

Dyana Carmella

Dyana worked as a journalist in the entertainment industry specializing in international on-location production and advances in technology. She's traveled the world for pleasure and work visiting places like Iceland, New Zealand, Australia, Croatia, China, Mexico, Spain, and all over the United States. In 2019 she completed the Pacific Northwest Trail. Then in 2020, she took on the Tahoe Rim Trail with her co-host Jennifer. Dyana aims to promote solo travel as a way to understand more about yourself and the world around you.  At the end of 2022 she will be releasing a book called "A Walk Thru Neverland" which highlights her adventures across the Pacific Northwest. She currently divides her time between Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Big Bear and Palm Springs.

Jennifer Mabus

Jennifer Mabus, better known to the hiking community as Starburst, completed the 2,650-mile Pacific Crest Trail in 2018, then followed that up with the Tahoe Rim Trail in 2020. She is a hard lover of the outdoors, wild stories, and pushing your limits. Aside from being an accomplished thru-hiker and world-class messy hair aficionado, Jennifer has traveled the world to places like Iceland, Israel, New Zealand, South Africa, Germany and England. She works as a mechanical engineer in Maryland, where she lives with her husband, Owen and son, Finley.