Heal Your Codependency with Marshall Burtcher

Why You Struggle To Really, Actually Love Yourself

Marshall Burtcher

Why You Struggle To Really, Actually Love Yourself

When you're rewarded with praise, attention, or affection for doing something, your body will see performance and love as the same thing.

When you're presence is met with warmth, praise, attention, or affection on a consistent basis, your body will see your existence and love as the same thing. 

You deserve to know the second form of love.

Learn what is really going on and your first step in really, actually loving yourself in today's episode:


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WORKSHOP:  Actually Love Yourself Workshop.  Learn what is preventing you from really loving yourself, learn what to do that quickly gets you the *experience* and feeling of loving yourself, and practice this live with Marshall. This happens May 25, 2024 at 10am-2pm Mountain Time.  Unlimited access to the replay is included.  Investment: $49.00.  Join here: https://aly.freetheself.com

The EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM is OPEN!  30 seats are available this year!  Get every course I've created, am creating, and will create for a one-time investment.  This is ideal for those of you that want to work with me long term.  Learn more here: https://forever.freetheself.com