PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe

Live in the Country!

Jay Bowers aka PaleoJay

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Let’s say you are young, 18-22 or so, and just starting out in life.  You are hopefully well educated, and undoubtedly have some ideas of what you want to do, and how to support yourself, hopefully along with a family before too long.  

Along with basic questions of career, and just how to get started, you really should consider as vitally important just where you should live!  City and metropolitan area, suburbs of a large city, or small town and country?

Well, since the largest cities, like Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia and Detroit are now all crumbling, crime-infested snake pits- well, I would avoid them at all costs.  Especially if considering a family!  The school systems in such places are horrible beyond words, as are all public works they control; things like water supplies are largely contaminated, crime is both unpunished and out-of-control, and the very air you breathe there is filthy.  

Suburbs around cities tend to be much nicer, but the cost of housing in such places is prohibitive.  It depends on the job you can get, but  any normal income is almost impossible in such places to be enough, even with husband and wife both working, which is not ideal at all.

In my opinion, I would do exactly in your position as I did, many years ago.  Get educated, either in college of in a vocational tech school, and then save all you can for a few years.  Don’t live at home and be a freeloader; this is actually immoral, and a coward’s way out.  Live cheaply, and work hard.  Find a potential spouse who will do the same!  This will serve to separate the ‘wheat from the chaff’, and the two of you will build your characters and work ethic along with your bank account!

During this period in your life, work also on your health!  After work hours (or before), make sure to work out daily, building your body and your ‘terrain’, by eating as healthily as you can, and fortifying your body and mind with animal protein and some vegetables.  Also, teach yourself to cook such healthy foods, which will be both more economical and good for you than eating out.  Avoid fast foods, and processed foods completely!

And do not fail to also build your spiritual life!  Find a good church (smaller is better), and attend regularly.  Pray, and attend to the development of your soul!  This may be the most important direction of all, so be attentive to what your deepest self truly desires.

All throughout this period of life, research and think about where you would like to live.  Do you love where you already are, and is it a small town or city with rural surroundings?  That is just fine, so start to look for a homestead for your family, a place where you can live peacefully forever.

If you don’t live in such a place, then look for what would be your ideal.  This could vary, but would be quite rural if you value western civilization a community of shared values.  Multicultural places tend to be fractious, unsafe, and eventually anti-civilization!

Exotic locales might sound good, but actually are only good for vacations!  People of European descent, such as myself and probably you, are evolved in a cold, harsh climate.  We need struggle and hardship, things to solve and conquer.  Without real accomplishments, Western man is unfulfilled, and never really happy!  Hence our endless upward climb…

Only when other racial groups come to join us, do we begin to unravel.  Stay in a homogenous area, above all!

And so, you’ve found a rural area with natural beauty, clean air and water, and folk that are very like yourself.  Yo

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