Life Beyond the Briefs

How to Break the $1,000,000 Barrier

June 07, 2024 Brian Glass
How to Break the $1,000,000 Barrier
Life Beyond the Briefs
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Life Beyond the Briefs
How to Break the $1,000,000 Barrier
Jun 07, 2024
Brian Glass

Can your law firm break the million-dollar barrier? Discover actionable strategies to master time management and elevate your firm’s efficiency in this focused solo episode of Life Beyond the Briefs. I’m Brian Glass, and today I’m speaking directly to law firm owners who generate between $300,000 and $1 million in annual revenue. If you’re struggling with juggling marketing, accounting, and case management, this episode is your blueprint for streamlining operations and boosting productivity.

Hit that million-dollar milestone and unlock new opportunities for specialization. Learn how to balance your workload by hiring the right people and focusing on roles you genuinely enjoy. Plus, for those already surpassing the $1 million mark, I’ll outline how your mindset and strategies need to evolve. Don’t miss the chance to transform your law firm and achieve greater focus and efficiency.

Other episodes mentioned:
Small Law: How to Find a Job at a Law Firm that Won't Try to Kill You
How to Set Goals Like an 8 Figure Entrepreneur
How (and When) to Quit Your Job

Interested in the August 1- 2 Great Legal Marketing Boot Camp ?  Tickets are on sale now.  Use promo code LBTB500 to get $500 off.

Brian Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury lawyer. He is passionate about living a life of his own design and looking for answers to solutions outside of the legal field. This podcast is his effort to share that passion with others.

Want to connect with Brian?

Follow Brian on Instagram: @thebrianglass
Connect on LinkedIn

Show Notes Transcript

Can your law firm break the million-dollar barrier? Discover actionable strategies to master time management and elevate your firm’s efficiency in this focused solo episode of Life Beyond the Briefs. I’m Brian Glass, and today I’m speaking directly to law firm owners who generate between $300,000 and $1 million in annual revenue. If you’re struggling with juggling marketing, accounting, and case management, this episode is your blueprint for streamlining operations and boosting productivity.

Hit that million-dollar milestone and unlock new opportunities for specialization. Learn how to balance your workload by hiring the right people and focusing on roles you genuinely enjoy. Plus, for those already surpassing the $1 million mark, I’ll outline how your mindset and strategies need to evolve. Don’t miss the chance to transform your law firm and achieve greater focus and efficiency.

Other episodes mentioned:
Small Law: How to Find a Job at a Law Firm that Won't Try to Kill You
How to Set Goals Like an 8 Figure Entrepreneur
How (and When) to Quit Your Job

Interested in the August 1- 2 Great Legal Marketing Boot Camp ?  Tickets are on sale now.  Use promo code LBTB500 to get $500 off.

Brian Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury lawyer. He is passionate about living a life of his own design and looking for answers to solutions outside of the legal field. This podcast is his effort to share that passion with others.

Want to connect with Brian?

Follow Brian on Instagram: @thebrianglass
Connect on LinkedIn

Speaker 0:

Welcome back into another Friday solo episode of Life Beyond the Briefs. I'm your host, brian Glass, and I hope you're doing amazing. Today I have a very special episode for a very niche listener. So this episode is for the owner of a law firm that is doing somewhere between $300,000 and a million dollars in revenue per year. If that's not, you, don't turn this off just yet. I want to redirect you somewhere else. But if you are in owner of a law firm doing between 300,000 and a million dollars per year in revenue, then I have a special offer for you coming at the end of this episode. All right, if that is not you, I don't want to waste your Friday morning with this episode, but I do want you to listen to some other stuff from me. So I'm going to drop into the description of this show links to a couple of other episodes that will hit a couple of other very specific niches.

Speaker 0:

If you're a law student, about a year ago I did an episode called small law how to find a job at a firm that won't try to kill you. This is great for you you are a law student. It is okay for you if you are a recent graduate, but it's got the strategies and the tactics that I would use if I were still in law school to find a job at a great firm in my area for after graduation. If you have graduated and you have a job and you don't like it. I've got an episode again from maybe a little bit over a year ago called how and when to quit your job, and so I'm going to link to that. It's about how to know when you've topped out and all of the things that I would do to make sure that I had a successful exit from the law firm that I were working at and I didn't burn any bridges. Last one If you were doing over a million dollars in revenue as a law firm owner, I've got an episode for you called Goal Setting Like an Eight-Figure Entrepreneur with my friend, aaron West. That did not get enough listens. This is an amazing show diving into the mindset shifts and the mentality shifts that happen between being somebody who has a seven-figure net worth and an eight-figure net worth and you are a different person and you were required to become a different person to be a decamillionaire. Without further ado, I'm going to dive into this very special episode now for owners of law firms doing between $300,000 and a million dollars in revenue. All right, if you're still with me, let me know if this resonates with you.

Speaker 0:

If you're doing between $300,000 and a million dollars in revenue, your primary problem is time. Your primary problem is that you don't have enough time to do all of the things in your law firm because you are still the one who's doing the work. You are still the one who's doing the marketing. You are the entrepreneurial engine behind the firm. You probably are embedded in accounting, you probably are writing the checks, you might be doing your own intakes and you probably, at that level, don't have a great case management software. If you're advanced at that level, you have invested in a great case management software. You have invested in a great intake management software, but most firms at that level have not.

Speaker 0:

And your biggest thing to solve for is not team. It's not actually vision although I talk about vision a lot your biggest problem to solve for is that you don't know how to generate enough leads to be a million dollar law firm. Or you are generating enough leads, but your team and you are not doing a good enough job of closing those leads to be a million dollar law firm. And let me tell you what happens when you cross the mark and you are a million dollar law firm. You can create more time for yourself by hiring more people to do all of the things in your law firm. You get to pick and choose.

Speaker 0:

When you hit the million dollar mark, what do I really like working on and you can hire people to do everything else. Now you still have to work in your law firm. You can't run a million dollar revenue firm, be the quote owner and go to the beach and just expect the checks to come in. You still have to play a role at that level. But the beauty is you get to pick the role that you want to play. You can be the great lawyer and you can hire a marketing director. You could be the great marketer and you can hire a good lawyer. You can hire an intake team. You can hire a CPA and an accountant and a bookkeeper and you can exit yourself from writing everything but your trust checks. You probably still want to hold on to your trust checks and you will find that when you cross this million dollar mark, something magical happens. You can go on vacations with your family without having to take client phone calls you can sit down for dinner with your family or you can go coach your kids sports teams without worrying that an email is going to come in with the big case that you have to respond to within 10 minutes, or they're going to be on to the next person in Google. Because you surround yourself with a team, you are able to free up more time and you are able to create an actual business.

Speaker 0:

Most law firm owners and let me know if this resonates with you, and I do not mean to insult you, but if you were doing between $300,000 and a million dollars in revenue per year you don't have a business. You have a highly paid job Because if you stop working, the business doesn't keep moving. And at a million dollars, you are not there yet where you can stop working and the business keeps moving. But you can take breaks. You can take more breaks than you can between three and a million, all right. So how do we solve this problem?

Speaker 0:

Many people try to solve this problem with more information. You join a group like Great Loom Marketing, you go to a conference, you read a book, you listen to podcasts like mine, you watch videos on YouTube and we think more information. Here's the problem with conferences and books and podcasts, even, and even groups like ours, is that nobody is coming behind you and making sure that you are doing all of the work. This is why mastermind groups are amazing, especially the ones that have continuity, where you are showing up for every three months and explaining that you either have or have not done the thing that you said you were going to do. This is why coaching is amazing, because you're getting on a call every two weeks with somebody that has not only given you the information but is holding you accountable to doing the work. And while conferences are great for getting more information, it is rare to find the conference that is specifically and narrowly tailored to getting you from a six-figure business to a seven-figure business, because you can go to a three-day conference and there are speakers on every single subject. There's SEO, ppc, lsa law, firm management, hiring, firing, training, case management, and you can get a bunch of inspiration and walk out and not know what to do next. So here's the solution that I'm offering if you you are between the 300 and the million dollar mark and you are feeling stuck.

Speaker 0:

Tease this on the last couple of podcast episodes, but August 1st and 2nd, ben and I are hosting a great legal marketing bootcamp in our office in Fairfax, virginia. It's going to be a day and a half long event. We are capping this event at 25 law firms. The only people that we want in the room are people that are doing six figures in revenue. I don't want anybody in the room who's doing seven figures in revenue because they have different problems. And make no mistake, this is not the kind of conference that you're going to go to and there's going to be a great happy hour and party afterwards. I went to AAJ a couple of years ago and not a knock on AAJ, because it's a great conference, but they started serving mimosas at 1030 in the middle of speakers.

Speaker 0:

This is not going to be one of those conferences. You expect to come here and do work and get something out of it. Go home with a battle plan. So here's the structure when you buy your ticket for this bootcamp, we are going to have homework that comes out to you a self assessment of where is your firm, what is your cost per lead, how many leads are you generating? How many leads that you want? Are you closing? Okay? So there's going to be some pre-work to figure out. Exactly where are you before you walk into the room and where do you want to be when you walk out of the room? We're going to spend a day and a half together.

Speaker 0:

The great thing about Great Legal Marketing is we don't sell any services. We're not tied to any web vendors. We are not selling intake. We are not selling SEO management, ppc, lsas. We don't sell any of that stuff. This conference is going to be geared for the bootstrapped law firm that is trying to increase the number of leads and trying to increase the conversion rate of those leads without spending a significant amount more on digital marketing. If you're not spending anything, maybe there's a role for that, but if you're already spending some money, we're going to get you better at where that money is being spent and better at closing the deal for clients that actually come through your pipeline. So here's what we're going to be teaching is the DIY stuff around your Google my Business and better at closing the deal for clients that actually come through your pipeline. So here's what we're going to be teaching is the DIY stuff around your Google my Business, listing how to get that better, how to retarget to people that have come to your website in a low-cost way. Follow them around the internet for the rest of the year and we're going to get your team much, much better at delivering a value proposition that makes clients want to buy from you.

Speaker 0:

If you're looking at your conversion ratio and you either don't know what it is or if it's under 75 or 80%, this is the conference, the bootcamp for you. There will be workshops, there will be individual work, there will be group table work. It's going to be unlike any other big conference you've ever been to, because we're capping this at 25 and because we're going to be able to do that individualized work on your law firm. How often do you go to a conference and walk away blown away by the guy or the girl on the stage who's got an incredible firm and the gulf between where you are and where they are looks extreme? I'm going to put you in the room with 24 other law firm owners who are doing the exact same amount of revenue that you are doing, who have the exact same problems that you have, and we're going to coach you on how do you crest that million dollar mark so that you can have more time.

Speaker 0:

So I'm recording this on June 6th and we're nearly halfway through the year. The year has just flown by and it seems like every year is going faster and faster and faster. And the question on my mind is when you sat down on December 31st 2023, and you said, here's where I'm going to be by December 31st 2024, are you halfway there yet? Because if you're not, why don't we make this the year that changes? So why don't you come and join us on August 1st and 2nd in Fairfax, virginia, in my beautiful training center, with 24 other law firm owners?

Speaker 0:

It is super easy to get here. You can fly into either Dulles or Reagan, get a direct flight from any major airport in the country and then it's like a 25 minute Uber ride from there. I have a Hilton garden in and a Marriott that are basically in the backyard of my office. Super easy to get here. And this is the bootcamp that will change your life. The website to check out is glmbootcampcom, and listeners of this show will get $500 off by using discount code LBTB500, life beyond the briefs LBTB500. I hope to see you in August. Have a great weekend.