Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast

632: 13 Life Changing Things I Learned In 13-Years Of Lifting

Colossus Fitness
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Summary of episode:

In the past we’ve done episodes talking about what we wish we knew when we started lifting.

This episode is different, as we go over 13 clear lessons we’ve learned over the years, and hope this can help.

Listed points:

  1. (01:38) You will never be at an “End Point” You’ll likely never reach a point where you feel like you’re
  2. (02:55) Goals change as life changes - We will go through a ton of different phases of goals on our journey, and that’s okay.
  3. (04:17) The gym makes you a better person in life. the discipline, habits built, energy levels and so much more. Transfers over into every area is our life.
  4. (05:15) Nothing beats consistency - Nothing beats consistency. Yeah, we've heard that cliche a thousand times, but the more I keep on the more I realize this is the difference. “The gym part is usually the easiest part for people because it's the most enjoyable part of this journey, but changing your old habits is hard. It takes time and discipline.
  5. (06:04) Something is better than nothing.
  6. (07:20) You’re capable of a lot more than you think . In the gym, you're typically capable of a lot more than you think. Whether it's more weight for a PR or more reps and a set
  7. (08:41) Supplements are way less important than you think
  8. (10:21) If you find something especially hard, do more of it (I.E Cooking, hard exercises, fixing sleep schedule) Fix your weakness and become unstoppable!
  9. (11:15) We all need accountability & support. Every single person needs support, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’ve learned this the hard way.
  10. (13:06) You may have done things wrong in the past and that’s okay. We will always learn and don’t beat yourself up over small mistakes.
  11. (14:21) You should be doing this to be healthy, not just look good (Call yourself out on bad habits, analyze your approach and focus on longevity).
  12. (16:06) Form will always been one of the most important things. Without the right form you're either getting injured or just not getting the most out of the movement
  13. (16:40) Keep learning and reading - Question everything, read studies, don’t just understand a topic, try and have a deeper understanding of it

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