Life Beyond the Briefs

6 Ways I'm Using AI in My Law Firm Marketing Today

May 17, 2024 Brian Glass
6 Ways I'm Using AI in My Law Firm Marketing Today
Life Beyond the Briefs
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Life Beyond the Briefs
6 Ways I'm Using AI in My Law Firm Marketing Today
May 17, 2024
Brian Glass

Feeling lost in the world of AI? This episode is your guide to using it in your law practice - forget fancy terms, get real results!

We'll show you how AI can:

  • Boost your client connection (make a better impression!)
  • Help you write awesome content (no more writer's block!)
  • Even improve your legal documents (sound smarter, work faster!)

Whether you're a legal eagle or just starting out, this episode is for you!

Get ready to discover:

  • Cool new AI tools: We'll test out the latest one (ChatGPT 4.0) and show you how it can actually help with your legal work.
  • Your AI brainstorming buddy: Say goodbye to writer's block! AI can help you generate ideas and write content that sounds like you.
  • A secret trick that will change your game: We'll reveal a mind-blowing way to use AI with your legal documents, podcast, and social media.

By the end, you'll be an AI pro, using it to work smarter and win more cases!

Don't miss out on this episode - it's the future of law!

Brian Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury lawyer. He is passionate about living a life of his own design and looking for answers to solutions outside of the legal field. This podcast is his effort to share that passion with others.

Want to connect with Brian?

Follow Brian on Instagram: @thebrianglass
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Show Notes Transcript

Feeling lost in the world of AI? This episode is your guide to using it in your law practice - forget fancy terms, get real results!

We'll show you how AI can:

  • Boost your client connection (make a better impression!)
  • Help you write awesome content (no more writer's block!)
  • Even improve your legal documents (sound smarter, work faster!)

Whether you're a legal eagle or just starting out, this episode is for you!

Get ready to discover:

  • Cool new AI tools: We'll test out the latest one (ChatGPT 4.0) and show you how it can actually help with your legal work.
  • Your AI brainstorming buddy: Say goodbye to writer's block! AI can help you generate ideas and write content that sounds like you.
  • A secret trick that will change your game: We'll reveal a mind-blowing way to use AI with your legal documents, podcast, and social media.

By the end, you'll be an AI pro, using it to work smarter and win more cases!

Don't miss out on this episode - it's the future of law!

Brian Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury lawyer. He is passionate about living a life of his own design and looking for answers to solutions outside of the legal field. This podcast is his effort to share that passion with others.

Want to connect with Brian?

Follow Brian on Instagram: @thebrianglass
Connect on LinkedIn

Speaker 0:

Hello, welcome back to another Friday solo episode of Life Beyond the Briefs. So one of the things that we hear from thought leaders on internet and on stages all the time is that AI is not coming for legal jobs. It's coming for lawyers who don't know how to use AI. And the problem that I have with this statement although I think it is true is that it's not often followed by tactical advice on how you can start using AI in your practice tomorrow. And there are risks associated with AI. If you are doing things like feeding medical records or your own IP up into some cloud, you always have to be concerned is it being trained on my data? Am I compromising client confidentiality? And so I'm not going to go into anything that we're doing with case files, but I do want to give you some highly tactical ways to level up your marketing and to level up your content production through the use of AI. So that's what today's episode is going to be about. I'm going to go through five or six tools that I'm using currently in my practice to generate more content, to get things out there faster, to polish them up, and then, if you stick around to the end, I'm going to give you. The hack that allows you to use AI to write in your voice, done like totally by somebody else, like somebody else creates all the content. It sounds exactly like you. It is scary good. So that's going to be at the end, okay. So let's start super, super basic. If you're not using any AI at all whatsoever, this is the one to start with. It's you know what I consider a godfather of them all. It's ChatGPT. The paid 4.0 version. I think it's $20 a month. It's far better than 3.5. The free version it's far faster and it's far smarter a quote smarter.

Speaker 0:

So here's how I'm using ChatGPT. I use it as an ideation and a thinking partner. So what do I mean by that? Do you ever have that experience where you start a thought and you can't finish it? Or you're trying to flesh out with a thought, with some examples, and you can think of two but not a third, something like that? That's exactly how I use ChatGPT. I say, hey, here's this idea that I have and here's the first two examples. Can you give me five samples that I might use as the third example, as I'm fleshing out this piece of content, be it for LinkedIn or for the podcast or for something that's going on a web article, or even I'll use this in briefs. Give me a third analogy. Chatgpt is really good as an ideation partner and it does a couple of things really well. Number one it does that if you feed it what you've already written and say make it a little bit better, it will help you with that. But number two, the other way that I like to use it is I give it these examples and say what are the things that I'm not even thinking of? Give me 10, right, and you get a list of 10 and maybe eight of them are crap but two of them are good. So you say give me 10 more. Again, eight of them are crap and two of them are good. But it goes just so fast, fast, and it really speeds up the amount of time that you would otherwise spend in writer's block just sitting there staring at your screen thinking of the next example. So ChatGPT 4.0,. I would imagine everybody who's listening to this podcast probably uses ChatGPT. So that's pretty basic.

Speaker 0:

The program we're using is to generate content for our website at the law firm. And before everybody gasps and say you can't use AI to generate content for our website at the law firm. And before everybody gasps and say you can't use AI to generate content for your website because Google will hate that, we're really only using it to take a hack at the first draft, right, if you're trying to write a 1,500 or 2,000 word blog or article for your website, that it can take an hour or two to sit down and crack through the first draft of that thing, we've been using Surfer SEO to come up with the first draft. It takes about 10 minutes to do the exact same process, and the way that Surfer works is you pick keywords, you type them into the engine, you can adjust some of the article settings in terms of the tone of voice, how long you want the article to be, what the structure you want it to be, whether you want to put FAQs and key takeaways either at the bottom or throughout the article, and then, of course, after it generates, you're going to review the article. Now here's the thing is you actually have to review it, especially if you're writing for a legal website where it's important to be correct about what the laws are, because, for instance, in Virginia, it'll write an article and it'll talk about comparative negligence, which is not a thing in Virginia. It will give bad advice on how to get your medical bills paid, but as a framework for coming up with the article and giving you a first draft that you can then have a lawyer go through and edit for legal correctness. Surfery SEO works really well for us and it has enabled us, without the use of an agency and without having to do significant edits on something that's written by a VA overseas overseas, to pump out one or two or three articles a week for the website.

Speaker 0:

This is a video editing tool. So if you've seen my Instagram or my TikTok or my LinkedIn lately, we're starting to pump out these podcast interview videos and there's the captions over it and it looks like we've spent a lot of time highlighting certain words. We've done none of that. Opus Quip Opuspro is a video repurposing tool that we've been using. We just feed it the video. And the cool thing about Opus we were using videoai for a while to do this and it generates the same videos. It gives you the AI captions and it's got a couple of extra tools to it. But each iteration of these software get a little bit better and there's a new one coming out almost every other month.

Speaker 0:

The cool thing about opus is that it will give you a virality quote if you're creating things on social media virality important but it'll pull out from a 45 minute video. It'll pull maybe 22, 23 clips and then it'll score the clips. A 45 minute video it'll pull maybe 22, 23 clips and then it'll score the clips on four things on how good is the hook, how good is the flow, how good is the engagement? And then is what we're talking about in the video? Is it trending at all? Are you talking about trending things that are in the news? And if so, that'll have a higher score and then it'll rank those things on a scale from 0 to 100 on how likely they are to go viral. So, again, really, what it's doing is it's short-cutting the amount of time that it takes for you to go through the 45-minute video, select what are the important clips, tell your editor what the important clips are and have them create actual short-form videos out of it.

Speaker 0:

Some of the stuff that it does that we're not using, like it'll create B-roll, it'll put that over the. It'll overlay that over the video. That's pretty cool. We haven't really dabbled in that yet. We're using I think it's the pro version because that gives us a couple more, a couple more minutes per year. Let's just have two users in the workspace. It can use the ability to export them to a couple of better video editing software. Really, we're not using that Like if the clips that it generates are good enough for our purposes. And it's a super cheap tool it's $9, $9.50 a month. So if you've got a whole bunch of long form video laying around and it's been on your bucket list to have somebody edit it up and put it either on your YouTube channel or on your social media, opus Clip is the way to go to accomplish that really quickly and really cheaply.

Speaker 0:

Okay, next one. So this one we actually are using within the law firm in the practice when we're trying to locate people. So you might have an insurance adjuster or a defense lawyer whose email isn't listed on the website and you can't find it anywhere and you're looking for that email address. And we've been using two programs, apolloio and Hunterio, to generate email addresses for folks that we're trying to find in the law firm, but also for folks we use this for if I'm trying to guest on a podcast and we can't find the host's email, we use these to try to find access to a host. And here's the thing is that I don't actually know that these are AI or if it's just a computer program that generates email addresses, because it seems to me, if you were looking for my email address, it really wouldn't be all that hard to guess it would be either brian at banglasslawcom or brianglass or bglass. It's not all that hard to figure that out, and so my suspicion is that neither of these programs are actually using AI to do that. They're just running the name that you give them and the company that you give them through one of the most popular combinations of what would likely be that email address.

Speaker 0:

But those are some of the tools that we're using to locate people, and then, of course, I promised that, as we wrap this up, I would give you the method that we're using to make sure that when we have content that's written by AI, it actually sounds like a human, because what's the problem with most AI generated content is, the words are too long and the reading comprehension level is way too high, especially if you're using lower levels of AI to generate this stuff. And so one of the issues that we were having early on, as we were creating content in Surfer SEO is that even if you told us to use a casual, low-level tone, it really would come back with really high-grade level stuff. So a couple of times we copied and pasted the text and ran it through the Hemingway app and told us it was writing at a 13th grade level, which is not good if you're writing for the general public, which reads at the fifth to the eighth grade level. And so if you want to make this really simple, you just take that content, you run it through something called gemini. We've been using gemini to rewrite podcast descriptions, and gemini can be trained to fit your own brand voice and style, and also we use it to create social media captions, and so when my first started using this, I was like dude, how are you creating content, written word content that sounds exactly like me.

Speaker 0:

He was going through and he he'd got draft emails for me to send out to people and it was in my voice, captured just like perfectly. I was like how do you do that? And so what he had done is he'd taken three to five samples of things that I'd already written and fed them through Gemini and he'd done the next smart thing, which is number one he asked it to replicate the content. But number two, he asked it to explain its work. So when you are replicating the content, tell me what you think about this style and this tone and this use of language, show me the work. And then so when you have the finished product, you can go back and you say well, I want the tone to be like this. Instead of that, I want it to be at this reading comprehension level. I want it to be active voice versus passive voice, whatever.

Speaker 0:

But if you don't have all of those things and you're not an English major, it can be hard stylistically to articulate what changes you want it to make. So having this step-by-step will give you a more streamlined and fleshed out result. And so here's the thing like, if you're like us and you're trying to spend this year creating just a ton of content, then all of these AI tools just help you run a little bit faster. So, like we have goals around the number of articles that we're trying to generate for the website this year, we have a goal around the number of YouTube videos that we're putting up. We actually split our YouTube channel in the law firm from a single bang glass law channel to a personal injury channel and a long-term disability channel, and we're generating about a video a week, aided in part by this AI production, and the way that we use that is we ask to scan the most popular YouTube channels and come up with what are some critical, like central videos that people are posting, but also what are some questions that people aren't answering on these channels, because we want to be able to drive into those gaps in the market, and we don't actually use much AI for script generation, because I'm really better at writing things on a whiteboard and then freelancing once it's up there, but we do then run the transcript through through ai to generate captions and then, of course, we use gemini to help it write us, write it in our voice.

Speaker 0:

Those are some of the tools that we're using today and and hopefully this gives you something that you can implement in your law firm tomorrow highly tactical stuff without compromising client confidentiality and without compromising some of your IP, like I've heard of firms taking all of their brief for some kind of brief and uploading it to the cloud to create some kind of database.

Speaker 0:

I'm not quite there yet. Of course, the issue with these is that you keep stacking on the softwares and so we've gotten away from paying the lower amount for the annual price, because something is invariably going to come out next month. It's just a little bit better, but you can get to a place where you've got $20 here, $10 there, $50 here. All of a sudden, you're spending $2,000 a month on software and that's probably a different episode. Anyway, my hope is that this has given you something hyper-tactical that you can use in your firm today, if this is helpful. If you like episodes like this, drop me a note, let me know. If you never want to hear an episode like this again, let me know that also. Either way, I hope you have a great weekend and I will talk to you guys next week.