Heal Your Codependency with Marshall Burtcher

3 Priorities For Satisfaction If You're Codependent

Marshall Burtcher

3 Priorities For Satisfaction If You're Codependent

Do you often feel:

 - Empty, frustrated, or used?
 - Wonder why your life is not fulfilling or satisfied?
 - Feel lost as to what you want, value, or even need in your life?

Codependency has us prioritizing others emotionally, physically, mentally, and even financially or intimately.  

This happens through acts of people-pleasing, perfectionism, avoiding conflict, and even trying to fix their problems for them.

We are confusing someone else's world as our own, creating disconnection, depletion, and frustration in our experience.

Your satisfaction, fulfillment, peace, or contentment depends on alignment - alignment with people, places, things, and purposes that naturally contribute to and nourish you.  

This kind of alignment requires that you choose yourself - repeatedly.  

Choosing yourself means you are prioritizing things that matter to you over that of other people's demands, approvals, disagreements, and expectations.

This is where you start feeling more fulfillment, clarity, trust in yourself, and you start to experience life in *your* way.


Get more tools, trainings, and access to opportunities to work with Marshall by joining The Heal Your Codependency Community: https://join.freetheself.com

LIVE CLASS NOTICE: The Next FOUNDATION Live Series starts April 21st, 2024! 50 Person Limit! End codependency by creating emotional safety, aligning with real self-worth, and building warm belonging.  Join here: https://foundation.freetheself.com

The EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM is OPEN!  30 seats are available this year!  Get every course I've created, am creating, and will create for a one-time investment.  This is ideal for those of you that want to work with me long term.  Learn more here: https://forever.freetheself.com

Frustrated with a lack of results from therapy or self-help? Join my free trainings, The 3 Simple Shifts That Unlock Real Healing, Peace, And Freedom Where Therapy & Self-help Have Failed Workshop and break through today: https://workshop.freetheself.com