Heal Your Codependency with Marshall Burtcher

The Three Phases Of Exiting Codependency: Creation Phase - Where you create a life you enjoy

Marshall Burtcher

Creation Phase is where you arrive with the ability to determine what kind of experiences you want to have, and then using your personal power, intuition, and skills, go out and receive those experiences.

This all depends on knowing what you *actually* want, not what you think you want (which is often a product of trauma controling things rather than a genuine alignment within ourselves).

This phase is all about understanding, creating, and following the alignments that lead you to outcomes are what you want.

Learn how I make that happen in todays episode!


Are you seeking guidance in navigating your journey through the three phases of thriving beyond codependency (survival, healing, and creation)?  Join below to start today.

Start your work here: https://join.freetheself.com


TRANSFORMATION: Get what you want through alignment with your real identity, power, and purposes in your life.  Learn how do this in TRANSFORMATION.  Enrollment opens up throughout the year.
Get details here: https://transformation.freetheself.com


FOUNDATION: To exit the survival phase of codependency and enter real healing and creation, you must develop emotional safety, social belonging, and independent self worth. I call these the Three Necessities, and they are what causes your body to start advocating instead of functioning from codependency.  You cannot have peace, freedom, healthy relationships with these solidly in place.

FOUNDATION guides you step-by-step in creating real emotional safety, belonging, and self-worth over 15 weeks.  If you're ready to be done with the pain, shame, and chaos codependency brings to your life, start here.  

Enrollment is open for the June 30, 2024 Live class start.  Get details and your seat here: https://foundation.freetheself.com