totally fine. Of course. And others are like, well, you know what? There is a lot of astrology in the Bible. There are so many stories of, you know, people in the Bible working with the, the lunar cycle and like working with, you know, the moon.

So. I'm curious to dip my toes. So it really depends. I think so. Mm-hmm  yeah, it's kind of like, um, I'm a yoga teacher, the same thing with yoga. Some people think it's a religion. And so you wanna respect that. And then at the same time, there are people that I think as people become more aware, um, it's. You know, getting connected with the presence and what's around you and what your emotions are and your environment and navigating through life with more of an awareness and acceptance.

And it doesn't sound like mm-hmm,  what you're saying is. You know, taking away from any of the ability to still have your belief system. So I kind of feel like, you know, do you agree, Don? It's sort of like, is it helpful and is it good for people? Um, you know, does it have some kind of negative and also to be your own detective?

Like, does it work for you? I mean, You'd be surprised like EFT, you're an EFT practitioner. I got certified in the same program, um, later on. And it's like, is it useful? I mean, is it something that will work? If it doesn't work, then put it down. If it does then go for it. Yes. Exactly. Exactly. And I think too, the awareness, like just knowing where the moon is in its cycle, what the energy of the day is where the daily moon is, you know, the energy of the daily moon.

Like all of these things, just having that awareness too. Even if you don't do anything necessarily with the information, like, even if you're not, you know, planning your schedule differently or organizing. Your tasks differently, you approach things with a different mindset. So for instance, like, like we were talking before about, you know, energy, like there are some phases of the moon that are more extroverted than introverted, you know, where you're energy, like you feel like getting out in the world and you feel like.

You know, connecting with people and there are other phases, like when the moon is in, um, it's called like the house of mental health or the house of deep transformation. We, we go through 12 houses each month. And when the moon is in that particular. House for you. You may feel really introverted you, your energy may be flowing inward, and that's a time when you don't necessarily wanna connect with clients, have connection calls, networking calls.

You know, you might not wanna go out with your girlfriends or, you know, have a date on a certain, you know, when the moon is in that, a lot of people ask me like, you know, I'm going on our first date? What are, what are good days to plan this? You know? And it's, and there are like, there are certain days when your energy is gonna be so.

And there are certain days of the month where your energy is gonna be like, I just wanna take a bath and ha you know, in bed and just kind of be by myself. But, but having an awareness of how the moon can be affecting you in particular on any given day is so powerful. And it just allows you to approach your day with a different, with different intentions and to create something very different.

Interesting. So the moon is going through, you said there are 12 of 'em, so they're going through 12 of 'em each month. Is that right? And so it seems like it's changing constantly and then people re react to it in different ways or is everybody kinda going through similar things? Yeah. So that's really, that's a great question.

Everybody reacts very, very differently to the, the moon because what happens? So there are 12 Zodiac sites, you know, there's Capricorn, Sagitarius Aquarius, right? PIs. So many of us are familiar with that. And we, we actually all have a sunshine, which most people know, like I was born in December early December.

So my son sign is Sagitarius. Do you know your son signed Tori? I'm a Gemini  Gemini. Okay. So that's your sunshine. So that's how we re-energize, that's how we really connect with our core and our identity. It's a huge part of our personality. It's like our life force, right? Well, we also have a moon sign.

And it's also important to know the elements. So like Gemini, your Gemini, it's a masculine sign. It's an a side, there's a lot of mental energy. My Sagitarius sun fire sign. There's a lot of action. It's also a masculine energy. Um, but then we also have a moon sign which helps us connect with our subconscious, our intuition, our emotional side.

And for me, my moon sign is tourist.  and many people don't know their moon sign and then their rising sign. They're really just familiar with their sun sign. But when we can start to connect with all three of our signs and we can see, okay, on a certain day, Like if the sun, if the moon is in a water sign, like cancer or Scorpio or Pisces, it's really hard for me to adjust to that energy because I have two fire elements.

My sun and my rising are fire signs. My, my rising sign is Aries and my moon sign is earth, but I have an overdeveloped fire. Okay. So like my, I have this overdeveloped action. So when the moon is in a water element and it, and it, it really encourages us to focus inward on our feelings. It's very feeling oriented.

That's hard for me. So when I plan my day, when I plan my month and the moon moves through all 12 Zodiac signs every month. So every two and a half ish days, the moon goes from sign to sign, to sign, to sign. Okay. So it'll like we just had the Scorpio full moon. Then we had Sagitarius the Capricorn Aquarius, right?

It's just moving through the signs. So I wouldn't plan a podcast interview on a day when the moon is in Pisces or a day when the moon is in Scorpio, it's gonna be too intense for me. I would plan a podcast interview when the day is in maybe a Sagitarius or Gemini, like perfect or a Wednesday when the energy is a little bit more, um, expressive and communicative.

So, yeah, so it's like using the energies, our own energies. Understanding the elements and the characteristics of our signs and then understanding, okay, what sign is the moon in on any given day? And really like working with that, um, working with that energy is so helpful. Like it's just so helpful in managing your personal energy and, um, creating a life that feels so much more energized.

And, you know, you're doing things that make sense on certain days and that feel good. Wow. So yeah, when you're working with somebody, it seems like there's so many different moving pieces. Do you work with somebody and, and just begin with starting to help them understand what they are and how they're responding to each of the different things, and then they can be able to do it themselves, or do they need to refer back to something on a regular basis and be able to get support that.

Yeah, so you're right. Things are always moving. Things are always shifting. And then, you know, like we add in the planets, like it's, it's just so much. Um, so it's definitely starting with understanding your signs, understanding your sun sign, how you re-energize your life force, your moon sign, how you connect with intuition, your emotions, um, and your rising sign, right?

Understanding these three signs is. Definitely foundational. But then to get to the next step is understanding there's, um, there's something called our houses and the moon. Every time it moves from sign to sign like Scorpio Sagitarius Capricorn, right? Every time it moves from sign to sign, it actually activates a different area in our life.

So it activates different themes in our life. So understanding your chart. And understanding how, where the moon is on any given day and, and what areas of your life are being activated are being triggered can really help you, you know, set intentions for the day can help you heal, grow, evolve, you know, kind of like understanding where, um, the moon is highlighting and focusing on different areas.

So there's a lot of information in this and it's co. The work never ends. We're always evolving and working with it as we, as we kind of move through, um, then, you know, setting intentions like the working with the moon is an amazing way to create an intentional life and to be really conscious because when we understand the, the phases of the moon, so the new moon and full moon in particular are super important.

when we understand where the moon is in the phase and really plan for like those kind of pivotal times in the cycle, the new moon and the full moon, we can then use our, our houses. To set really specific intentions around what we're releasing, forgiving, letting go, um, shedding, but also what we're creating right in the new moon phase.

It's all about creation, the waxing phase as the new moon. Goes through different phases, all the way to the full moon, right? The peak during that time, what are we creating? What seeds are we planting? What ideas do we wanna put out there? And knowing how the moon in particular is affecting you personally, you can create really specific intentions, which is so powerful.

And that's where like the real magic starts to happen. As you're working with this information on a regular basis. Um, long, you know, long answer to your question. It's, it's a, like I, when I work with people with the moon, um, I have a membership program and we communicate every day in the group. Like every day, everybody gets kind of a snapshot of the phase of the moon, the energy of the moon, the energy of the day.

And then they look. Where the moon is, um, activating their, their chart. And we plan out the month. We have sessions where we plan out the month so that we know like, okay, this week, cuz there's actually a certain, a certain house, a certain part of the chart. That's all about content creation. Where our creativity is like on fire and the ideas are just flowing.

So knowing that those days of the month are like kind of your sacred creation days, you know, really highlighting that. And then there's other times of the month where our energy super magnetic, where we're connecting with their community and that's like a great time to launch and put out offers. So.

It's it's a ongoing process of really understanding how to work with it. And also being able to predict how you might feel on certain days giving, like given your, your personal astrology and your personal energy and what's going on, you know, in the. In the, um, with the planets and with the moon and everything.

So, yeah, it's a, um, like it's something where you're never a master and you never really know a lot. Right. Cuz it's like, there's so much to learn and it's always, you know, which is so fun about it, you know, which is really, uh, really exciting about it. There's just always, always ways to explore, you know, this, this.

That's like life, isn't it? It sounds like, um, there are so many different things you were saying, um, knowing yourself and understanding yourself, it sounds like is a big part of it. And then also being aware of what's going on with the moon cycles, that things are always shifting and changing and that's going to impact everybody in a different way.

Gives you a little bit more. I think compassion when you realize everybody's responding in a different way. And it also sounds like there are different times to do different things and it seems to automatically bring a sense. Balance because you're not gonna be too much of one thing all the time at the wrong time.

Uh, so not only balance, but the right timing so that there is a little bit more ease and there's a lot more ability to kind of coast it, um, with some kind of expectation of what might be going on. Versus just like reacting and always like choosing the wrong thing at the right wrong time. And then just getting a sense of chaos.

So it sounds like a way of like bringing balance, rhythm and ease into your life with a lot of personal awareness. And I like that, um, you work with community, so it's like when you're not sure there's other people out there to give you encouragement and confirmation or affirmation, because anything like you, if you do something new, it's always kind of.

You know, you're not sure. And especially with something that's really new, um, like, is this working, is it not working? Am I doing it right or not doing it? Right. So it's nice to have, um, people. I think it's more fun also just to have people to do and along the way with you. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. You mentioned that the self-awareness, that is really one of the, the major, uh, the major breakthroughs for me personally, around this work, because as I had mentioned you, I have.

The two fire elements in my chart. And I have a lot of planets in Sagitarius like in my, in my birth chart, which is called the seum. So it's like co it's like a really concentrated energy in Sagitarius. So with this overactive fire, I was living a life that was so like, overactive, like it was just very, very masculine.

Like I, I was definitely working with very masculine, unhealthy energy. There was not a real balance. And so when I leaned into my moon sign, My tourist, my earth element. Um, So many things started shifting and then my burnout, cuz I would go through like major cycles of, of, you know, go, go, go, go, go burnout, crash, boom.

And then go, go, go. You know what I mean? And that was like a big pattern in my life. And one of my members recently shared that, um, she, she woke up and she was kind of in her head. She was having a little bit of. Like Debbie downer type debt, you know, and she looked at her chart and she saw that it was a Leo moon and Leo is her rising sign.

And she also had a podcast interview that day with somebody. And when she saw that she immediately flipped out of, of the, the overthinking, the judgment, the fear, you know, and she was like, oh my gosh, I am totally gonna work with this energy. Like, this is me, like, this is my rising sign, you know, I'm, I'm doing this.

And it automatically shifted her out of the, the funk that she was in. So yeah, having that awareness and giving herself permission on the days when our energy isn't going to be really supported for a lot of action. Giving ourself permission on those days to do different tasks, you know, um, we don't always have to be, you know, pushing hard and, and going all out and launching and doing all these things for our business, for our life.

We can give ourself permission, as you said, that that balance on certain days when our energy's gonna be lower, maybe we're in an inter introverted phase, uh, or an introverted house. And. It's okay. To take it slow, you know, or just focus on like what you love, you know, um, something that feels restorative or, or replenishing.

So yes. Balance is really, really, really helpful. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. It sounds like it really walks you through the different things and helped you figure. What's gonna work for you instead of like what your brain is saying in terms of like how you're feeling and everything. This is why it gives you affirmation for a lot of things so that it doesn't feel like a random thing or something that's not working properly.

It's all working for a reason. Just work with it, not against it or push against it. So yeah. In terms of like the people who find you, like what kind of people look for the, um, things that you're teaching about this and are benefiting from. Yeah. So a lot of people in my community are entrepreneurs. There are a few that are retired, you know, retired school teachers are retired, you know, from corporate America.

And they're looking for more alignment. They're looking for more balance. They're looking for more self-awareness, but I would say 90% of my community is entrepreneurs. And they're really looking for support in energy management. So they want that. I mean, our energy is our competitive advantage. You know, if we can work with our energy, right.

We're able to, um, create the business that we love and, and create the life that we love. So they're really looking for energy management and they're really looking for support in, um, a lot of times in launching. Like there is a cycle of every month where you're really supported in that creation, in that pre-launch and that, you know, the runway and, and the, the launch.

So they're looking for support in that. And, um, and they're looking to understand themselves better. There's a lot of energy that like, there's a lot of people in the group with certain energy, like me who are just so tired of that, that hustle, burnout, like that crash and burn cycle that so many entrepreneur entrepreneurs struggle with.

So, yeah. And that's like how to work with my personal energy so that I can. , you know, create something that's so powerful. That's so that inspires me so much, but not be working 14 hour days and hating my life while I'm doing this. You. Because that's no fun.  no fun. That sounds like a lot of people who are in business and they don't give themselves time.

Like you said, that balance and knowing that there's times for certain things and other things, and it's different for everybody. Um, and that's why there's not one cookie cutter thing for everyone. Right. Because everybody is different. So nice when yeah. And, and so when a person starts working with you, as somebody who does something like this, can you walk me through what to expect?

Like what does that feel like? And look. Yeah. So the first thing is, and that's a great question. The first thing is we always look at your personal astrology, so your sun sign, your moon, sign, your rising sign. And we talk about like, what that means for you. Um, some people really resist their. Like their moon sign or their rising sign.

A lot of people learn about their rising sign and they're just like that doesn't our rising sign. It, it helps us understand our first impression in the world, how other people perceive us. It, it gives a lot of guidance into like our physical body, um, our social masks and things like that. So like, there's a whole acceptance part that comes with this.

And it's a really, it's a really fascinating process to really accept like all the pieces. Of the puzzle, you know, and then understanding our houses. Our chart is also really, really important. And then, um, from there people usually would head into the community. Like I don't do a lot of one to one work with people because it, this is like a daily practice, even if it's just getting that awareness of the day and that snap snapshot of the day.

Um, once you understand the foundational information,  your signs, your chart, how to, how to read the chart, how to work with the chart. Then you can move into the community and really work with the implementation of it and the daily practice of it. Um, I do work with clients like if they are launching a program or they really wanna go a little bit deeper, um, like they have a big thing in their business or, you know, something's coming up.

We can look at their, their charts in a much more detailed way, but typically. That's that would be the process that we would follow. Is this completely different from when a person, um, looks at like astrology or is there some over, is it overlap with that? There is definitely overlap. So ology is a really tiny, tiny part of astrology.

Astrology's the, the big picture. And so. When somebody's first starting, like in my group, in my membership community, we really focus on the moon. That's our, that's our big focus. However, people are starting to, to wanna go deeper. They're starting to wanna learn more. So we do bring in a little bit of astrology.

I have. An astrologer who comes into our group once a month and gives like a 10 minute overview of, of the upcoming month. Um, but for a lot of people, they're just really focused on the moon and working. Working with the moon. Like they're, they're, um, at a little bit more of a foundational level. Um, but some people wanna go deep, you know, go deeper and then we bring in the planets and things like that.

So the immunology is a very, very tiny little snippet of the whole big picture with astrology. And when we start to bring in. The planet and what's happening there, then it becomes like, oh my gosh, just really, really interesting to see, you know, how that, cuz that also affects us in, in a really big way. So.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I mean, right now, I think a lot of us, I don't know a lot of people who have this ample, um, amount of energy right now, because we're dealing with so much in general and so much transition and uncertainty and everything. So this is a really good time to be talking about energy and, and kind of trusting and understanding.

Yourself and the things around you, just because we had to react to a lot of things, um, in the past couple years more specifically. And so I think that's really cool. And, um, I like that it's a community because I feel like, um, if it's a daily shift, like I said, it's really nice to get. Somebody holding your hand through the whole thing since it's really new.

So, um, sounds like energy is a big thing they come to you for. And then, um, so what are some shifts that you personally have experienced? You mentioned a little bit about it, um, before, but you have like a story or a specific thing that you feel like really centered it for you when you started working on this path.

Um, let's see. So a really specific story.  um, I mean a lot of it. So when I first got into this, it was really focused on business. Like I, I was really focused on, okay, I wanna grow my business. I wanna scale my business with more geese. And once I start, and that was really, really fun and really exciting because I started to see, especially in those.

Phases where the creativity is really, really strong. Um, I would create a lot of content and I would have a lot of things planned and batching, which was always really hard for me in business to get ahead in all of that. And then when I started launching and I started having a plan for connecting with my community and, and launching things started really shifting.

So I have this cycle each month now of content creation of connection of resting. Like I'm very intentional. About my energy and my business right now, like with my D for different tasks that I do when I record my podcast, when I, you know, sign up for interviews, when I do direct outreach, like all of these different things are, are really scheduled in.

But I think my biggest breakthrough personally, which has obviously affected everything has been my ability to be really, really present. So when I'm not working before. I was always thinking about work. Like, I was definitely addicted to that, that high from like taking action and seeing a result, right?

Like that fire. I just, I just lived for that. Right. And so now, because I'm, I'm being really intentional with my energy every day. There's so much more of a balance between the masculine and the feminine and being able to receive and like allowing things to happen rather than forcing them and pushing them has opened up so much.

Like in my relationships with my kids, like I'm, I'm enjoying them. So much now, you know, so much more because I'm able to be super, super present. And that was my biggest shift. I think my biggest shift overall, because that's the joy in life, right? It's in the everyday moments.  and, um, and that was really not something that I was connecting with when I was in that, you know, the first couple years in business where I was just really, like, I felt like I was running all the time, but like running on empty, you know, but it was like, I just couldn stop.

Um, so that, and then the other thing too, like financially. So there's been huge shifts financially for me. And that has come from really working with my money houses. So we all have two money houses in our chart. So every month, you know, and developing a different relationship with money and really connecting with that, like those parts of me, um, has been really interest.

Because that wasn't something that I was super intentional with before and now, you know, it's coming up in my chart every month. Like I'm really supported on working on my, you know what I mean? So it's, it's like having it, it come into the picture and coming into focus. You know, for maybe between like four to five or four to six days a month has been a huge, like a huge aha for me and huge breakthroughs there.

So yeah, the intentionality, the balance, like you mentioned, managing my energy, being present with my, my kids. Like that's been a really, really, you know, some really big breakthrough. Yeah, that there's nothing like being able to be present. I think it's something that just is such a fight for a lot of people right now.

We've never had more opportunity or maybe not opportunity to be distracted all the time. And there's so much to do, and we have access to information and things to do and people and 24 7 all the time. And I agree with you, we're missing life by not being present in the moment. And when you are.

Entrepreneur. And I guess just, you know, in modern day life too, as a, even, as, especially as a woman, I think, but, um, there's always a sense of doership, you know, having to do these things and forcing and pushing, and you don't feel like it, but you gotta do it anyway. So it seems like this gives you a lot of permission to.

Like you said, you find a sense of balance and find those weak links. Like it there's a money house. It seems like there's just something for every different aspect of your wellbeing and your personal needs. And so it's helping you think through it and it comes up. So you're able to find a way of balancing things.

at its right time without overwhelm or without missing it all at the same time, being able to be really present and, and enjoy your life. And everybody wins when you're able to do that. Mm-hmm  thank you. That's really inspirational. The, the other thing, Dori that I thought about as you were. As you were talking, is that it also allows us to be really empathetic, like to really lean in to empathy.

Because for instance, like if my husband, if his energy is, you know, like if, if his, if a certain area of his life is being activated and he's being more withdrawn or he's acting a little differently, like, I, I. Approach him differently, knowing where his energy is. Right. And with my kids. And it's so funny because my daughter, um, every month, like every single month, she goes through this cleaning spree, like this massive cleaning spray, and she wants to redecorate her room and she's like going around the house.

Taking my plants or taking my crystals. And then she'll like return 'em a couple days. And you know, it's just really funny. And she just went through that a couple days ago, but I know that at those times of the month, the moon is in a certain house. It's in like her house of home and family. And so that's when she really feels connect.

Like she wants to connect with her intimate environment, you know, her bedroom and, and things. So it allows us to understand each other. In a really powerful way, like understanding the signs of our family members. It's allowed me to have some, a much better relationship with my mom. Um, because her signs are so different than mine, but now I see, and I understand so much of what she does and I'm like, that's cool.

Like, I don't need to, to have this fiery, like, you know, bulldozing through things and you know, and it. It's okay. That she really cares about details and she's already planning next summer and we haven't even got to, you know, I'm like, that's okay. Cuz that's kind of in her, like in her energy, you know, she's Virgo rising and you know what I mean?

So it's like I can understand other people so much better in, um, in understanding their, their signs. And it just allows me to appreciate their strengths and their gifts and um, and also myself, right. That self acceptance has been really big. Yeah, I love that. I mean, Gosh, what's more priceless than having a good mother daughter relationship.

There's just so much story and different things intertwine with it. So it's nice to get this ability to step back and look at it from a different perspective and being able to have more compassion, like you said, instead of like going into your own story or seeing it from your own point of view and kind of project it on the other person.

So it seems like, yeah, it helps balance out how you. Interpret what's going on, or instead of interpreting Kevin understanding, which is a huge difference. So if somebody's completely new to this information, then what, how do they find you and know how to find out more? What, what are your suggestions about how to begin to learn more about this?

Yeah. Great question. So I think the easiest way to connect with me is on Instagram and the, in my Instagram handle is Don dot Penza. I have another account Don Penza that I don't have access to. I'm trying to figure that out, but my Instagram don't, I had to create a new one. So. Dawn dot Penza is a really great way.

I hang out a lot on Instagram, but also, um, they can send me an email. Hello, Dawn And I also offer free 25 minute. Um, I call them moon guidance sessions, where you'll actually learn your sunshine, moon sign, rising sign. We go into detail. You'll get a copy of your chart, which never changes. And, um, you'll learn how to work with your chart.

So like the really basic. Parts of working with the moon. We kind of go over in that session and then if somebody wants to go deeper and they wanna join my membership community, they can. Um, but I do offer those sessions and I'll send you the link so you can post it in the show notes if you want. And, um, yeah, people can, can sign up if they'd like, To dive deeper.

I love that. Yeah. It's nice that they, they get to learn more about it and walk away with something that they can use right away so they can get a sense of like, okay. Um, I can kind of give this a, a try and see what kind of amazing things happen. Yeah, thank you so much for joining me today. That was really exciting.

I had no idea. I was totally thinking about like this F feminine menstrual cycles and there sounds like there's overlap, but there's just, there are definitely is for men and women too. It's not just for women. So that's really interesting. Yep. There is. There's a few men in my community. Um, so it definitely, definitely affects both, both genders, all genders, you know, with that, with working with the moon, for sure.

Yeah, makes sense. Right? I mean, they're in the universe and you know, we talk about mercury rising or the full moon and studies have shown that these things really do affect us. And so it's like, there are little hints about these things out there. It's just, as I said anything without looking deeper, it just seems like it's, it's not a thing until you start investigating it and working with it.

Thank you so much. I really enjoyed this talk. This was so much fun. You're welcome. Thank you so much for having me on the show. Awesome.