Unmasking Greatness

Resilience and Reflection on a Journey Through Mexico

Chris Kakouras Season 2 Episode 8

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Ever felt trapped by your own emotions or frustrated by travel mishaps? Join me on this episode of Unmasking Greatness where I share my recent journey to Mexico. From the vibrant, close-knit community of my wife's small hometown to the unforgettable quinceañera of my niece, this trip was an eye-opener in many ways. I'll take you through the heartfelt celebrations, the cultural richness, and the personal insights I gained about living in the moment and embracing each experience fully.

Switching gears, let's talk about the challenges that came my way after the lively quinceañera. The impact of alcohol on behavior, the trials of flight delays and cancellations—these obstacles tested my patience and resilience. Through it all, I discovered the power of maintaining a positive outlook, even in less-than-ideal circumstances. You'll also hear a thought-provoking quote by Sigmund Freud that led me to a deeper discussion on the importance of expressing our emotions for better emotional health.

But it doesn't stop there. We dive into practical strategies for personal growth, including how to manage emotions effectively, the role of the Reticular Activating System (RAS) in focusing on positive changes, and the significance of balance through meditation and prioritization. Plus, I share exciting news about the "Falling Back into Fitness 30 Day Challenge" and the upcoming Fitness Network Community Meetup in upstate South Carolina. Prepare to walk away with a renewed sense of purpose, actionable insights, and perhaps a little inspiration to tackle your own challenges head-on.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Unmasking Greatness. I'm your host, chris Kikoris, a lifestyle fitness coach and mentor. This podcast is about unmasking your greatest potential, finding your purpose and crafting a life worth living. Health and fitness has been the gateway drug to all of my success. My continuous drive to keep learning and surround myself with other high achievers forces me to level up, which has developed my mind to something I never thought was possible. This podcast is here to share what I've learned and continue to learn with all of you. This is your sign to take back control of your health, mindset and personal environment. Strap in as we are recharged and always find value in the show. Please subscribe and share, as we can all get better together. Let's go. What's up, fam? Hope everybody's having a good day so far.

Speaker 1:

It is Monday and we're about to crush this week. I'm jumping on today, well, to give you guys a couple little updates, to be honest, and then we're going to talk about some emotions. We all got the emotions right, but do they serve you? That's a good question. So I want to kick it off and kind of give you guys a little update of what's going on, what's been going on the last couple of weeks. Obviously, if you guys know, I was out of the country. I was in Mexico for about a week that was about three weeks ago and that was an experience in itself which I'm going to give you guys a little breakdown of how that went. And then also, if you guys don't know, we are starting the Fitness breakdown of how that went. And then also, if you guys don't know, we are starting the Fitness Network Community Meetup. This is in the upstate South Carolina, at Carolina Iron Gym, where CAC Performance has basically put together an event where it's a fitness network where you can come, get together, engage with each other. We had a DJ, we had a really, really good turnout, it was a lot of fun and everybody really enjoyed it. So hopefully we're going to do this once every single month and everybody is welcome. If you want to just come and hang out, cool, Just come and hang out, it doesn't cost you anything. And then, if you want to work out, the owner of the gym has actually cut the day pass in half for you guys. So it's half off to work out for the day and the cool part is me and the team will be there. So if you have questions about fitness in general form. We're there to help you, okay, so keep up with me on social media Facebook, instagram. I'm going to start dropping the dates that's coming up for September and I hope to see you there Now.

Speaker 1:

Mexico I haven't been to Mexico since 2016. And this is where my wife's hometown is. Her whole family is from here and it's a very small town. So let me, let me paint a picture of what I say when I say small. Okay, so, first off, it's in the mountains. Okay, a little bit more in the valley.

Speaker 1:

But when I say small, I mean to a point where there is no street lights. I don't think I saw a police officer anywhere. At any point, kids are going up and down the streets on, you know, four wheelers and those like ATVs and stuff like that. I'm talking like 15, 16 year old kids, you know, driving down these little little alleyways and you know it's just a very interesting feel, but the town is so small and everybody's family is from there, so it's, it's safe, you know, and that's why these kids are driving around their, their uncles, their cousins and everybody's like right up the street. So it's a very tight niche community and it's it's quite interesting because a lot of the people that live there. They're business owners. Most of them are restaurant owners, so the homes that they live in are quite nice I think that's an understatement. Some of them are almost like compounds. They're massive and they've put a lot of like, I guess their money over there because they want to go every single year and that's where their family's from and so typically, like every summer, all the kids go.

Speaker 1:

So the reason we went was because my sister in law has a daughter that was having a quinceanera, and so that's a big deal in the Hispanics and I've been to multiple ones. They are they are not your little Chuck E Cheese birthday party. This thing is a full blown, almost like a wedding. Um, it is. I pray every day. I was like thank God I had a boy, cause I don't have to do that. Um, so, but you know, here's the deal. You know, um, we wanted to go, we wanted to support, to obviously be a part of that. That's a big time. So that's what happened. We ended up going and a lot of things happened. A lot of reflection happened for myself, because I did my best not to work very much out there. You know, whenever people were sleeping or downtime, I might try to slide in a little bit, because that's my nature, but I did my best to just kind of live in the moment and there's a lot of really cool takeaways that I took from it.

Speaker 1:

Obviously, I'm just going to kind of go from start to finish, I'm going to kind of fast track some stuff, but when we ended up getting our flights there this is the first time in my entire life I have flown first class. Okay, I've never in my entire life, 37 years old, have ever flown first class, and this was the first one. Now let me let me say this, not to be like, ooh me, first class. I am someone that will pinch a dollar when I feel like I need to. So I tried every different airport, every different flight time. I was trying to micromanage every dollar because I had to get three tickets me, my wife and my son and I was going to do just your economy class. Well, with economy, you have to get your ticket, okay, and then you have to pay per seat, you have to pay for luggage, and you do that there and back and for each connecting flight, and so I put that math together and then I ended up just doing first class and everything is included, on top of being, you know, in the front of the airport I mean, I'm sorry, in front of the airplane and there's more leg room, more space, and it was literally like an extra hundred dollars, an extra hundred dollars from what I was originally going to spend now. So I say that to tell you guys, heads up, do your research, don't just be buying anything because potentially that could work out. I don't think that works every single time, but it did for this time and I got that experience and I am spoiled now because I don't ever want to be back near the bathroom in the back of the plane again. So, anyways, I'm sure my wife is going to love hearing that, oh, first class every time. So that was just like a cool experience. And, you know, my son gets to experience that too.

Speaker 1:

So, you know, going into Mexico, we get there and it's a very just like, almost like get away from life, relaxed, chill, there's tons of family there. And I have a confession for you guys. I have a confession I don't want to say. I'm not embarrassed to say this. That's why I'm telling you guys I'm not a drinker, I don't drink, I just haven't. It's just a personal choice and full transparency. I broke that with myself.

Speaker 1:

I went there and you know, little, maybe a little peer pressure, a little excitement Everybody's like Chris is in Mexico, you got to take a shot, you got to take a shot of tequila and I'm like, yeah, what's one shot? What's one shot, it's cool, like we're in tequila. I mean, we're in Mexico, let's, you know, let's get in the vibes and, you know, enjoy this whole experience. Took a shot and then I took another shot later and it was, it was pretty big. I felt horrible. I felt like complete trash. Um, I did not feel good, did not increase my experience.

Speaker 1:

And later that evening we, me and my wife, went to go have some dinner and even she says she's like Chris, you look like crap. And I was like I feel like it. And that was like my pinnacle moment where I was like you know what Chris like, you don't need alcohol to enjoy yourself. You don't need alcohol to, you know, increase the experience. You don't need some substance to make things better for you. Because when I'm sober to make things better for you, because when I'm sober I enjoy my life, I talk, I engage, I have fun, and so that was it for me I drew that line in the sand officially when I was in Mexico that drinking is not going to be a part of my life anymore.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not judging other people If you want to drink, you can drink. I think you should do it responsibly. You know, from a health standpoint there is no benefits. It is toxic for the body. But again, you know, I get it's very cultural, even in my side of the. You know my side of the family. You know, with Greeks they drink and you know cool. But it's my choice, my body, and I'm going to do what I want.

Speaker 1:

So I just decided I don't want to drink anymore and that was it. I was done and I knew, in two days from that time, we had the quinceanera. Keep in mind, I've been to other quinceaneras before and you do not go home until almost the sun comes up. I had to prepare myself to stay awake for all night and who knows when I was going to get home and everybody's going to be drinking the majority of everybody, let me say that. So I just had to tell myself hey, you know, I gotta. You know, keep the good vibes, engage, have fun, dance, whatever. And so what I did prior to even going to Mexico.

Speaker 1:

I ordered and this is not a uh, I'm not promoting this, by no means. I mean I'm not sponsored by them or anything but it is just like something extra you can keep in your back pocket. There's something called neuro gum and it is a gum with a little bit of caffeine. Each tablet has about a cup I think it's a half a cup of coffee, I'm sorry. One tablet has a half a cup of coffee. That's maybe 40 milligrams of caffeine and theanine to help with cognitive function. So I basically was taking those at night. I probably had like three of them at night and one. My breath was fresh because it tastes like mint, but two. It helped me, you know, stay awake and stay engaged for the time being.

Speaker 1:

And if you've ever gone to a party and you don't drink, it's pretty cool. It's fun to be able to have fun and not have to take alcohol to have fun. And I say that in a sense, if you need a substance to increase your mood, to get you to actually communicate with other human beings, get you into any sort of escape from your reality, this is something that you need to address. I'm telling you right now is something that you need to sit with and you need to figure out why you keep going to this substance to escape. If you need alcohol to wind down at night, why you should not. Okay, again, I'm not saying don't celebrate, don't have a beer with a friend, don't have a cocktail, but I'm talking if you are going the extent, if you are going well beyond a little tipsy, this is an issue for you and I think that's something you need to address or at some point, maybe even get therapy, and there's nothing wrong with therapy.

Speaker 1:

I've talked about this in the quince big party, like a wedding, people are drinking and as the night gets later and later, you really start to see things start to unfold. You really start to see what happens when people drink too much. It's too late and I have permanently decided that there's nothing good that comes past two o'clock and that's probably why, in America, a lot of places shut things down at two because they know that nothing good comes from longer than that. And that's what it became. It just became a little bit not everybody, obviously, but there were certain individuals that got a little messy, a little sloppy. Certain words get said, things that they don't mean, because they're not in the right state of mind and then the sober people become a little bit more like babysitters for adults, right, okay, so I'll say that to say I love everybody and this is not me talking down on anybody, because it was an amazing time, an incredible quince. I have nothing negative to say about it all because there was nothing negative about it, but I will touch on the fact that alcohol can change the way that you think and the way that you act and then how you react, because you will have to wake up from the consequential things that you have been saying the prior night before. Ok, so I didn't get home till about 6 am. That was a scary sign, ok, so, anyways, we got to see a lot of cool things, really really great time.

Speaker 1:

And then, you know, the flight back was. The flight there was, you know, very easy, smooth, no layovers, no cancellations. The flight back was we ended up flying back into Houston, houston, texas, and our flight ended up getting delayed, delayed, and then it got canceled. So they had to put us in a hotel and that was, you know, I mean, it was a long day got canceled, so they had to put us in a hotel, and that was. You know, I mean, it was a long day to begin with, but we got put in and then our next flight wasn't until the following night. Uh, and I was. We were supposed to fly back on Saturday delay. We're supposed to come back Sunday night. I mean, if, if we got back on time, it was supposed to be at like almost midnight on Sunday.

Speaker 1:

I have calls booked Monday, tuesday, like I prepared to be back in time, and you know, with having a late flight Sunday, there was a chance that potentially something could happen. And guess what? We get to the airport Flight's delayed, delayed again. And now we're all questioning are we going to get stuck here again? And I told my wife you know most people would get really, really frustrated with this sort of thing and was it tired a little bit? Yeah, but I told her I was like you know what I was like if this flight gets canceled, okay, I'm telling you right now we're just going to hang out in Houston for another three days. Matter of fact, there was a big gym 10 minutes away from us, alpha Land. If you guys work out, you guys know that there's an influencer gym, christian Guzman owns that and I was like I'm going to go there, I'll film some content, I'll still take my calls, I'll work.

Speaker 1:

So I really took a negative and turned it into something that was very positive and I was very grateful to be in a position that I was in. I was in a position one one, you know I could afford to stay out there for a couple of days, but I was going to make that airline pay for that. But even if they didn't, I would be able to stay out there and still be able to work because I have my computer, I have everything that I need. I could take my calls, you know, and then come back. So you know, I always try to take the good out of something I mean we can't control. You know what's going on in the air with the pilots and all that. So, luckily, eventually the plane comes in and then there's no stewardess. So that was another big scare. We're like, oh my gosh, we've got a plane, we got a pilot, we have no stewardess to be able to help run this plane. So they rushed some people in. So eventually we did get on the plane and we ended up getting home close to I don't know one, two in the morning. So it was. It was a rough, rough, long day, but, um, again, it's just all perspective.

Speaker 1:

Which is what I want to talk to you guys about today is emotions. Okay, and I want to start with a quote, and this is by Sigmund Freud. He says unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways, and I want you to really like think about that, what I just said. Okay, unexpressed emotions will never die.

Speaker 1:

Things that you avoid, things that you bury, things that you sweep under the rug, they didn't go away. They are collectively accumulating underneath that rug and at some point it's going to be an inconvenience in your living room because that rug is going to look like a mountain and it's just going to be sticking out like a sore thumb, you know, and when you pull that rug out, all of that's going to be there. So, instead of that one little thing you should have addressed, you should have threw away. It's accumulated to a bunch of things. So now when you reveal it, it becomes a mass of storm that you don't even know what to do with anymore. You need to have, like, an overhaul cleaning company come in to like clear your slate, aka probably a therapist, all right.

Speaker 1:

So you know, we all have our emotional states, we all have our emotional homes, you know, quote unquote. And sometimes that emotional home doesn't serve us, and this is why I think it's important to be very aware of what those emotions are and be very intentional with how you handle those emotions right. So, for example, there's no positive or negative emotion. An emotion just is right. And so, if an emotion is just an emotion, how we react to it is what gives it the power. An emotion, how we react to it is what gives it the power. So think about this, think about the emotion.

Speaker 1:

Stress, right, stress is a warning signal from the brain to get the body to, you know, protect itself. Right, and I'm not going to get into the whole like stress and hormones and all that kind of thing, but let's just, let's put this into like practical terms. We all get stressed, okay, stressed about kids, stressed about our wives, husbands, our work. There's something that stresses us. Now, if something stresses us, it makes us feel uncomfortable, may give some anxiety, make it hard to sleep, but the question is how do you address the stress? How do you address the stress is going to determine how your life is going to look moving forward.

Speaker 1:

So utilizing stress and sitting with it and help acknowledge what the stress is is going to help you be a little more intentional on how to navigate, because you can sit with the stress and stay still and not do anything about it and nothing changes. Or you can look into it and be intentional and say why am I stressed? What's causing the stress? How can I navigate this stress? And now it is that little key piece to nudge you in a different direction. Right, so maybe it's stress at work. Okay, you're stressed at work. You don't like your job, you don't like your boss, you don't like your pay. All of this things are going to cause stress. Okay, we addressed it. We know why we're stressed.

Speaker 1:

Now, can we control this outcome? Can we control, you know, our boss? Do we like them? Can we control our hours, our pay? You know, can we control these things? Okay, if not, then are you okay staying there and staying in this emotional home that does not serve you? Or are you being proactive and saying you know what I got to make money? I got to pay my bills, but I don't want to stay here. Pay my bills, but I don't want to stay here. So I'm going to be proactive and start looking elsewhere to figure out what do I need to do. Do I need to be going on job sites? Do I need to be going on interviews? Do I need to be starting my own business, like, what is that for you and what is going to serve you in your life? Because those that are joyful, blissful, in harmony, those are successful people. Those are people that have figured out the Rubik's cube, but those that are just in emotional chaos and they keep returning back to that because that's where they feel comfortable. This is a really horrible place to be in and the brain goes back and looks for the things that you're comfortable and that's top of mind. So there's something called the RAS, the reticular activating system, and good example is and I'm sure you guys have heard this in the past too If you are looking to buy a car, right, you want to go buy a car.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you want a Tahoe, an Escalade or whatever you want, right, that car. You're like man, I want that car, I really like it. It's got all the features, you know everything and you go buy this car. The minute you buy the car and you get on the road, what happens? You see that car everywhere. It's like everybody and their mama just bought the same car the same time you did. And is that true? No, it's not true. They've always been there, but it hasn't been something you've been looking for.

Speaker 1:

So when you start to continue to look for negativity, when you continuously look for all the bad in every circumstance, when you continue to look for the arguments, the confrontations, what do you think is going to get attracted to you? The confrontations, what do you think is going to get attracted to you? You find what you're looking for, and I say that to say if you want to have a better outcome, you want to have better conversations, you want to be healthier, you want a better job, you have to look for it. You have to be proactive, to start going after the things that you want, and the more you invest into that lane, the more things are going to start to unfold in front of you. Things are just going to pop up. You're going to get a random text. You're going to get a random email that's going to offer you an opportunity, because you're looking for it, and I want you to be very intentional with how you're feeling, because it's time that you take back control of your emotions.

Speaker 1:

So there's a couple ways that you can do this. All right, the first one meditation. Now, I know this is very woo woo meditation and I think a lot of people think you, you're sitting on the floor feet crossed. You know, hands with the like circle signs up here, you know humming and moaning. Sure, maybe some people meditate that way, but there's a lot of ways of meditation. It doesn't have to be so. Traditional Meditating means that you could be journaling, you could be going for a walk, you know, just with yourself, though, so not listening to anything, just listening to the birds, the wind, the trees, you know, and just sit with your thoughts.

Speaker 1:

And here's the cool thing it's hard for people. Most people don't want to sit with their own feelings, they don't want to sit with the pain. But remember what I said you got to figure out where that pain is coming from to be able to navigate around it. That very thing that you're avoiding is the thing that's going to set you free. Go into that place, wherever that is. Is it scary? Yes. Is it going to give you anxiety? Yes, right, because anxiety is going to come from the unknown. You don't know what the outcome is going to be, but I can promise you it more than likely will be better than what you are right now. So lean into that. So, whatever way you want to quote, unquote, meditate whatever makes you feel comfortable, do that. Start little, you know, maybe it's just two minutes, three minutes. There's apps that help you do this, with different sounds. You know things to help you just kind of sit with your feelings. I promise it's going to help slow the brain down, sit with the emotions and you get to choose how you want to feel in that moment. You get to choose, okay.

Speaker 1:

The second one is finding balance. Okay, now you guys know me. Is finding balance? Okay, now you guys know me. I think there's more of a integration process to this, but with the term balance, I would say for sure you need to look overall at your life and start prioritizing what's important to you. Now, this is different for everybody because some people have families, some don't, some are single, some are traveling all the time, some people are starting a career. You know the circumstance is very different, but you need to prioritize that and your priorities will change over time. You know as your life evolves and you have different seasons in your life you can shift, but in this moment now, what is important to you?

Speaker 1:

So for myself, I have, obviously. I have my family, I have my business. I have, you know, I have my friends. I have things that I need to be putting in place. I can't just pick one over the other, all right, because if I do one's going to, I'm going to continue to feed that one beast while the other ones are starving. I'm starving, so when I want to go back, there's nothing there. We call that the paradox of progress. So you need to find a way to evolve that and I'll give you a good example again with myself, when I have these things kind of put in place. I had struggled with this for a long time and it's something I still work towards managing and making time for everything that I need to do. You know, especially you know having my own business, having other obligations, wanting to go to my kids' school events, going to family events, like I have to sometimes pick and choose what is a priority at that given time, but overall I need to have things put in place.

Speaker 1:

So my daily routine, okay, this is every day I wake up 5.30. I eat my breakfast at 6. I wake up my son at 7. We get him in the car, I take him to school at 7.45. I go straight to the gym at 8. I'm there for an hour or so. I'm back home. I eat by 9.30, 10,.

Speaker 1:

I need to be working and from that point forward I work. I work until 6 pm and I cut it off, I turn my computer off, I turn the lights off and I get out of my room and I try to do my best to go have dinner with the family or go sit and watch TV with my son or hang out with him or something of that sort. But that's a Monday through Friday thing. And then the weekends I typically try to spend doing something with them and sometimes I have events, right, I have things I have to do. I have bodybuilding shows I have to attend, but on a normal basis, like I have this routine and this is what makes me feel like it's balanced, but it's integration. It is a way for me to be able to do everything that I need to do at a hundred percent capacity and not trying to do everything and give a lower percentage and try to do it all at once.

Speaker 1:

Right, I can't be in here, working, doing this podcast, playing with my kid trying to eat lunch, all at the same time. You understand, you have to have things that are just delegated to that very moment, and this is where organization comes into big play. Everybody says they don't have time. You do have time, but you're not managing it, you're not looking at it, you're avoiding it. Right, you need to sit down and look at that schedule and craft it the way that you want. And you know what.

Speaker 1:

We're running a 30-day challenge that starts in September, falling back into fitness. That's the plug. Go to my Instagram page. There's a link in the bio and we're doing 15, 20 minute strategy calls with everyone that signs up, because we're going to customize your nutrition plan, your workouts. We want to make sure that you have the most success in 30 days.

Speaker 1:

The number one question and topic we talk about is how do I structure this to be successful? It's not the nutrition, I mean, that's important. It's not so much the workouts. It's when am I going to eat? That's important. It's not so much the workouts, it's when am I going to eat right? When am I going to get to the gym? What time, what day, where? Like these baseline fundamental questions are what people need help with. If you can nail that, everything else becomes very smooth and the more organized and structured you are, the easier life is going to be. So you got to find that rhythm.

Speaker 1:

Third, identify your triggers. Okay, what's triggering you to feel certain ways? And you need to be able to control what you can control and manage what you can't Okay. So, again, if there's certain things that are triggering you that you can control, you need to handle that. You need to take action to change that. Whether it's emotional cues for you to snack on food that you're not supposed to, maybe it's emotional cues that you're very distracted, so your phone is laying on the desk and you constantly pick it up when you should be working. You need to move those items somewhere else where it won't distract you. That's something you can control. Something you cannot control is what other people say, and you cannot control what the news is going to tell you. You cannot control what the political you know government is saying or the presidential you know campaigns are saying. I know a lot of people get really worked up about that stuff, but you can't change it, not at this given moment, that's for sure. So my thing is every day, in the moment, you need to control what you can control. And again, that comes back with being very intentional with the emotions that you're feeling and understanding why you're feeling the way that you're feeling.

Speaker 1:

Lastly, I'll say execution, execution. Those negative emotions that do not serve you. You need to start making a conscious decision and a conscious effort to change direction or understand the cause. Okay, so, whatever those things are that are giving you those negative outcomes, you need to handle that and you need to handle it asap before again, remember, you don't want to collect these things under that rug and then, by the time you rip that rug open, you can't even handle what's going on under there. You need to handle it now. And if, if you got that big you know that big uh lump in the living room under the rug, you better slowly start chipping away at that.

Speaker 1:

And if you don't know where to start, this is where I'm going to recommend that you need to search and look and ask for some help. Help, whether it's a fitness coach, maybe it's a health therapist, mental health therapist, maybe it's, you know, whatever, whoever can help you get you the outcome that you want and help you navigate to unclutter the mess that you kept sweeping under the rug. That's what you need, all right. So, again, emotions need to be handled in a manner that's going to serve you. Create that emotional home that you want to live in every single day. Create that emotional home that you would want to welcome your family into. Because if you are an emotional wreck, if you have a very toxic emotional home, how do you think you're going to be able to serve others your significant other, your kids, your other family members? You can't. Not at a high level. I'll say that, not at a high level and not at a level I promise you want to be at. So do your best to sit with those emotions and handle that. Okay, look for the help. If you need a direction to go in, shoot me a message. I'm sure I can find someone for you to like navigate to. But again, don't put that off. Handle it All right. So I hope you guys have a good Monday.

Speaker 1:

Again, keep up with me on my social media, on Instagram, on Tik TOK, tik TOK. Now is going to be the place where I'm going to be taking clips from our Unmasking Greatness episode and uploading them there Just random clips until I get the YouTube up where we'll start recording the whole episode for you guys to watch or listen to there, because that was requested. So we are going to do that. I'm just tapping into the YouTube space now, so bear with me. Anybody that's listening that's already in there and you want to help me out, feel free to shoot me a message too. I do have an account already set up, it's just I have. It was from a long time ago, so I don't know if I need to start a new one or I can just utilize that one again.

Speaker 1:

All right, so if anybody's interested in the fitness falling back into sorry, falling back into fitness 30 day challenge challenge, I'll leave a link at the bottom of this bio as well. Go ahead and enter. The cutoff is august 29th, so go ahead and jump in. Last time I did a challenge I cut that. I closed the doors two days early because we had too many entries. So if you are on the fence, I would just go ahead and just commit and just do it. Okay, all right, awesome. Hope you guys have a good rest of the week. I will see you on the next episode, peace.